FA044 - Use Your Passion, Don’t Sell It

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>Our tangent-driven heros — one carrying a deadly illness (the sniffles) — bring you another exciting episode of <strong><em>The Foolish Adventure Show! </em></strong>Tim and Izzy share harrowing tales of people without passion, online business mayhem, and monsters that only eat the ambidextrous.  Okay, that last one is made up.</p> <p>I’m still sick from when this show was recorded so I’m making this process of posting the show more fun, well…at least for me.</p> <p>This one tries to answer what to do when you aren’t that passionate about anything or you don’t want to sell what you are passionate about.  Say you love golfing, but you don’t want to make a business out of it.  All you want to do is go golf eight days a week.</p> <p>What if you could harness what makes you good at something and use that to make a living online?</p> <p>Well, listen to the show and find out!</p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure,</p> <p>Tim “I has a cold” Conley</p> <p> </p>