FA034 - How To REALLY Get Things Done

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h3>OVERCOMING RESISTANCE TO GETTING THINGS DONE</h3> <p>Sparked by an email from a listener, Izzy and Tim dive into overcoming the internal resistance many feel when trying to start and continue a project. Sometimes starting a business is like trying to get in shape. Getting to the gym the first time may be a struggle and may take coaxing yourself for several months before you go.</p> <p>Then each day you need to get yourself to take another action towards your improving your health. A business is built much the same way. Sometimes you don’t want to work on your business especially after a long day at work, but staying focused on that future goal of one day being the captain of your own destiny can get you through.</p> <p>Listen in to get advice and encouragement on really getting things done.</p>