FA030 - Buying Websites To Build Your Online Business

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>We have created a new format for our regular episodes.  We’ve added a Mail segment, which we answer questions or talk about a topic brought up in our voicemail line, email or in comments both on the site and on Facebook.  Also we added Picks of the Week where we each name something we like and tell you why it is useful, cool or whatever.</p> <p>In today’s episode, we talk about growth through acquisition.</p> <p>There are many reasons to buy an existing website such as:</p> <ul> <li>instant access to targeted traffic,</li> <li>increasing your search rankings,</li> <li>diversifying your income and/or products</li> <li>and entering new markets.</li> </ul> <p>You might just be a purchase away from achieving your business goals.  Listen in to find out how.</p> <p> </p>