Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Its Shocking How Theyre All Shocked | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Boy was this a shocking week With shocking revelations about government scandals and everyone was just shocked at how shocking it really was The real issue is whether or not anything will ever be done as Washington bureaucracies circle the wagons John's boralogue kicks off the show with a survey of the emerging scandals and additional questions that now need to be asked especially about Obamacare and other agendas John begins by reviewing the three rules of bureaucracies What is the connection between the Benghazi massacre and the Boston marathon bombings Didn't think there was one Well that's the problem

 The President Said Silly Words | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

We're approaching summertime when we focus more on perspective pieces rather than the news chasing that goes on during the winter President Obama delivered the commencement address at Ohio State University last weekend but the speech tended to be a lesson in malformed civics which needs serious correction John's boralogue dissects the numerous errors and contradictions in President's speech using sound clips from the event Then Roger Pilon from the Cato Institute www cato org joins John for a discussion of the distortion of American civics that has taken place in academia and how this needs to be corrected The

 Classic vs. Progressive Liberalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Greetings Steelings Busy show today John's boralogue keys on last week's interview with former Lt Gen Jerry Boykin ret from the Family Research Council www frc org by pursuing this week's announcement that the Pentagon was going to court martial members of the armed forces who proselytize which caused quite a row among Christian groups This came in the wake of Army training materials claiming that Evangelicals and Catholics represent a terror threat Then Elizabeth Kendal rlprayerbulletin blogspot com joins us from Melbourne Australia to report on the extensive human trafficking network extending from the Sudan through Egypt to the

 Blurring the Boundaries Hate Speech to Terrorist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Media coverage of the Boston bombing has served as a stellar example of the template test where their reporting methodology before during and after shifted to match ideology rather than honestly reporting the obvious John's extended boralogue analyzes the history of this progression There's a relationship being forged between hate speech or hate organizations and the potential for terrorism As it plays out the logic will goes if you're not politically correct you're an extremist guilty of hate thereby mentally unbalanced thereby not entitled to bear arms home school healthcare etc It's at developing stages right now but forming rapidly

 Naming the Blame Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

In the wake of this week's terrorist bombing at the Boston Marathon the mainline media lost no time in speculating about the probability of a white right-wing bomber being responsible John's boralogue explains how the hate-speech terrorist blame game works and expands this to show how the entire hate-speech methodology distorts issues in the public square We'll continue this thought flow with Ben Johnson from Life Site News www lifesitenews com detailing the media's failure to cover the abortion murder trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell until it was shamed into doing it by the alternative media This include a history

 Blood Moons and Mental Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:05

Surprise There's actually no connection between blood moons and mental health but it does make for a catchy title and we'll give coverage of both topics here on the program John's boralogue compares speeches made by Vice President Joseph Biden this week and Britain's now-deceased Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher two decades ago emphasizing how they are indicative of the new economic order appearing on the global horizon Then we'll change program focus by speculating about the four blood moons scheduled for and actually total lunar eclipses which take place on the Jewish feasts of Passover and Tabernacles This coincidence won't

 Whats Up with Kim Jong-Whats His Name? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

There so much in process worldwide John devotes an extended boralogue to a summary of the geopolitical events underway Then we'll examine the latest North Korean threat just more sabre-rattling in a protracted ongoing series of such challenges or is it indicative of a fundamental change in the North Korean leadership F Michael Maloof www wndbooks com is a former senior security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and author of A Nation Forsaken How often have you heard secularists claim more wars were fought in the name of religion than for any other reason An

 Same Sex Marriage and the Cascade of Lost Battles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Happy Easter weekend everyone Christ is Risen John's boralogue begins the show with a demonstration of the shift in cultural values from Christianity to secularist norms resulting in a series of failing culture war battles of which the same-sex marriage debate is just one skirmish Then we'll summarize the Supreme Court's Defense of Marriage hearings with an interview featuring Sherif Girgis co-author of What is Marriage Man and Woman a Defense Bill Powers of www powersenergyinvestor com joins the show next to examine the worldwide energy situation Although energy prices are pushing upwards the onrushing energy crisis seems to have

 John Loeffler with Tom Read on It Seems to Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:55

Steel on Steel for 03/26/2013

 The Cyprus Crisis and Global Currencies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

John's boralogue starts the program with a summary of the Cyprus banking crisis as it affects the euro and the dollar Then we flow directly into a discussion with Forbes Magazine contributor Tim Worstall in Portugal about the confidence crisis which the Cyprus banking situation has caused in Europe including the flagrant breach of contract law If nothing else this heavy-handed move has unleashed jitters in Europe and is causing a flight into the dollar which is ironic in that just a few years ago we were told the euro was going replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency

 Anti-Antisemitism in Europe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

John's boralogue unites a comparison of the Petrus Romanus papal prophecy the election of Pope Francis a history of the Catholic church in Latin America and the basis for long-standing Antisemitism in Europe Then we flow directly from that into a discussion with Giulio Meotti at Il Foglio www giuliomeotti com in Italy about multiple transitions under way in Europe from multiculturalism to Antisemitism It's important follow up global causes championed by the media Typically the media and governments that promote them look away when their pet causes go sour After apartheid was abolished in South Africa the media refused

 The Vatican and Israel A Change in Relations? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's boralogue details the spreading series of troubling incidents of violent anti-semitism in Europe Then with a speculation circus surrounding the upcoming papal elections in Rome traditionally an historic waste of time one critical issue surrounding this election is the relationship between Israel and the Vatican as well as between Catholics and Jews in general Are we in for an improvement or deterioration of same Dr Eugene Fischer Ph D is a professor of Catholic-Jewish studies at St Leo's College and formerly Associate Director of the U S Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs Recently the Canadian Supreme

 What Were We Thinking? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

This week marked the th anniversary of the Reichstag fire in Germany in which allowed Hitler to become a dictator using a supposed crisis in government to suspend civil rights John's boralogue begins the show by comparing the Reichstag fire's political dynamics with this week's contrived crisis of sequestration and an observation that bad laws are still bad laws even when enacted for a good purpose Why is it Christian parents insist on having their kids educated by an institution which was established on hostility to their religious beliefs Strange phenomenon but it seems to a major contributor to the

 The Road Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 75:34

This weekend John is speaking at a conference in Newport Beach California on combined religious and political trends which will affect us for the next five years We hope to air that speech in an upcoming broadcast For this weekend we're airing a speech John gave in Tempe Arizona in entitled The Road Back Part This premier recording analyzes the trail of thought in academia and politics that brought us to the point where the country is divided and confronted with a series of challenges which it seems incapable of solving There is a road back and Christians need to

 It Isnt All in Your Levis....uh Genes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Pope Benedict XVI surprised the world this week by announcing his resignation effective the end of February This catapults us into a subject we covered with Tom Horn in June of last year the St Malachy papal prophecies which predict that this next pope will be the last John's boralogue examines the philosophy and theology of Pope Benedict and his comprehension of the dangers of relativism when dealing with religious issues At the same time he points out things Catholics need to consider when talking with non-Catholics about theological issues This thread continues with Chris Putnam www logosapologia org co-author


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