Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Common Core Curriculum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:56

Due to listener requests today's program features an extensive round table conversation on the controversial Common Core Curriculum which has been touted so much by President Obama Our participants will analyze what it is what it will do and why it's just one more step in the wake of Goals No Child Left Behind Race to the Top and other programs designed to eliminate traditional education and drive the radical transformation of American schools into affective programs designed not to educate but to shape students' attitudes values and beliefs Participants are Jane Robbins J D from the American Principles Project

 What Does the Muslim Brotherhood Want in the U.S.? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's brief boralogue starts the show with a quick recap of events in Egypt Then we move directly to ask the question What does the Muslim Brotherhood want from the United States Former FBI agent and counterterrorism expert John Guandolo www understandingthethreat com is author of Raising a Jihadi Generation He believes intelligence agencies in this country are willfully naive about the actual Brotherhood goals of establishing sharia law in this country despite their statements to the contrary Then onto another installment of our summer thread Towards a Militarized Police State Is all of this electronic surveillance really making us

 The Weather Underground and Change Agents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's boralogue narrates the process whereby shifting definitions effectively alter legislation such as the Civil Rights Act from the noble goals of its framers to something they never envisioned We're opening a new thread today on change agentry and its origins in communist ideology Former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl is author of Bringing Down America based on his s experience as an FBI infiltrator in the Weather Underground Unfortunately Larry passed away in July shortly before we had hoped to have him on the show Cliff Kincaid from Accuracy in Media worked extensively with Larry Grathwohl and Cliff joins us

 Toward a Militarized Police State - Part III | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's boralogue kicks off the show with another ongoing analysis of events developing in the Middle East Then we'll continue the show's militarized police state thread by devoting time to a round table discussion featuring members of the Independent Institute www independent org What does extensive surveillance mean for our society especially the interactions with other trends and what does this mean for the future if reforms are not enacted Guests are Mary Theroux Vice President of the Independent Institute and a columnist for the Huffington Post Ivan Eland Director of the Center for Peace and Liberty and Anthony Gregory

 How Governments Use Disinformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 80:08

As Secretary of State John Kerry announces resumption of peace talks again John's boralogue once again tracks the multi-dimensional chess game in the Middle East this time with an emphasis on the hidden role economics and energy play in the geopolitics of the region This week's emerging militarized police state thread takes an unusual thrust For years the communists used systematic disinformation to discredit enemies and confuse their opponents The hard part for westerners to understand is that their governments oftentimes do the same thing Our first guest is Professor Ronald Rychlak co-author of the book Disinformation His partner is

 Toward a Militarized Police State - Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:01

John's boralogue tracks the latest developments in the Middle East with an analysis of the situation using a multi-dimensional chess model where different layers of the model interact and interfere with one another Then we'll pursue the thread opened on the show last week surrounding the emerging militarized police state How often have you heard people say If you haven't done anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about Criminal defense attorney Harvey Silverglate www harveysilverglate com couldn't disagree more In his book Three Felonies a Day How the Feds Target the Innocent Mr Silverglate says we're drowning in

 Toward a Militarized Police State - Part I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:46

Busy show today First John's boralogue assesses what we have learned about the media from the entire Treyvon Martin George Zimmerman coverage Then we'll open a new thread on the show beginning a series of expositions on the emerging police state The number of people dying while being tasered is emerging as a serious concern especially when this is touted as a non-lethal method of compliance enforcement David Jaques is editor and publisher of the Roseburg Beacon www roseburgbeacon com in Roseburg Oregon Then back to the Middle East again where we're attempting to monitor weekly the pulse of this

 Darwins Doubts Never Went Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:03

John's extended boralogue launches the program with an analysis of current Middle East events notably Egypt and demonstrating how the crisis in that country is altering the international geopolitical scene Then we'll move to a conversation with Dr Stephen Meyer Ph D www discovery org from the Discovery Institute about his new book Darwin's Doubt It seems serious discussion exists in the scientific literature about the inability of neo-Darwinist ideas to the explain origins of life but we'd never know that from the popular science media who keep assuring us it's been confirmed Then Dr Martin Erdman Ph D returns

 Christians Dont Need to Check Their Brains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

A belated Happy Fourth of July This week saw the celebration of Independence Day without aliens so John's boralogue responds to listener requests for comments on the controversy as to whether the country was founded by godly men following the will of God or as an act of rebellion against Romans which states that all government is established by God Europe is trying to deal with the fallout and blowback from having spent almost a century denying its civilization heritage and religious origins So what is the future of Christianity in a Europe that wants to be secular but also

 The Supreme Court Rules on the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

The Supreme Court ruled on the world well most of it this week What are the long-term implications of these rulings John's boralogue examines the converging trends between the judicial decisions and other items from this past week to show how long-term progressive hatred of western civilization and its long-term agenda to transform the culture is wrapped up in the news stories we see evolving on a daily basis Then Matthew Franck Ph D at the Witherspoon Institute www winst org makes his debut on the show with an in-depth discussion about the underlying implications of the war against marriage

 The Middle East is Coming to a Boil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

The Middle East is Coming to a Boil John's boralogue delves into an in-depth examination of the emerging Middle East crisis in Syria explaining who the different factions are what sides they're on how the conflict is expanding beyond the borders of Syria and how it threatens to erupt into the greatest Shiite vs Sunni conflict in centuries Then we'll move to Congress's latest hot button immigration reform with a candid conversation about multiculturalism between John and former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo www tancredoforgovernor org currently a candidate for governor in that state The Departments of Justice and Education are

 Technocracy and the Surveillance Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's boralogue explains why unlimited surveillance in a state where there are thousands of unknowable laws and regulations is an imminent threat to a free society We already know that facets of government are already willing to use the power of the state to harass politically incorrect parties How much more so when they can monitor everything you do write and say and prosecute you when you do it What then Pat Wood from the August Review www augustforecast com returns to the program for a history of Technocracy how it got us where we are today the people and

 If Youve Done Nothing Wrong Lots Still to Worry About | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:11

Scandals everywhere We're shocked that nah I guess not Beware the shifting definitions we have always said The right was sure thrashing around this week bemoaning its support of the Patriot Act They never thought it would deteriorate this far into abuse Are they really that naive Apparently so Where power goes trouble grows John's boralogue itemizes the important things we have learned from the IRS Benghazi eavesdropping and NSA spying scandals In essence we learned that all the promises form Clinton to Bush to Obama about protecting our information and rights was hooey If you have done nothing wrong

 Crucified Again Growing Tension between PC and Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Did someone say it's June already Today's program is highly focused around interrelated and incongruous themes terrorism Islam Christian persecution and political correctness John's boralogue frames the program by examining the current status of the Middle East and in particular Syria's expanding war as global powers become directly involved Then we'll move directly to the best not-covered major story in the Middle East the exodus of thousands of Christians from Islamic countries where they are being oppressed assaulted tortured raped and killed Raymond Ibrahim www raymondibrahim com is author of the book Crucified Again Exposing Islam's New War on Christians

 Religious Freedom Needs Defending | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Happy Memorial Day everyone Be safe John's boralogue examines the history of Memorial Day and why its memory is jeopardized if Americans allow those rights for which the veterans fought to be squandered Then speaking of rights we'll focus on the future of religious freedom in the United States given the civil rights trump war going on R R Reno is the editor of First Things magazine www firstthings com Continuing the theme of religious freedom Christian students are beginning to insist that if bullying is a bad idea then bullying against Christians in public schools had better stop Pastor


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