Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Emancipation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129:35

Our prayers go out to the family and friends of Father Jacques Hamel priest of a church in Normandy France who was killed during mass this week by young ISIS knifemen We skip the boralogue and welcome back to the show Juliana Taimoorazy www victimsofisis org President of Iraqi Christian Relief Council who discusses other persecuted Christians the Assyrians in Iraq who are faced with the hard choice of leaving their beloved homeland or stay and potentially face the horrors of ISIS We revisit a rather grisly topic this week that of forced organ transplants Matt Robertson www theepochtimes com

 Worldview Conflict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 136:18

What is driving the conflicts we've seen in the past few weeks in France Germany Baton Rouge and Orlando In this week's boralogue John examines common threads through these tragedies and shows that in order to solve the problem we need to stop listening to politically correct elites and focus on the truth we have a morality problem and a collision of worldviews Is the narrative from Black Lives Matter accurate Heather MacDonald www manhattan-institute org Fellow at the Manhattan Institute reveals statistics which challenge the account that white police officers are the most dangerous threat to black men today

 See Something Say Nothing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 86:23

Events in the past two weeks have proven that we are still a divided nation Why is that In this week's boralogue John looks at the history of progressive humanism and its plan to eradicate what it means to be America dividing the people in this country and using the friction to further their agenda America needs to rebuild its foundations and remember who it is When Muslims move to the West can Islam exist without sharia law Philip Haney www wnd com Founding Member of Homeland Security discusses the precepts of sharia and jihad the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration tactics

 China Threat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 117:45

The fix is in or so it would seem after the FBI's decision to recommend no charges be brought against Hillary Clinton In this week's boralogue John looks at double standards in law enforcement by deconstructing an episode of Law amp Order SVU and tying it to current events In order to uphold laws they deem important officials are willing to break other laws A level playing field is needed To achieve a strategic geopolitical advantage China has resorted to cyber espionage primarily against Western countries and the United States We welcome back to the program Joshua Philipp www theepochtimes

 Uphold Our Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 78:40

Happy Independence Day everyone As we celebrate our nation's th birthday this weekend we look back proudly on our founding documents including the Constitution which is today under attack In this week's boralogue John looks at negative rights which allow freedom and prosperity and positive rights which are vague and can limit our freedoms We need to uphold our rights and fight for them or our free country founded in may be a thing of the past Our military has evolved from those early days of militia and minutemen to one of immense power across the globe Former Navy SEAL

 PC Interference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 118:57

Given all the evidence emerging after the shootings in Orlando who should be held to blame for the massacre The media would have you believe the answer is Christians In this week's boralogue John looks at clear bias in media and leftist groups as the massive spin machine holds America in contempt not ISIS or Islamic terrorism Christians and conservatives are the guilty parties For leftist elites they're in it to spin it not to espouse the truth There's a thin line between eliminating hate speech and suppressing free speech Joshua Philipp www theepochtimes com Reporter for the Epoch Times

 Stealth Jihad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 128:36

Will gun control eliminate or even lessen the spate of mass shootings like the ones we've experienced in the past months In this week's boralogue John shows that gun regulations ultimately harm law abiding citizens like those who may need to protect themselves from mass shooters and will do nothing to stop criminals' intent on wreaking havoc If allowed to continue political correctness false narratives about gun control refusing to correctly identify the problem etc will only succeed in getting us killed How prevalent is silent jihad in America Joining us is Clare Lopez www centerforsecuritypolicy org Vice President for

 Core Implosion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 124:08

The world's political pendulum may be swinging back to the Right and it has those in mainstream media all in a frenzy In this week's boralogue John looks at the global pushback on leftist progressive thinking and the media's response that it's fascism But it's those on the Left determined to quash free speech who are behaving like fascists The solution is for us to insist on the right to speak the truth A school textbook sales rep spoke the truth in an undercover video and revealed a fact about education in America it's all about money Joining us is

 Limited Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129:13

The titans of media have been exposed of late as being less than impartial In this week's boralogue John looks at Katie Couric's selective editing Facebook's censoring of conservative posts and a slew of online giants pledging to combat hate speech under the guise of thwarting terror plots on social media Eliminating or censoring any speech in favor of selected narratives violates free speech and should be opposed What is the difference between a constitutional convention and a convention of states Constitutional Law Attorney Jenna Ellis www jennaellis org rejoins the program to discuss Article V of the Constitution and

 Garbage In Garbage Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:11

Happy Memorial Day weekend We wish everyone a safe and festive weekend and offer up prayers to those who have served or who are currently serving in our military and their families We will forego the boralogue this week and jump right in with our first guest historian Dr Dennis Cuddy www newswithviews com who discusses the slow Marxist influence in our schools over the past several years and how the power elites today are taking advantage of this failing education system by stifling free speech and redefining both history and moral values How has racism in the United States

 Secret Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 130:16

Is tangible money going by the wayside Michael Snyder www theeconomiccollapseblog com Publisher of the Economic Collapse Blog joins us to examine recent meetings among top financial executives to transfer to a cashless society and how dependence on electronic banking tethers us to both monetary institutions and the government Europe may soon be shouting Brexit stage left Bill Jasper www thenewamerican com Senior Editor at The New American discusses reactions from the powers that be to the UK's potential departure from the EU attempts to establish a one-world government and the destruction of national sovereignty John's quote of the week

 Debating the Definition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 119:16

John Kerry's comments last week about a borderless world once again show us an underlying agenda to establish a one-world government In this week's boralogue John looks at the global governance push throughout history and shows how it explains the European migrant controversy today and the global elites' opposition to Great Britain's potential exit from the EU The concepts of gender identity and discrimination have transitioned from definitive to fluid recently with debates over who gets to marry whom and what bathroom should be used Jenna Ellis www jennaellis org Attorney and Law Professor at Colorado Christian University rejoins us

 The Rules Dont Apply | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 122:25

Do you suffer from PCT progressive collective thinking Probably not if you're listening to Steel on Steel In this week's extended boralogue John looks at the symptoms of PCT and dissects an audio clip of an anti-Trump supporter that shows perfectly PCT at work When progressives don't follow the rules they themselves set up they then claim they don't need them Group-think and liberalism have grown to the point where they have now seeped into nearly every facet or our daily lives Dr Kim Holmes www heritage org former Assistant Secretary of State for International Affairs joins us to discuss

 Separation from Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:06

It's becoming clearer who the two candidates for U S president are going to be this fall With all the campaign nonsense being discussed we have to ask is this the best we can do In this week's boralogue John looks at serious issues facing the planet including the upcoming Israeli-Palestinian peace summit and political reactions from Europe to Israel to Russia Whoever our next president is will need to ignore the nonsense and address these sober matters War in Syria has raged for many years now but do we really know what's happening on the ground there Jonathan Spyer

 Not as it Seems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129:57

Socialism is gaining popularity in the United States from Bernie Sanders hawking free everything and demanding higher taxes to university curricula disparaging capitalism In this week's boralogue John looks deeper at socialism and asks why after failing every time it has been implemented would anyone ever consider it a viable option Socialist regimes bemoan capitalism at every turn but ultimately seek it out when all the money runs dry America needs to stand up now and shout down this failed system Chinese communist leaders are continuing a campaign of religious persecution across their country Bob Fu www chinaaid org Founder


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