Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Controlled Environment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:58

What is truth In this week's boralogue Johns examines church members who are claiming to be Christians but don't believe in Christ and atheist ministers who still want to lead their church congregations Why be part of a belief system you don't believe in There is such a thing as absolute truth even for those who claim there isn't If you believe in truth it makes a demand upon you that you live according to that truth But politicians and many in the church today adhere to a politically correct version of reality that stands in opposition to actual truth

 Have We Learned? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 124:50

When a tragedy happens it's best to get at the truth behind it and work to prevent a re occurrence In this week's boralogue John ties together numerous stories from the past few decades and shows that to get at that truth you need to ask the hard questions Time and again answers and effective solutions are thwarted by the politically correct mantra of the day We must learn from history or we are doomed to repeat it This week marks the th anniversary of the September attacks and we remember the victims and the heroes who died that awful

 Reversal of Realities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:58

Will our freedoms erode on the altar of political correctness How does Donald Trump fit into all of this In this week's boralogue John examines stories from Denver to Quebec to Washington state of progressive elites quashing freedom of speech For a half century these same liberals advocated for the very freedoms they look to silence now Americans are tired of it and Donald Trump good candidate or not has expressed this sentiment It's balderdash and we're not going to tolerate it anymore Christians are persecuted daily around the world and we are finding it is up to us as

 Globalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:58

Calls for a global government have been public and often for nearly a century This week John recalls the history of globalism from its roots in the NEA to calls for worldwide political unification from the United Nations From the beginning the goal has been to indoctrinate students to think as global citizens and to steer them away from the values of their parents and their churches As we hurtle headlong toward a new world order many of those multicultural students are leading the charge a The UN summit for the adoption of sustainable development policies will be held in

 Terror Tunnels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:57

We tell you every week that the mainline media and the herd are running in the wrong direction When it comes to virtually every aspect of society in this country so is our government In this week's boralogue John shows the need for reform in the economy government law constitutional rights education taxes and border security Societies go through cycles and a time comes when reform is needed We either reform and move on or dictators step in and take over Can we reform before our economy collapses or terrorists strike our cities How realistic is an ISIS terror attack

 Dropping the Bomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 124:22

Virtually all government agencies are bogged down with a myriad of regulations and reform is needed In this week's boralogue John points out that despite dumping mining waste chemicals into Colorado's Animas River the EPA continues their quest to control all water in the United States regardless of homeowners' property rights Accountability is needed demonization of average citizens should cease and justice should be administered fairly American citizens should not be looked at as the enemy Our rights are slowly eroding away and when they vanish it will be quite some time before we get them back We continue our

 Government is the Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:24

Persecution of Christians comes from many areas of the world such as Communist nations or Islamic regimes It is even rearing its ugly head in the West in the form of new laws and restrictions of freedom In this week's boralogue John gives us the five steps that lead to persecution and shows how they are manifested in news stories from China Great Britain and the United States Thank you to all our listeners who donated to help Pakistani Christian Pastor X He still needs your support If you would like to help click the button to donate to Pastor

 Influence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 128:17

Each and every one of us has the potential to influence the world for good John gives us two examples of individuals in this week's boralogue who decided to step out in faith and help those in need The first George Weidenfeld escaped the Nazis during WWII when brave Christians spirited him away from danger Today at the age of George is still repaying that generosity by helping persecuted Christians in the Middle East escape violent Islamism And Katherine Locke a retired nurse in her s helped Kurdish Christians in Iraq during the time of Saddam Hussein We can make

 Eroding Foundation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 121:53

Outrage is all the well rage these days In this week's boralogue John examines stories generating much indignation in the news First the Obama administration wants to ban gun ownership for Social Security recipients who lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs Question who determines mental capacity Also when Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley recently said that all lives matter he was booed by outraged protestors and later apologized It should be a level playing field We all have inherent rights that should apply to everyone equally It's a novel concept found in the Declaration of Independence There

 Semantic Kool-Aid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 104:41

When the media and the politically correct elites give you their version of events they want you to drink the semantic cyanide-laced Kool-Aid In this week's boralogue John looks at micro-aggressions the Confederate flagless General Lee car on the Dukes of Hazard and Islamic terrorists who have nothing to do with Islam The semantic cyanide Kool-Aid reveals itself in forcing everyone to think the same way and in the ridiculous contradiction that to promote tolerance you have to be intolerant toward those who disagree with you Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair recently became chairman of the European Council on

 Greek Tragedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 117:50

How exactly did Greece end up in this position In this week's boralogue John reviews the steps taken by countries that result in the quagmire Greece finds itself in today Convincing yet empty promises evolve into large bureaucracies corruption and higher taxes Inflation results debts can't be paid austerity begins and people realize that something for nothing is a myth Politicians play the blame game as banks fail and the very citizens who were to benefit from those convincing promises are left to ponder what happened Greece is there today Will the U S be there tomorrow However did we

 Shall Not Have Died in Vain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:58

As we celebrate our great nation's th birthday it is important to remember that this country was founded not on the principle tolerance but of freedom The many problems we face to today with racial issues or same sex marriage could be solved rather simply we'll each have the freedom to do what we want and we'll respect each other's right to do it The solution however does not appear to be that simple Instead tolerance prevails allowing one group to shut down debate and demand everyone march in lockstep With freedoms deteriorating we would ask the founders and soldiers

 Contradict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:53

The elimination of racism was supposed to have begun five decades ago but it seems stronger than ever today Why is that In the boralogue this week John looks at contradictions put forth from the power elites and asks the question What happens when we're subjected to false narratives Those that used to preach don't push your views on other people are doing nothing but that now Freedom of speech for everyone now pertains to politically correct speech only Big government used to be abhorrent but now it's all the rage Amidst all these contradictions the ability to debate an

 Lessons From History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 115:39

As we recharge for the summer here at Steel on Steel we begin embracing interesting thematic issues John skips the boralogue this week and welcomes David Hathaway www charityendureth com former DEA Agent-in-Charge in Nogales Arizona who recalls President Nixon's creation of the DEA through executive order He explains the differences between the DEA's mission and that of the FBI and CIA and surmises that America's results from the war on drugs may be worse than the original problem The most important thing about history is learning not to repeat it Retired U S Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters us

 Devil in the Details | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 131:10

Just before the presidential election candidate Barack Obama said We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America In this week's boralogue John examines predictions from years ago that projected an end-run around the sovereignty of nations Today this is being accomplished through a series of trade agreements The process occurs in gradual increments rather than a full frontal assault so that governments can be changed without the knowledge and consent of the governed Obama's transformation plan for America continues unabated We remember Nancy Pelosi famously saying of Obamacare We have to pass the bill to


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