
The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h3>THE FREE CONTENT VS PAID CONTENT DEBATE</h3> <p>This debate has gone on for a long time–basically since the Internet went mainstream.  A new version of this debate has popped up recently because several high(er) profile bloggers have started email newsletters that…OMG…you have to pay for.</p> <p>Recently, a guy I read, Adam Baker of ManVsDeb<a href="http://manvsdebt.com/" target="_blank">t</a>, started a pay-for blog.  I paid just to check it out.  It’s called ShutUpAndHustle.com.  Baker (that’s what he goes by) charges $25 a month for people to read this blog.  (This site went live after Izzy and I recorded this)</p> <p>This is the “purest” form of the <strong>Future of Blogging Is Paid Access</strong> I’ve seen.  Most of the recent converts to getting paid for what they create have been using Letter.ly, which we have mentioned before.</p> <h4>CONTENT CREATORS GETTING PAID TO CREATE</h4> <p>Izzy and I started <strong>Foolish Adventure</strong> as a free audio show and have promised that as long as we produce the show it will remain free.  We also said in the beginning that we would develop a way to earn money from it.  Six months later we created a <strong>Pay For Access</strong> site called <a href="http://timconley.co/FA/" target="_blank">Foolish University</a>.  It is also a <strong>Pay For Content</strong> site since members get premium content from us as well as direct access to us in the Forum.</p> <p>We’ve been preaching the Paid For Content/Access since the beginning, but it is good to see other <strong>Content Creators</strong> waking up to this idea.</p> <h4>READ THIS FOR CONTEXT</h4> <p>Article mentioned in the show: <a href="http://inoveryourhead.net/the-future-of-blogs-is-paid-access/" target="_blank">In Over Your Head: The Future of Blogging Is Paid Access</a></p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure,</p> <p>Tim and Izzy</p>