Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Overreaching a Dark Chasm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 115:32

We'll kick off the show in John's boralogue by comparing constitutional rights with the new category of human rights and explaining why this has placed the Constitution on life support Constitutional rights are granted as being inherent or God-given whereas human rights require one person to sacrifice constitutional rights and be forced to provide something for another person for free What happens when faulty science teams up with religion Cornell University Adjunct Professor Matt Briggs www wmbriggs com explores the Vatican's curious involvement in anthropogenic global warming along with Pope Francis's upcoming papal encyclical on environmentalism and how continued pressure

 Hardball Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129:59

We have always urged you to pray for Christians who are being persecuted for their faith around the world John relates in his boralogue a few examples of Christian leaders or congregants who are either blindsided by violence or face death for their choice of faith In Pakistan a mob looted homes and attempted to burn a church after a mentally challenged Christian man was alleged to have burned a copy of the Quran An Ethiopian man was ordered to kill two Christian pastors or his children would die From Sudan to Nigeria to India and beyond persecution of Christians

 The Infiltration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 115:23

Happy Memorial Day everyone We honor our country's fallen heroes by examining the Constitution and how this nation was founded John's boralogue explores our once-guaranteed freedom of religion and the erosion of that freedom especially in the military It's once more don't ask don't tell in the armed forces only this time it involves religion Christians are frequently called haters but it's Christians who serve to feed the hungry heal the sick provide shelter for the homeless and they are often the first on the ground during disasters Technology has certainly emerged as essential in our lives with cell phones

 Out of Co-Options | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:03

There has been a steady movement for several decades to establish a Marxist government in this country Suspending the boralogue this week we take a look at Antonio Gramsci's arm of Marxism and socialism in order to examine whether or not it will boot Judeo-Christianity not just out of the marketplace of ideas but out of politics as well Joining us to discuss this is New Zealand author Trevor Loudon www trevorloudon com John and Trevor analyze the infiltration of Marxist ideals into the arenas of congress global governments journalism education economy and religious organizations in order to forecast where

 Glaring Contradictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:20

By now you've heard about the attempted violence at the Mohammed cartoon drawing contest this week in Garland Texas What's more interesting has been the media's reaction to it In this week's boralogue John points out the fallacies and self-contradictory nature of progressive thinking In playing a clip from Chris Matthews's show on MSNBC John counterpoints many of the errors made by their terrorism expert Among the many issues pushed to the forefront this week in the thwarted terrorist attack the question of whether Muslims are able to acclimate to life in the United States was one not featured in

 Sustainable Drooling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 115:54

Christine Lagarde of the IMF President Obama and Pope Francis are all drooling anthropogenic global warming bring on the carbon tax The Vatican hosted a confab this week about global warming In his boralogue John highlights the socialist buzz words found in UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's keynote address at the Vatican It seems sustainable development' is not only the main topic of the speech it also gets the drool flowing We'll take a look at sustainability this week When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down in what was a socialist to do Thank goodness the

 Crossing the Line | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 116:55

Ethiopian Christians were killed by ISIS this week in Libya Could that butchery be headed across the Atlantic We jump into the fray this week with Chris Farrell www judicialwatch org Director of Investigations amp Research for Judicial Watch He discusses the legitimacy of ISIS staging areas a few miles across the U S -Mexico border near Juarez Expanding on this Retired INS Special Agent Michael Cutler www michaelcutler net rejoins us on the program and uncovers critical problems with immigration procedures ISIS on our southern borders is a serious issue but terrorists have already set up shop inside the

 However Did We Get Here? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 114:46

This week the country observed the th anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln John examines the many contradictions that have plagued our nation since Lincoln's time Those who preach tolerance are being anything but We can stop being racists by being obsessed with it We can all be diverse and different but only by being the same We may not even realize that we're sleepwalking into World War III However did we get here That's the direction of the program for today First we turn to Diana West www dianawest net journalist and author of American Betrayal The

 Whats the Deal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 116:54

A study in duality today as John looks at the safety of those whose opinions are in the minority and where they are safest Is it in this country where a university won't screen American Sniper for fear of offending Muslims in attendance Or is it in Kenya where Christians were systematically executed at Garissa University just for being Christian Go ahead think hard The P Iran agreement may have delayed a nuclear weapon build-up but Iran is building alliances with terror proxies in the Middle East like Hezbollah and Hamas so they are still a danger to Israel Just

 Verify the Facts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 124:37

Happy Easter everyone Christ is risen This week we take a look at the history of Easter ahem I mean Resurrection Sunday Wait no it's Easter What is it called Also did you know there was a controversy as to when Easter is to be celebrated John sorts it all out in this week's boralogue and ties it to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act RFRA controversy in Indiana Speaking of which did anyone miss the row this week caused by the RFRA in Indiana The circus and misinformation ran rampant but factual accuracy barely made a cameo Travis Weber www

 The Clash of Worldviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 123:05

Latte latte my kingdom for a latte You guessed it The boralogue this week features King Richard III and Starbucks though admittedly not in the same sentence After years the remains of King Richard III were transported to their final resting place John recaps Richard's ruthless rise to the throne and shows how politicians haven't changed much Also it seems the Starbucks plan to discuss race with its customers ended as quickly as it began John shares a conversation he had with a barista this week that contained two things the barista wasn't trained for confronting logic and critical thinking

 Watershed Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 121:53

Welcome to spring As we turn to a new season on the calendar we also turn the page on another election is Israel We are suspending the boralogue this week and jumping into a series of four unique voices who will lend us their views on what they believe is coming in the next - months for the West as well as for the Middle East in general and for Israel in particular Giving us a direct view from inside Avi Lipkin www vicmord com joins us first from Israel to comment on the victory this week by Prime Minister

 Rolling Across the Flats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 114:53

A moral equivalency controversy followed President Obama's comments at the National Prayer Breakfast and many Christians were offended John analyzes in this week's boralogue how the comparison given was offensive not because it wasn't true but because it was taken out of context Christianity has moved past its warts Has Islam Rick Moran www rightwingnuthouse com host of the RINO Hour of Power radio show joins us first to examine the attempt by a group of UC Irvine students to ban the American flag from inclusive spaces on campus because it may constitute hate speech to those who may be

 What Is He Doing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 127:46

In this week's abbreviated boralogue John shies away from the unimportant questions being asked about President Obama - is he a Christian is he a communist - and focuses more on the dynamics Why has he turned his back on Israel Where did our president's ideologies come from This leads directly to our conversation with Dr Paul Kengor Ph D www visionandvalues org professor of political science at Grove City College in Pennsylvania Professor Kengor delves into Barack Obama's background and illuminates the Communist and Islamic mentors in the early life of our president and how influential those experiences are

 Technocracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126:09

With the upcoming speech to Congress by Benjamin Netanyahu John's extended boralogue this week focuses on the political battle behind the scenes the differences in worldviews between Israel's prime minister and President Obama and how political reality is not driving the wagon in the West John goes on to explore the history of U S -Israeli relations and touches on a few persecution stories making headlines this week Patrick Wood www technocracyrising com Founder of the August Corporation and author of the new book Technocracy Rising discusses the new globalization plan massive data collection and its inevitable endgame This is


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