Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Double Your Standards Double Your Fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 124:55

A kerfuffle erupted this week involving President Trump Sweden and the media In this week's boralogue John looks at the media double standard in how they treat Republicans versus Democrats as well as how political correctness has kept what's really happening in Sweden from being reported One culture is refusing to assimilate into another and as a result crime has increased This is a fact no matter who says it If your speech goes against politically correct mantras in Sweden you could be charged with hate speech that is unless you are an imam Writer journalist and activist Judith Bergman

 Hands Off My Assets! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 127:48

President Trump recently met with sheriffs from around the country to discuss among other things civil asset forfeiture In this week's boralogue John shows why the President's decision to endorse forfeiture is wrong looking at its history from good idea to money-grabbing corruption Upholding the Constitution must return to policing How does newly appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions link to civil asset forfeiture Prominent forfeiture attorney Brenda Grantland www brendagrantland com points out that despite the increase of thousands of cases each year made possible by Sessions' proposals in the Senate drugs and crime have not decreased A whistle-blower has

 Will the Real Fascist Please Stand Up? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:11

President Trump's inaugural speech was labeled dark and his recent executive order on immigration is considered by many as unconstitutional In this week's boralogue John looks back at FDR's 'dark times' speech and Bill Clinton's speech advocating for tighter immigration and stronger borders Was there a constitutional crisis then No Is there a crisis now No It's all hyperbolic rhetoric Those who frame the debate and control definitions control the information Thomas Lifson www americanthinker com Editor and Founder of American Thinker discusses Google's attempt to influence the masses by redefining 'fascism' as a right wing movement as well as

 Postmodernism Circling the Drain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:06

Can fake news alternative facts and postmodern relative truths all exist simultaneously Of course not In this week's boralogue John shows that postmodernists for years have denied absolute truth but are now proclaiming the reality of alternative facts and fake news Alternative facts could be flagged as lies but if truth is relative who gets to determine what's true It's a rickety narrative that threatens to torpedo the postmodernist ideal Why are we seeing postmodern thought take such a hit following Brexit and Trump's election as President David Ernst www thefederalist com Board Member of the Robertson Foundation for Government

 Break the Narrative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 105:08

A half century ago liberals espoused many ideals that today are found among conservatives In this week's boralogue John shows how socialist progressives have successfully infiltrated the Democrat Party allowing in part American values to shift far to the left Their narrative is falling apart and in order to break it liberals of old and conservatives of today need to speak out while there's still time Politically correct narratives still run rampant on college campuses stifling free speech and discouraging dissent Robert Oscar Lopez www cogwatchpodcast blogspot com Humanities Professor at Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary describes his time at Cal

 Patching Things Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 131:19

A feeling of unease swept through the economic forum in Davos Switzerland this week populism is on the rise In this week's boralogue John shows how the middle class is burdened from Keynesian economics how we got to this point and President Trump's daunting task to try and patch things up Brexit the Italian referendum and the Trump election are big indicators at how the world feels The elites in Davos though continue to be surprised After a second boralogue on now-former president Obama's failing Middle East policies John welcomes back Bill Koenig www watch org Head of World Watch

 Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:45

Middle East peace talks begin this weekend in Paris while neither Israel nor any Palestinian group has been invited In this week's boralogue John looks at the history of the term Palestinian who actually occupied the West Bank and Gaza before and the most likely outcome of the talks a plan for a two-state solution How will this affect the area's future A bill was recently signed into law that would establish a government office to disseminate U S foreign policy and to combat fake news In other words we may soon have an official Ministry of Truth We welcome

 Information Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 119:45

Happy New Year We begin with a look at the fake news phenomenon In this week's boralogue John points out the hypocrisy of those who believe in relative truth but are outraged by fake news and shows how Martin Luther the Renaissance and the last years have led to better access and control of information Dutch politician Geert Wilders was recently found guilty of violating his country's hate speech laws William Watkins www independent org Research Fellow at the Independence Institute shows that hate speech laws are purposefully vague and references the Alien and Sedition Acts of to show that

 New Year Turning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

The year is coming to a close and has seen a major shift in geopolitics In this week's boralogue John shows that we are entering a fourth turning crisis and explains how this can happen either democratically or via a strongman Both options have their pros and cons New Year's is a time of renewal and change How will that happen Stay tuned Who is Vladimir Putin and how did he come to power David Satter www hudson org Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute examines the history of Russia's president and what U S -Russia relations may look like

 Fiscal Cliff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Merry Christmas everyone We put aside a crazy tumultuous year and celebrate Christmas in this week's boralogue John shows that even though there's little hope in the things of this world and forces align to keep us divided we do have hope in Christ Things of the earth have no eternal value our true value is found in Jesus So when we come together this Christmas with family and friends let's love each other and engage in civil conversation We have predicted that the U S is headed off of a fiscal cliff in the very near future but what

 Divided | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:31

As we near the end of we ask what was the most significant event of the year In this week's boralogue John looks at how the free flow of information on social media and the internet has broken the mainstream politically correct narrative Media outlets that have controlled the information in the past are now being ignored as their bias is laid bare The fourth turning paradigm shift is upon us Darwinism has evolved over the past few decades and has pitted science against religion Dr Charles Ware www crossroads edu President of Crossroads Bible College shows that evolution demeans

 Fighting Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:41

Fidel Castro's death has brought about many opinions on his leadership in Cuba In this week's boralogue John dissects the reaction by progressive elites like Canada's Justin Trudeau who praise Castro's governance and shows the truth behind socialism by looking at what actually happened in Cuba under El Comandante Socialism is dangerous and has never succeeded in history but it has somehow grown in popularity recently Mike Shotwell www mikeshotwell com author of the new book Immersed in Red gives us an insider's perspective from his time growing up in a Marxist household He discusses the realities of socialism and

 Infiltration Campaign | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 133:59

How have those on the Left dealt with the fallout from the presidential election In this week's boralogue John looks at the different stages of our current political paradigm shift and shows that the reelection of Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader proves that democrats are committed to using old solutions to new problems Power elites and the media are out of touch with mainstream America and if they choose to continue dividing us we must ignore them and bridge the gap ourselves Islamic ideologies continue to prosper in the West nowhere more prominent than on college campuses Stephen Schwartz

 Control the Information | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

What have we learned about the media following the presidential election In this week's boralogue John looks at the evolution of media throughout the past few decades and shows why we still have divisions in this country a half century after Martin Luther King Jr called for an end to them The rules of division set by the media and the elites have been broken and we don't have to play by those rules anymore We can unite How dangerous is ICANN and its hold over the Internet Patrick Wood www technocracy news Publisher of Technocracy News rejoins the program

 My Paradigms Broken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 149:40

Happy soon-to-be Thanksgiving everyone In this week's boralogue John shows that we should be thankful because we are blessed in America compared with many other nations When elections and issues and fighting erupt we should step back respect one another listen to each other and if rights collide find a way to leave each other be We live in a free society and freedom means you are free to do what your conscience dictates Why is there such an outrage following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Dr Steve Turley www turleytalks com Fine Arts


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