FA027 - From Hobby To Industry Content Site: Mark Robertson of ReelSEO Interview

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>In this interview episode, Izzy and Tim interview Mark Robertson of ReelSEO.com.  Mark was working in search engine optimization, but decided to learn about the emerging video SEO industry.  He took his blog from a personal interest to an industry-leading content site in just 2 years.</p> <p>You will definitely learn a lot about creating and growing in your niche and get some tips to optimize your site and videos.</p> <p>A couple things mentioned in the interview:</p> <p>TubeMogul: Distribute videos to multiple video hosting sites.</p> <p>Yoast: A leader in Search Engine Optimization and WordPress plugins</p> <p>This one is a great interview though we had skype audio difficulties.</p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure!</p> <p> </p>