The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio

Summary: The Foolish Adventure Show, hosted by Tim Conley, has been listened to by millions of people around the world and helped many of them start and succeed in business. Even though the show has ended, it is still helping thousands each week to gain control of their Time, Income and Mobility. Enjoy all 4 Foolish seasons of the show.

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 FA054 - Turning Expertise Into An Internet Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2606

Check out my latest articles and podcast at CAREER EXPERTISE PLUS PASSION CREATES A GROWING INFO-PRODUCT BUSINESS Izzy and Tim interview Foolish Adventure member, Jules Watkins of iPhone Video Heroand about his Internet business.  You’ll get an inside look at a growing online-based information product business. Jules’ story may sound familiar — it may sound much like your own, where he was tired of using his knowledge, time and energy to build wealth for others and not creating any long-term assets for himself. The industry Jules is in can be taxing where a team of film professionals come together for short-term projects and then need to go looking for the next job. The film industry means a lot of travel and long hours with little time left for family let alone building a business. But, Jules has been able to get a business off the ground and has growing sales. Listen to this candid interview where Jules shares the trials and tribulations of creating an Internet business and… Hear the joys of the first sale, and then the next and the next. Learn how creative promotion ideas drove sales, especially with the Royal Wedding celebrations in the UK. This is both an inspiring tale and instructional story of a family man turning his expertise into a business. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 FA052 - Produce More Profits With Product Progression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2335

Check out my latest articles and podcast: THE PRODUCT LADDER, OR AS “THEY” SAY… THE GOOD ‘OL FASHIONED BACKEND In corporate speak, it’s called the Product Line or even Brand Extension — no matter what you call it, the best thing you can do for your business is have more products available to sell to your customers. Getting customers is hard work — really hard and expensive work. So why would you, after all the work and expense, not offer your customers something else that they would need, desire and find valuable? This episode is all about the Product Ladder and helping your customers to ascend it.  Huge profits await you when you get them to the top.

 FA053 - Repurposing Content To Increase Your Product Line | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1688

Check out my latest articles and podcast: How To Build A Backend To Your Business Last week we introduced the Product Ladder so that you could build a backend for your online business. You may be thinking, “How the heck am I going to create a bunch of information products?” That’s what this episode is all about — taking the content you create, whether written, audio or video and turning it into more products. We cover webinars, teleseminars, virtual events and so much more that will give you a bunch of content in a short period of time that you can “slice and dice” to create all new products. You’ll become inspired by all the ways you can create great content quickly — even if you’re not an expert. Listen to the show and then go create some products. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 FA051 - The Art Of Time, Income And Mobility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2971

DISCOVER THE IMPORTANCE OF T.I.M. Once you master the art of TIM… Your life will be your own.  You will have the freedom to do what you want, when you want and where you want. TIM & THE INTERNET LIFESTYLE Developing systems so you can control your Time, Income and Mobility (TIM) is the key to having what people perceive as the Internet Lifestyle — you know, lounging on the beach running your business from a laptop with just four hours a week of work. This episode is a philosophical discussion and less a How-To.  The reason?  Most of the problems that prevent us from gaining control of our Time, Income and Mobility come from our cultural upbringing. We, Izzy and Tim, promote developing an Internet-based info-product business because this kind of business inherently lends itself to TIM principles.  Once you develop the systems, technological and human, for your online business, you will have control over your Time, Income and Mobility. And when you have control of TIM, you have control over your life — that equals real freedom. Enjoy your Foolish Time, Income and Mobility, Tim and Izzy  

 FA050 - Knowing What Levers to Pull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1897

I’m not embarrassed by what I’m about to tell you. It happens to everyone at some point… My numbers went down in April. In particular, I’m talking about two important statistics for one of my websites. “New Visitors” decreased, and “New Email Subscribers” decreased. When I first got started in online business, this kind of thing worried me. I would start to panic thinking that things were going to trend downwards, and my business would eventually fail. But not anymore. These days I know exactly what to do. That’s what we’re talking about on this week’s show… Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been running a business online for years, I think you’ll find this episode helpful.

 FA049 - Is Your Online Business Healthy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2204

DO YOU KNOW THE VITAL SIGNS OF YOUR BUSINESS? Knowing if your business is healthy comes down to tracking and not guessing. Over the years I’ve asked my clients some very basic business questions and only a handful knew the answers. Questions like: What’s the Lifetime Value of a Customer (LVC)? What’s your Average Cost Per Acquisition (or new customer)? What’s your monthly break even point or annual break even? Of course, there are a lot more questions to ask of a business. There really is a lot to know when running a business. So a great way to know if your business is healthy is to set up a Business Dashboard (or Instrument Panel). First off, Izzy and I aren’t going to recommend any software that can manage your business dashboard since we don’t know your specific needs. And if you are a really small business you are probably going to be doing it the old fashioned way–manually. This was a much bigger topic than we expected when we recorded so I left out a few specifics on what you should be tracking. This is only a partial list, but a good place to start. (In no particular order) Cost Per Conversion (CPC): not to be confused with cost per click, cost per conversion is a very important number. If you spend $10 and you get 10 conversions (optin, sale or other conversion), then your CPC is $1/conversion.If you are building an email list, then you want to get optins as your conversion. You want CPC to be low enough to make a profit not just cheap. The idea is to maximize conversions, but balanced with profitability. Cost Per Sale: this goes along with CPC above, but is specifically tracking how much a sale costs the company. This may even be an average between new and existing customers. EBITDA: pronounced ib it duh is your Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. What a mouthful. This is your profit–Revenue minus Expenses before you pay the tax man and interest on loans or getting the phantom expense of depreciation and amortization. Your actual Net Profit is revenue minus expenses including EBITDA. Lifetime Value of a Customer: this is a very important number. It helps keep you focused on retaining customers instead of focusing only on getting new ones. When you understand just how valuable a customer can be to your business, you’ll go out of your way to keep them. I really wish I could go even more into the idea of a Business Dashboard so hopefully Izzy and I will create in-depth training on this topic. Listen to the show and get an understanding of how a Business Dashboard can let you know if your business is healthy and how to optimize its health. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy  

 FA048 - Freedom Changes Everything And It’s Online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2788

FREEDOM CHANGES EVERYTHING… FROM THE DECISIONS YOU CAN MAKE WITH YOUR LIFE TO THE IMPACT YOU CAN MAKE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS. This episode gets us back to our roots–freedom through entrepreneurship. Freedom is probably the number one reason people get into business for themselves.  They want choices that aren’t available to them by working for someone else. This may be a choice on how they spend their time or what they do to earn their money or where they earn an income. Some people may be like Tim and just have a problem with authority.  Authorities are telling you what you can and can’t do.  Most of the time they are wrong, and the times they are right they are usually only part right. We started Foolish Adventure to help others stand up to the Status Quo and the conformity that surrounds them.  When the majority thinks you are foolish for wanting to be free (really free) it can be difficult to take action on your dreams.  We, Izzy and Tim, believe we are in a period in history where anyone who wants control over their income can get control online. Why the focus on income?  When you have control of your income–how, when, where and why you make it, you gain access to a new world.  This new world has been around for a long time, but it was harder to access before the commercialization of the Internet. This new world is freer than the old world.  When you can earn an income 24 hours a day, every day no matter where you live or what you’re doing, it gives you choices…and more choice equals more freedom. If freedom is important to you–not the freedom to be comfortable, which we already have in wealthy nations, but real freedom to make your way in the world–to launch into your Foolish Adventure, then this conversation is one you’ll enjoy listening to and participating in. Let us know what freedom means to you in the comments. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 FA047 - Busting 5 Internet Business Myths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1232

BELIEVING IN MYTHS CAN PREVENT SUCCESS FROM BECOMING A REALITY You may not have seen these myths in your classical mythology course in college, but they are some of the most famous ones in business today. In this episode, our Herculean heros step up to bust 5 of the most pervasive myths that are holding many business owners back from success. Sometimes building, growing and managing a business feels like the 12 impossible labors of Hercules.  But we persist.  What can make business even more difficult is when we believe in myths that seem so true, but in reality just slow our progress. Jump inside this episode to learn what these myths are and how to break free of them.   You may just discover the path to the golden fleece called success. Enjoy your Foolish Odyssey, Tim and Izzy [edit] Bonus 6th Myth Busted! Having been sick during the recording of this episode I completely forgot one of the biggest myths–“It Takes Money To Make Money.” Many people use this excuse to not even try.  They don’t even calculate what the real cost to turn their idea into a business.  I’ve started a business with $0.  I went out and found a client.  Then I used that money to get biz cards and pay for web hosting and other essentials needed to promote my business. With an online business, you can get started without owning a computer, without paying for a website or really an expense at all.  This is a tough way to start, though, but it can be done. Use a library computer or a friends.  Start a tumblr or blog and get on Twitter & Facebook.  Start building a small audience and connecting with others in your niche.  Find a cool affiliate product and promote it to your small audience.  Invest the money from sales into a website of your own. Repeat over and over.  Keep reinvesting the money coming until it covers all the business expenses and starts generating a profit.  ~ t

 FA046 - The Power of Online Advertising | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1577

SHOULD YOU USE ADVERTISING TO GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS? There are a lot of people online, experts of sorts, who spout phrases like, ‘Attention is worthless so don’t buy people’s attention.’  What they are saying is spending money on advertising (any paid activity that gets someone’s attention) is worthless. If you see someone online bad-mouthing advertising you should put it into context; either they have never used advertising or they have never used advertising successfully.  There is a third type–the social media guru who is advertising his/her product on how you only need social media to promote your business, in other words a hypocrite. Advertising works especially online advertising.  It will take a lot of testing to get an advertising method to work for your product, but it will work if you have a good product. Listen in to the show to learn why online advertising has the potential to double, triple or quadruple the size of your business. Enjoy your Foolish Advertising, Tim and Izzy  

 FA045 - Sell! Sell! Sell! 7 Steps To Selling Like A Pro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1873

IZZY’S SEVEN STEPS TO SELLING LIKE A PRO…PLUS TONS OF ONLINE BUSINESS SALES TIPS Where the rubber meets the road… Sales. You know, that evil thing capitalists do. We’ve been known to say the only thing it takes to be in business is to make a sale. Without selling a business is just a hobby or more accurately on its way to extinction. Inside this episode you’ll learn tips, tricks and techniques for selling–both selling online and offline. Selling offline or at least marketing offline will become a larger percentage of most online businesses in the near future so you might as well learn to do it now. After this episode you won’t shy away from asking for the sale.  

 FA044 - Use Your Passion, Don’t Sell It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1292

Our tangent-driven heros — one carrying a deadly illness (the sniffles) — bring you another exciting episode of The Foolish Adventure Show! Tim and Izzy share harrowing tales of people without passion, online business mayhem, and monsters that only eat the ambidextrous.  Okay, that last one is made up. I’m still sick from when this show was recorded so I’m making this process of posting the show more fun, well…at least for me. This one tries to answer what to do when you aren’t that passionate about anything or you don’t want to sell what you are passionate about.  Say you love golfing, but you don’t want to make a business out of it.  All you want to do is go golf eight days a week. What if you could harness what makes you good at something and use that to make a living online? Well, listen to the show and find out! Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim “I has a cold” Conley  

 FA043 - Lifestyle Business Design Roundtable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3356

HOW TO DESIGN YOUR BUSINESS TO SUPPORT YOUR LIFESTYLE This episode brings to you a couple of really smart and successful online entrepreneurs, Dan & Ian of You’re about to get great information and inspiration from guys who sell–wait for it…real physical products!  Who knew that people still bought stuff you can touch. Here at Foolish Adventure, we live off ones and zeros, but not only is it possible to sell physical products – you can even build a successful business. What’s best about this episode is partnership.  The roundtable was meant to be physical vs. digital products, but turned more into discussing lifestyle and business building strategies, especially the power of great partnerships. There is also discussion of an idea that Tim thinks is pure genius.  Let’s see who takes credit for it. We all had so much fun and we felt there was so much more we could cover together we decided to do a part two soon. Check out Dan & Ian’s podcast over at Lifestyle Business Podcast and listen to Episode #57 because it goes really well with this roundtable discussion. Then go over to TropicalMBA for some lifestyle and business inspiration. Next follow @AnythingIan and @TropicalMBA on Twitter. Finally, enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim & Izzy  

 FA042 - Foolish Guide To Being Decisive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2218

MAKING DECISIONS BUILDS CONFIDENCE AND CONFIDENCE LEADS TO SUCCESS Join in on our conversation about Decision Making and Confidence.  We talk about the pitfalls of indecision, waiting on others to make decisions for you and the problems with certainty. Of course, we don’t just talk about the problems, but also the way we go about building our confidence through decisions plus action. Decisions without actions are as ineffective as making no decision and letting the world happen to you.  Once you make a decision, even a little one, take an immediate action that furthers your decision. We all need to exercise our decision-making ‘muscles’ and the more we do, the more confident we become.  We’ll soon be able to make big decisions quickly and confidently. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 fa041_vvy.mp3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2571

THE FREE CONTENT VS PAID CONTENT DEBATE This debate has gone on for a long time–basically since the Internet went mainstream.  A new version of this debate has popped up recently because several high(er) profile bloggers have started email newsletters that…OMG…you have to pay for. Recently, a guy I read, Adam Baker of ManVsDebt, started a pay-for blog.  I paid just to check it out.  It’s called  Baker (that’s what he goes by) charges $25 a month for people to read this blog.  (This site went live after Izzy and I recorded this) This is the “purest” form of the Future of Blogging Is Paid Access I’ve seen.  Most of the recent converts to getting paid for what they create have been using, which we have mentioned before. CONTENT CREATORS GETTING PAID TO CREATE Izzy and I started Foolish Adventure as a free audio show and have promised that as long as we produce the show it will remain free.  We also said in the beginning that we would develop a way to earn money from it.  Six months later we created a Pay For Access site called Foolish University.  It is also a Pay For Content site since members get premium content from us as well as direct access to us in the Forum. We’ve been preaching the Paid For Content/Access since the beginning, but it is good to see other Content Creators waking up to this idea. READ THIS FOR CONTEXT Article mentioned in the show: In Over Your Head: The Future of Blogging Is Paid Access Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 FA040 - How To Create A Breakthrough In Your Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3101

For Episode 40, we wanted a big topic to celebrate so we are hitting you with business breakthroughs. Inside you’ll learn: what a breakthrough is and how to create one how to shift your mentality to make creating breakthroughs easier how not to fall victim to the “what ifs” where to get ideas for breakthroughs and real world examples of breakthroughs Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Izzy and Tim


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