FA048 - Freedom Changes Everything And It’s Online

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h4>FREEDOM CHANGES EVERYTHING…</h4> <h5>FROM THE DECISIONS YOU CAN MAKE WITH YOUR LIFE TO THE IMPACT YOU CAN MAKE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS.</h5> <p>This episode gets us back to our roots–freedom through entrepreneurship.</p> <p>Freedom is probably the number one reason people get into business for themselves.  They want choices that aren’t available to them by working for someone else.</p> <p>This may be a choice on how they spend their time or what they do to earn their money or where they earn an income.</p> <p>Some people may be like Tim and just have a problem with authority.  Authorities are telling you what you can and can’t do.  Most of the time they are wrong, and the times they are right they are usually only part right.</p> <p>We started Foolish Adventure to help others stand up to the Status Quo and the conformity that surrounds them.  When the majority thinks you are foolish for wanting to be free (really free) it can be difficult to take action on your dreams.  We, Izzy and Tim, believe we are in a period in history where anyone who wants control over their income can get control online.</p> <p>Why the focus on income?  When you have control of your income–how, when, where and why you make it, you gain access to a new world.  This new world has been around for a long time, but it was harder to access before the commercialization of the Internet.</p> <p>This new world is freer than the old world.  When you can earn an income 24 hours a day, every day no matter where you live or what you’re doing, it gives you choices…and more choice equals more freedom.</p> <p>If freedom is important to you–not the freedom to be comfortable, which we already have in wealthy nations, but real freedom to make your way in the world–to launch into your Foolish Adventure, then this conversation is one you’ll enjoy listening to and participating in.</p> <p>Let us know what freedom means to you in the comments.</p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure,</p> <p>Tim and Izzy</p>