Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Islam Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 135:58

Storm clouds they are a gathering In this week's boralogue John examines the two primary storm clouds amassing on the geopolitical horizon The first is Iran the development of their nuclear program and their strategic partnerships in the Middle East that are systematically surrounding the nation of Israel The second involves Greece and the looming currency crisis that just may spread to the rest of Europe John welcomes back to the program after a long hiatus Bill Federer www americanminute com president of AmeriSearch publishing who illustrates the impact of Islam throughout history and shows how Thomas Jefferson handled the

 Educations Core Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 151:04

We're under attack from the comma buts Welcome to Steel on Steel In John's boralogue this week he exposes the hypocrisy of the politically correct elites and their views on free speech Freedom of speech is OK comma but only if you think the way we do We should have the right to express beliefs and ideas that our opponents may find controversial This PC think is a deadly virus and it's time we begin quarantining it I will not sit down I will not shut up The burning alive of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS has dominated the news

 Everybodys Nervous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 121:40

John takes a walk around the world in this week's boralogue interconnecting events from Europe the Middle East and North America and showing briefly how the global chessboard is laid out One thing's for sure whoever's playing at the chessboard they hate the Jews First up John welcomes to the program Larry Salzman www endforfeiture com an attorney with the Institute for Justice who discusses the misuses of civil forfeiture and the pros and cons of the new FAIR Act proposed by Congress that would attempt to reform the law Soeren Kern www soerenkern com Senior Fellow at the Gatestone

 To Seize and Plunder No More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 128:45

Civil forfeiture has been a hot button topic at Steel on Steel for many years In the boralogue this week John gives us a history of civil forfeiture and shows how it has grown from a nice idea to a mechanism for extortion The FAIR Act was introduced this week in Congress and looks to reform the many constitutional violations found in forfeiture laws Will Congress do the right thing Up first this week John speaks with Kathleen Hartnett-White www texaspolicy com Director of the Armstrong Center at the Texas Public Policy Foundation She examines the popularity of renewable energies

 Sleepwalking Through Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 125:28

A controversy erupted recently when terrorism expert Stephen Emerson mistakenly referred to all of Birmingham England as being a Muslim no-go zone on a FoxNews report This caused a bit of an uproar amidst the politically correct In this week's boralogue John examines the truth behind these No-Go Zones in certain European cities and asserts that as politically correct talking heads muddy the waters by carelessly discrediting what people are saying we need to be able to freely and openly debate these issues First up Reza Kahlili www atimetobetray com former CIA operative inside the Iranian Revolutionary Guard discusses the

 Rogue Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 119:55

In this week's boralogue John recalls the ups and downs of the financial markets in the past decade and looks at the impending currency crisis coming in - The first rumblings of this disaster can be seen in this week's decision by Switzerland to pull their currency from the swiftly collapsing Euro market Josh Bernstein www joshbernsteinpoliticalwriter com published writer and host of a popular conservative radio talk show kicks off the program by examining the potential slippery slope of the UN Small Arms Treaty and shows how it could likely supersede the second amendment to the U S Constitution

 Sharia-ism is Here | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 116:00

In the wake of the tragedy in Paris this week John takes a look in his boralogue at islamaphobia and how hate speech laws are a farce and an impediment to freedom of speech He also addresses the need for Islam to modernize and whether the rest of us can survive the violence until then First up on the program is Joy Brighton www joybrighton com former Wall Street trader and author of the book Sharia-ism is Here She will examine the slow stealthy growth of radical Islam in the United States and how that growth is being fueled both

 If It Feels Good Sign Here | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:53

Welcome to We are skipping the boralogue this week Opening up the show is Cal State Fresno professor and Hoover Institute member Bruce Thornton www hoover org He tackles the politics of feminism and shows how it has come full circle from the if it feels good do it philosophy of the s to the regulatory thinking of today Next up Tammi Rossman-Benjamin www amchainitiative org lecturer at the UC Santa Cruz and director of the AMCHA Initiative discusses the BDS movement boycott divestment and sanctions against Israel and how it has spawned antisemitism on U S campuses Finally we

 Once Upon a Climate Clear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Last show of Happy New Year everyone We are skipping the boralogue this week and launching into the program First up Brad Dacus www pacificjustice org President of the Pacific Justice Institute discusses the case of a senior at an Everett WA high school who has been suspended several times for handing out Christian literature For the school to do that is illegal under law He also covers other cases that PJI is handling We then move on to Dr Tim Ball www drtimball com environmentalist public speaker and author In a detailed conversation he chronologues the history of the

 Narratives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113:26

Merry Christmas everyone Opening the show this week is a narrativity boralogue John reveals the hypocrisy of the politically correct narrative which states that all worldviews are relative and none of them proclaim the truth except of course for theirs We need to get back to the issue of truth not political correctness God bless us every one As large anti-Islamic immigrant demonstrations take place in Germany Middle East and Islam expert Raymond Ibrahim www raymondibrahim com explores the measures Russian leaders are taking to tackle the radicalization of Muslims in their country and shows the differences between the Islamic

 The Pink Elephant in the Room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 102:44

In the boralogue this week John exposes the fallacy of institutional racism the PC police campaign to silence those not in the minority and how civil rights and free speech for everyone has been swept under the constitutional rug in the name of tolerance Clare Lopez www centerforsecuritypolicy org and www benghazicoalition org strategic policy and Middle East intelligence expert at the Center for Security Policy debunks the House Intelligence report on the embassy attack in Benghazi and analyzes the rise of the Islamic State's influence in the West Next on the program William Forstchen www dayofwrathbook com professor of

 Devious Minds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 114:59

In this week's boralogue John proclaims personal responsibility and the need to behave honorably no matter what thoughts or actions we face When police brutality and racism rear their ugly heads those who are wronged should still regardless of the system take responsibility for their actions and their lives Bush lied people died so says the bumper sticker Kicking off the show Carter Andress www aisginc com president of American-Iraqi Solutions Group a security management firm specializing in high-risk environments discredits the bumper sticker discussing the reality of WMDs in Iraq as well as the status of Iran's nuclear program

 Reconstructing Thanksgiving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:44

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone The boralogue this week points out deconstructionist attempts to redefine Thanksgiving shifting it from the ideals of freedom liberty and personal responsibility to focus on conquest of Native Americans while promoting social Darwinism But don't worry John reminds us of the truth There's a relationship between the values that emanated from the Reformation and what we celebrate during Thanksgiving Dr Timothy George www beesondivinity com is founding Dean and professor of Divinity History and Doctrine at the Beeson Divinity School at Samford University He kicks off the show speaking on church history and what the Reformation

 Dont Bank On It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 116:06

In the boralogue this week John tackles the Middle East showing that a religious storm is gathering on the horizon Israel Palestine Egypt Yemen Saudi Arabia and Iran are all factors in a troubling complex equation whose common denominator is Islam Switching gears Craig R Smith www swissamerica com and www dontbankonitbook com Chairman of Swiss America Trading Corporation and author of the new book Don't Bank On It joins the show to discuss banks' ownership of your money and how to diversify your funds to avoid the coming banking crisis Next Kathy Fettke www realwealthnetwork com CEO and Co-Founder

 Behind the Scenes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 100:35

John's boralogue begins this week's show with a look at why Washington never seems to change regardless of who we vote into power and why reform is harder to find than a simple IRS tax code When reform is truly needed you can't get the status quo gears to change to solve the problem With the upcoming anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy John welcomes to the show Judyth Vary Baker www jfkconference com author of the new book David Ferrie She reveals first-hand accounts of behind-the-scenes plots in involving some of the key players in the assassination


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