The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio

Summary: The Foolish Adventure Show, hosted by Tim Conley, has been listened to by millions of people around the world and helped many of them start and succeed in business. Even though the show has ended, it is still helping thousands each week to gain control of their Time, Income and Mobility. Enjoy all 4 Foolish seasons of the show.

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 FA100 - How To Thrive On Change In Your Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:23

AKA THE REUNION EPISODE GIVE A WARM, “WHA’SUP, IZZY?” IN THE COMMENTS! Izzy comes back on the show to let us know what’s up with him and to talk about dealing with change. No, thriving on change. Check out the episode. Have a few laughs with a couple old friends and change right along with us. Tim and Izzy   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA099 - Are You Setting Transformational Goals? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:55

Are your goals materialistic? Achievement driven? Or are they transformational? In today’s episode, guest co-host Lain Ehmann and I have a chat about setting and evaluating goals. We’re just over a third of the way through 2012 and it’s a great time to see if we are on track to achieve our goals. BUT… Contrarian that I am, I switch things up a bit on Lain as she lists some goals she has and asks advice on meeting those goals. Listen in. I think you’ll see goal setting in a whole new light. Tim “Anti-goal Guru” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA098 - Are You Self-Employed Or Are You Launching A Startup? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:51

HOW YOUR MINDSET & WORDS YOU USE TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF CAN EFFECT YOUR SUCCESS Dan Andrews, of Lifestyle Business Podcast fame, and I have a chat about Startup Success since I’m flying out to the Philippines soon to help him put on the first TropicalMBA Startup Class.  This episode is, as with most episodes I do with Dan, is a philosophical conversation about the mindset it takes to 1) want to start a business and 2) to actually do it. Most people are stuck at the first stage and seldom get to the second stage of starting up. Dan and I attempt to figure out what makes a startup tick and how the people who run them succeed.  Listen in and get a success mindset adjustment. Tim “Quick Start” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA097 - How To Acquire The Right Clients: Make $5000 to $10,000 A Month Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND… Johan Woods has returned to the Foolish Adventure Show to ask, “How in hell do I get more clients for my marketing consulting business?” In this episode, Johan dives right for the core of building a business — any business. If a business doesn’t get customers it isn’t a business. For Johan, it’s a matter of paying the bills. Rent has to get paid. Food has to end up in the fridge. Johan and I dive deep into the topic of getting clients especially positioning yourself before you even set out to get your first client. We go into the psychology of small business owners, targeting specific businesses, how to sift, sort and screen businesses to get the right clients and much more. I know that marketing consulting isn’t the main focus of the Foolish Adventure Show, but the first episode that Johan and I did together got a lot of people to email us asking a ton more questions. There’s just no way we could cover all that needs to be covered and I know a lot of listeners won’t be interested in learning how to do what I do for a living. So, Johan and I have created a new course that covers how to start and grow a consulting business called Rain Maker Model: Reverse Engineered Acquisition. Get it today. Tim “Marketing Mentor” Conley Didn’t hear the first episode on Marketing Consulting, then go here to check it out: Make $5000 To $10,000 a Month as a Marketing Consultant Part 1  SIX FIGURES IN 12 MONTHS OR LESS… IGNITE YOUR CONSULTING BUSINESS WITH MY CLIENT ACQUISITION BLUEPRINT.  

 FA096 - How To Quit Your Job and Double Your Income In 6 Months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:59

There’s a myth about making a living online that says you can’t make money online unless you’re selling how to make money online.  Here’s the third in my series of Foolish Adventure Show listeners who make a living from the Internet and don’t do it in the “How To Make Money” world. Inside this episode, you’ll meet Denver Riddle (yes, that’s his real name) of Color Grading Central, who started listening to the Show in the very beginning. After listening for a few months, Denver had the confidence to start his own Internet-based business. But here’s the key and I want to really stress this because I don’t think it got highlighted enough in the episode: Denver started a business in something he was already experienced in and had a strong interest in. This is foundational to the Foolish Philosophy of building a business online.  We’re not trying to find some untapped niche that we don’t know anything about and hopefully make money from like most “guurs” teach about niche businesses. Here at Foolish HQ, we want you to start where you already have skills and a desire. This may not (and probably won’t) be the business you have five years from now, but it will help you build the necessary skills to succeed. But… Denver’s story is inspiring because his success came from focusing on something he was already doing. He didn’t have to go through a giant learning curve to learn new skills and then also learn the needs of his market. He had the skills and he was a part of the market he was going to sell to. There are a ton more lessons packed into this episode — it really is a framework for designing and growing a digital products business rapidly. So listen in to here how Denver did it. Tim   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA095 - The Selling Mindset That Leads To Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:16

ARE THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD MAKING YOU FAIL OR SUCCEED? There’s a cultural script that says selling is bad. Being called a used car salesman is an insult. This script has made a resurgence online. A lot of the blogging community (bloggers who blog about blogging) are giving anti-sales advice, which really translates into anti-business advice, which is very detrimental to building a successful business. In this episode, my guest Craig Ernst and I have a conversation about selling mindset and how it greatly affects your business and your life. We talk about the conversations we humans have in our own heads that make us afraid of rejection and failure. But the good news is that if we change the words we say to ourselves — if we have a positive conversation with the voices in our heads, we can turn failure talk into success talk. Jump into this episode and listen in as Craig and I discuss the successful sales mindset. Tim “Glengarry” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA094 - How To Make Six Figures Without Being An Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:41

FROM EARNING DOLLARS PER HOUR TO SUCCESSFUL INFOPRODUCTS BUSINESS Your daring host of the Foolish Adventure Show, Tim Conley (hey, that’s me) comes face to face with a… curmudgeon! Dun dun DUN (inside joke, like it’s inside the episode) Today’s guest, Carl Olson of DigitalFilm.TV is a Foolish Adventure Show listener from the very early days of the show and was also one of the Charter members of the Foolish University.  What makes this a great episode is that Carl used to disagree with some of the things I would say. So, I would give my patented response, “Test it.” Well, Carl did and has done extremely well as he moved from work-for-hire projects to creating a successful six figure plus infoproduct business in under a year. Check out how Carl made the transition by partnering up with an expert to form Reets.TV. Tim “Test It” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:  

 FA093 - Make $2000 A Month In A Small Niche With Ebooks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:11

How does someone make a living in a niche that most people have never heard of? Laura-Jane the Rawtarian makes $2000 a month in a niche inside a niche that’s inside another niche.  Have you heard of being a rawtarian? It’s a subset of veganism, which is a subset of vegetarianism. I had heard of it since I’m a vegetarian, but I’ve never tried to go “raw.” Well, Laura-Jane has built an audience in this niche and is now making $2000 a month doing what she loves. How cool is that? Well listen in and find out. Tim “Fooltarian” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA092 - How To Get Automated Newsletter Income With Matt Paulson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:06

YOUR AUDIENCE + NEWSLETTER = AUTOMATED INCOME This is as close to getting passive income as I’ve seen from someone actively running his own business. Oh, I’m not changing my position on earning passive income.  This is a case of Leveraged Income, but boy howdy, it sure is leveraged. In this episode, you’ll meet Matt Paulson (one smart dude) who created a premium newsletter that he promotes on his financial news sites. His audience signs up for the newsletter and he gets $10 to $15 per month. Software does all the rest. No writing “epic” content. Or “connecting” on social media. Just delivering a quality product to their inbox each day — automatically. Hopefully, I got your interest piqued. This episode should get you thinking on how you’re going to create a premium newsletter for your audience and maybe even make it completely automated. Also, Matt wrote a supplemental post on his site so you can get more information on setting up your own automated newsletter. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim “Semi-Automated” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA091 - Jobless to Internet Success with Gideon Shalwick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:21

What do you do when you immigrate to a new country, but can’t get a job? You start an online business, of course! In this episode, guest Internet entrepreneur, Gideon Shalwick of shares his story about being jobless in Australia and his struggle to make a living online. Within a couple of years, Gideon became a very successful Internet marketer and a known expert in Youtube marketing. Oh, and this isn’t an episode all about how Gideon did it, he also gives some killer advice on doing super successful joint ventures (JVs) and how to get started with video marketing and build an audience rapidly. We go into more than just “make money online” products. Gideon shares how he built a successful online business in the magic niche starting from scratch — no list and no contacts. You can follow a similar path in your niche to rapidly reach your goals. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA090 - How To Get More Freedom From The Money You Make In Your Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:04

TIME TO GET FOOLISH WITH YOUR FINANCES Foolish Adventure Show listener and (now) contributor, Tom Wachowski of joins me in this episode to talk about your money and what to do with it to gain more freedom in your life. Tom and I talk about the cultural script of “spending equals success” and how to overcome societal pressures to live the life that’s truly important to you.  You’ll learn about finding your BIG WHY for financial freedom.  What you won’t find in this episode is stock tips or specific investments for you to put your money into. No, this episode is about your Money Mindset and Money Methodologies. I do spend some time sharing how I investment my money — hint: it’s about control. If money and the keeping of money is important to you, then dive right into this episode. Tim “Stash the Cash” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:

 FA089 - Customers Are Always Right Except When They’re Not | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:22

HOW FAR DO YOU GO TO PROVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE? In this episode, guest co-host, Lain Ehmann, asks, “Is the customer always right?” As business owners we have to walk a tight-rope between serving our customers and serving ourselves. There are some altruistic sentiments floating around that says if you serve your customers completely then you’ll prosper as a business owner. I don’t think this is true. You shouldn’t leave a job to gain your freedom from one boss only to enslave yourself to thousands of other bosses in the form of customers. But… We still have to give great customer service. What does that even mean?  How can we have a life and still serve our customers?  When is the customer right and when is the customer wrong? Lain and I go into these questions and more so have a listen. And enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:  

 FA088 - Up, Down And Across: The Art Of Selling More To Your Customers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:34

This episode, with co-host, Dan Andrews of Lifestyle Business Podcast, is all about making you a lot of profit really fast. Dan and I cover Upselling, Downselling and Cross-selling in your business whether you’re selling digital or physical products.  Adding these sales techniques to your shopping cart and customer communications will dramatically increase the size of your average transaction which in turn grows your net profit. Inside this episode, you’ll get:  the definitions of Up, Down and Cross selling where to use these techniques how to use them and Dan throws in a bonus tactic that will increase your sales even more. Listen in as we teach you how to do these sales techniques in your business. Enjoy your Foolish Selling, Tim “Willy Loman” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:  

 FA087 - Social Triggers: Converting An Audience Into Customers With Derek Halpern | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:22

What if you created a Social Trigger that made it look like you were everywhere your potential audience was, created compelling copy with the help of other site owners and drove thousands upon thousands of visitors to your site in just a few short months? Meet Derek Halpern who blasted onto the blogging business scene last year and is now seen as one of the premier expert on the psychology of conversion. Derek and I discuss how to replicate his strategy for success in any market and super-simple ways to get people to convert from being some random visitor to a member of your audience.  We also go into making money from your traffic and the conversion psychology behind it. This is a quick, high-energy conversation that you may need to play a couple of times so you don’t miss anything.   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:  

 FA086 - How To Make $500, $1000 Or Even $25,000 A Month With Adsense Sites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:13

THIS IS A CAN’T MISS EPISODE! Justin and Joe have become a major tourist attraction online because they have done something many, including myself, thought impossible — they actually make a lot of money from Adsense Sites. Like to the tune of over $44,000 in January! These two guys have legitimately built a business around Adsense sites that can be replicated by you if you’re willing to put in the work. You don’t have to completely do what the Adsense Flippers have done you can just build a small group of Adsense sites to bring in $500 or $1000 a month. Listen in to the show to hear how they do it. I think you’ll be blown away just as much as I was. Enjoy your Foolish Flipping, Tim “No Sense” Conley   Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business New Training: How To Scale Your Business If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp:


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