Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 If Its so Bad Why do People Come Here? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue starts off by summarizing events in the Middle East in the post-peace process environment attempting to make sense of data points that don't seem to make sense We're starting a summer history thread The background of the U S Constitution's Bill of Rights Constitutional attorney Michael Connelly from the United States Justice Foundation www usjf net will appear on SOS once a week to discuss the background behind each right contained in the Bill of Rights and how that particular right is under duress today Then speaking of rights our government is attempting another end run around the

 Are Millennials at War with Baby Boomers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

Happy Fourth of July weekend everyone Freedom isn't free and must be maintained with constant vigilance and action With the Hobby Lobby case decided by the Supreme Court this week in favor of people of faith who own businesses John's extended boralogue examines the country's founders' views of how they thought the interaction between church and state should be John hits on millennials a lot but it seems millennials have their gripes about Baby Boomers impeding their future Former White House spokesman Pete Seat is a millennial and author of the book The War on Millennials Airing Grievances amp Offering

 The Night of the Long Knives and Todays Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

There is a war afoot to expunge Christians not just from the marketplace of public ideas but notably from various professions This war has transitioned from a war of ideas to a war of coercion forcing Christians to compromise their beliefs and adopt the beliefs of other worldviews Will Christians be able to survive in professions such as education medicine law and elsewhere in this growing atmosphere of hostility That outcome remains to be seen Lea Singh www frontpagemag com is covering an important case in British Columbia Canada involving Trinity Western University nbsp

 Antisemitism Epidemic on College Campuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

As ISIS rebels roll towards Baghdad and a conflict with Shia Muslims in that part of Iraq they've spoken of rolling back the Sykes-Picot conspiracy What does this mean John's boralogue provides an historic background to the events surrounding the creation of the Sykes-Picot agreement in during World War I and how this secret transaction between France and Great Britain laid the groundwork for the violence and chaos we've seen in the Middle East during the century that followed Meanwhile Iraqi Christians are caught in the cross-fire and fleeing to areas dominated largely by Kurds It's not a great solution

 Too Many Laws Destroys Respect for Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue outlines goals for the program this summer providing historical background for the great collapsing of politically correct narratives Everything from economics to Middle East geopolitics has roots stemming from World War I which broke out years ago this year You know it's humorous to see politicians calling for strict enforcement of various laws when congress and the current administration don't observe them refuse to enforce them or routinely violate the laws themselves Let's face it we just have too many laws Phillip Howard www commongood org is author of The Rule of Nobody Saving America from Dead Laws

 The Slippery Surveillance Slope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

Steel on Steel for 06/07/2014

 Can Cyber Attacks Collapse Western Currencies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue continues last week's theme by explaining how political correctness is killing us Highlighted is the case of a -year-old doctor in Sudan sentenced to be flogged and executed for apostasy from Islam when she was actually raised a Christian and refuses to renounce her faith As the wife of an American citizen this week she delivered her second child while shackled in prison Also incarcerated with her is her -month-old son The U S Embassy in Khartoum has thus far been unwilling to help in this situation The American Center for Law and Justice is hosting a petition

 Women in the Islamic World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue explains why free media in a free society are so important and how the war against free speech has been joined in the West Highlighted are the constantly changing progressive attitudes towards free speech and the now-or-never necessity of defending freedom of speech As soon as the Nigerian kidnappings became an unavoidable story one could hear the spin from Islamic groups in the U S revving up to deny that this represented true Islam Nonie Darwish www frontpagemag com escaped Sharia law in Egypt and she would beg to differ with this politically correct view having found it

 The Death of the Dollar What Does It Mean? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue details the history of Boko Haram's persecution of Christians in Nigeria and how the media ignored it but once forced to confront it have been spinning the story into one of women's rights rather than how Islamic countries and extremist groups treat both women and Christians This follows years of the U S State Department refusing to classify Boko Haram as a terrorist group As soon as the Nigerian kidnappings became an unavoidable major story one could hear the spin machine of the media and Islamic organizations revving up to deflect connections between the atrocities and Islam Dr

 Whose DNA is it Anyway? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue ties together various global warming news reports to demonstrate how badly climate change hysteria has become and would seem to be paving the way for a push for a carbon tax following the upcoming U S election Stephen Moore from the Heritage Foundation www heritage org maps the changing climate of climate change Minnesota just passed a law allowing newborn infants' DNA to be collected by the state without parental consent and permanently stored for whatever purpose the state wishes The Citizens Council for Health Freedom is up in arms Twila Brase www cchfreedom org amp www itsmydna

 Habeas without the Corpus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 79:49

John's boralogue starts today's program rolling by extracting more media bias lessons from the Bundy Ranch conflict in Nevada with a chronicle of how the mainliners didn't care much for the story until they thought Mr Bundy might be a racist Then they suddenly burst into life and dragged a giant red herring across the real issue of property rights in order to transform it into a racial issue Then the history of intolerant tolerance Members of the Frankfurt School of Marxism indicated how tolerance was only to be demanded when they were ascending but how they would deny it

 Can the Divided Nation be Reunited? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:52

The country is seriously divided two groups of people starting from different worldview assumptions using different reasoning processes arriving at different conclusions What will this mean as the country plows into future crises in the near future Steve Deace www stevedeace com is author of Rules for Patriots How Conservatives Can Win Again Is the divide surmountable and which side rests on truth and which rests on narrative Then Dr Michael Coffman Ph D www americaplundered com returns to the program to provide us with a history of land rights in the West and the effect Agenda -style environmentalism is

 So Whats the Western Range War All About? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

Happy Easter everyone First time in a while Eastern and Western dates for Easter fall on the same date Most people don't get mad for no reason So why then are so many farmers ranchers and property holders fuming at the Bureau of Land Management and other government agencies John's boralogue points out that understanding what's at stake at different levels of reality from environmental to financial makes it easy to understand why Then we'll continue this thread in a spirited discussion with James Simpson www examiner com who details all the financial dealings surrounding the Bundy ranch issue in

 Iran Still on Track to Produce Nuclear Bomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

John's boralogue kicks off the program with a Middle East intelligence summary which leads right into our first guest Much has been made of the recent negotiations with Iran about its nuclear weapons aspirations but surprise surprise it seems Iran is plowing ahead with its nuclear program regardless of discussions Dr Andrew Bostom www andrewbostom org blog is author of Iran's final Solution for Israel The Legacy of Jihad and Shi'ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran Much happening in the skies during the next week including a blood moon total lunar eclipse on Passover Listeners have asked us to revisit the

 Dancing with the Devil - Negotiating with Rogue Regimes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:53

We'll spend the program today examining geopolitical issues and finding perspectives you might not have obtained elsewhere Quite frequently our politicians are busy running around the world in pursuit of negotiations with rogue regimes or difficult situations The Iranian situation the Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Syria and the Crimea are key examples Why do we so often engage in such failing talks and are they ever successful Michael Rubin www aei org is author of Dancing with the Devil the Perils of Engaging Rogue Regimes Amid the fury of debate rotating in western media around Russia's Crimean goals it might be


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