Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Narrative Trumped | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:18

After the election this week many across America are asking what happened In this week's boralogue John shows that reality became real and now the elites and the media are continuing to push the same narrative they've always had only massaged to accommodate for the new reality It turns out that when you demean a large portion of the population by calling them racists and other names that portion grows weary and votes out your candidate How are college students reacting to Donald Trump's election William Nardi www therabblerouser org current sophomore at Roger Williams University joins us to show

 Red Herring | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 138:34

We're down to the wire in the U S election Who will win Have we learned anything from the onslaught of leaked emails In this week's boralogue John shows that politics is a blood sport candidates will say anything to get elected and often issues take a backseat to mudslinging The emails have revealed long-term agendas but false narratives and red herrings are pushed on us by elites and those in the media to distract us from what's really important What is really important to the American voter We welcome back retired INS Special Agent Michael Cutler www michaelcutler net

 Keeping Failure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 118:28

Why would the NAACP deny school choice for minorities In this week's boralogue John looks at America's failing education system and the unfulfilled promises of reform by education elites If home private and charter schools clearly outperform their public counterparts why would anyone deny parents the choice to send their children there Because there are entrenched interests whose careers rest on keeping the failure going Are we facing a bump in the road or a significant paradigm shift in the world We welcome to the program this week national security and foreign policy analyst Lt Col Robert Maginnis www mesmoinc

 Flip Side | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:04

The presidential debates are mercifully over Voters are disconnected from important issues because candidates seldom talk about it and the media rarely covers it In this week's boralogue John looks at things to come from America's slow decline from superpower status to the house of cards called the global economy We are sliding toward a day of reckoning but take heed Countries currencies and candidates may come and go but God never changes Black Lives Matter claims that police are corrupt and racist though much of their narrative has been refuted We explore the flip side this week with John

 Mask for Anti-Semitism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 118:14

Allegations against the presidential candidates are being bandied about by both sides and most people are getting fed up In this week's boralogue John looks at the flawed nature of humans the Left's disdain for Christianity and the massive division and bias among media outlets If you want to get at the heart of what's really going on watch what they have done not what they say Is it possible to separate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism Joshua Muravchik www joshuamuravchik com Fellow at the World Affairs Institute joins us to discuss anti-Semitic activity within different groups the UN and

 Unusual Alliances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 117:12

Campaigning for his wife this week Bill Clinton seemed to disparage Obamacare Was it a faux pas or a deliberate move In this week's boralogue John looks at the lies surrounding Obamacare and reminds us that the goal from the beginning was to establish a government-run single payer health care system Politicians will once again offer to solve the problem that they caused in the first place Why would Black Lives Matter align with anti-Semitic groups or LGBT associations defend the actions of Muslims Philip Carl Salzman www mcgill ca Professor at McGill University in Quebec Canada discusses intersectionality among

 Legal Issues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 136:10

Has the humanist movement succeeded in replacing Christianity as the foundation for a moral and ethical way of life In this week's boralogue John looks at efforts by humanists throughout history to establish their own system of morality apart from God But every issue or rule preached at us by secular humanists whether it be tolerance or discrimination or racism has no value once you remove God and Christianity from the picture Why aren't churches allowed to convey political messages from the pulpit Erik Stanley www adflegal org Senior Counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom discusses the history of the Johnson

 Be Prepared | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:14

We're seeing a paradigm shift in this country made all the more prevalent by this week's rioting in Charlotte North Carolina In this week's boralogue John looks at how tolerance and diversity are not practiced by those adamantly preaching it and how toxic and untrue narratives espoused by the media and politically correct elites only add more fuel to the fire How prepared are American armed forces to face the threats of today Retired Army officer and Silver Star recipient Major General Bob Scales www usni org joins us to examine U S military readiness and sound strategies in war

 No ICANN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:16

Have we learned anything from watching the news in the past years In this week's boralogue John looks at the duplicitous nature of politicians and the media showing for example how the health of our two presidential candidates is being covered so differently depending on which network you watch Media bias has been exposed and politically correct narratives are sidelining meaningful debate and the truth - often with disastrous results What would be the best way for politicos to shut down opposing opinions Kevin Freeman www globaleconomicwarfare com Founder and CEO of Freeman Global Holdings joins us to review what

 Media Bias | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 133:25

Have you noticed how nutty it's gotten out there In this week's boralogue John looks at the idiocy cranked out by the media and by others who are trying so hard to adhere to politically correct mantras that they completely ignore logic From campuses offering segregated housing to a backup quarterback speaking out against oppression while wearing a Castro t-shirt things are definitely tilting at the absurd It's up to us to point out when they are being self-contradictory and hypocritical Nationalization of local police forces has been a hot button issues for years but the federal government has now

 Broken Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 131:31

Why are many Americans in a rush to pull down the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to gain In this week's boralogue John looks at the decline in freedoms in the United States pointing out the hypocrisy from politically correct elites who preach against intolerance and microagressions all in an intolerant and aggressive manner It's time to stand up against the nonsense and exercise our freedoms or we may just lose them Can peace exist between Israel and Palestine when one side doesn't want peace Author and historian Dr Robert Wolfe www robert-wolfe com joins us to discuss the

 Social Justice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Have we learned anything by watching the news this summer In this week's boralogue John looks at subjects the media and political candidates refuse to talk about like the future of our economy the tendency for politicians to raise taxes and regulate business and the unpleasant choices we're left with regarding fiscal policy When those in power choose instead to focus on toxic narratives we're left with deadly consequences What is social justice and why is it important We welcome back economist and author Pat Wood www technocracy news who discusses the history of social justice redistribution of wealth and

 Wrong Side of the Gulf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 127:02

Sometimes others will write a boralogue for you This week John reads a letter from a listener in Canada who discusses multiculturalism and the difference in media perception between Asians and African-Americans Can we speak about important issues openly or will the politically correct narratives continue to drown out the truth People are beginning to wake up to the fact that they're being duped and they're starting to fight back In January two U S Navy riverine patrol boats were detained by the Iranian National Guard in the Persian Gulf Ray Starmann www usdefensewatch com Editor of U S Defense

 Spontaneous Design | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:58

A controversy is brewing involving an international Christian charity's activities in the Middle East We skip the boralogue this week and begin with Dexter Van Zile www camera org Christian Media Analyst for CAMERA who examines Israel's allegations that a top World Vision employee in the Gaza Strip funneled donations away from charity programs and into the coffers of Hamas When the Iran deal materialized last year we all knew there was more to it than was announced Jennifer Breedon www clarionproject org Legal Analyst for the Clarion Project joins us to reveal the dangers behind the deal along with

 Judicial Fiat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 135:14

With our two major party candidates set for this November's presidential election silly season has begun In this week's boralogue John reminds us that politics is a blood sport and facts and reason are usually thrown out of the window in favor of soundbites A day of reckoning approaches and while most people ignore the warning signs whoever wins the upcoming election will be the one we chose to deal with it Our system of government was created as a series of checks and balances What happens when one branch begins overstepping its authority Dr John Sparks www visionandvalues org


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