Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 How Do You Deal with Oxymorons When you Meet Them? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's boralogue kicks off the show with an observation that the proud illogic expressed by tolerance and diversity has shifted Adherents are now saying certain types of intolerance are OK Go figure It's reached a new level of oxymoronic nonsense Then we'll chase the boralogue with a conversation with columnist Arnold Ahlert who writes for Jewish World Review and Frontpage Magazine www jewishworldreview com www frontpagemag com We'll connect the suspension of a college diversity director with media coverage of the Middle East It's a wild conversation but totally interesting and there really is a common thread You've probably heard

 Dealing with the Comma-Buts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's extended boralogue initiates the program by painting a new concept called the comma-but which progressives seem to utilize subconsciously in order to reconcile the constant problems they confront as their relativist self-contradicting values keep slamming into each other logically Of use is a section of the Biden Ryan debate on the issue of abortion Then the spotlight turns to Dr Thomas Woods Ph D www libertyclassroom com for an explanation of how monetary policy is actually driving the bus towards an economic cliff while both candidates for president seem to missing the next-up crisis of the next four years

 Political Correctness is Really Killing Us Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

In the light of the latest controversy over employment numbers John's boralogue explains why the government and Federal Reserve have vested interests in fudging their official numbers He runs a clip from John Williams at Shadow Government Statistics www shadowstats com to explain why the jobs numbers aren't connected to the real world Financial observers seem to be living dual lives On one hand they see a series of train wrecks coming On the other they keep trying to make plans as if life were going to continue without serious bumps So whither the dichotomy Let's use an example Suppose

 The Growing Chasm between Judaism and the Liberal Left | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

John's boralogue kicks off the show by explaining the contrast between those things discussed during Wednesday's presidential debates and the real issues that are going to have major impacts on Americans in the next four years Then we must ask why the American Jewish population always seems to vote Democratic even though their party is moving increasingly further away from the values of traditional Judaism Orthodox Rabbi Aryeh Spero www causcusforamerica com is our first guest to shed some light on the dissonance between Jewish belief and the Democratic Party's animosity towards Israel and values contained in Torah As two

 Everybodys Gotta Have a Worldview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

John's extended boralogue kicks off with a comparison between the mantras of political correctness and what actually seems to be true with a detailing how to detect gaps between the two He grounds this with a commentary on media reactions to ads against Jihad placed in the New York subway system No society can exist without a worldview It forms the foundation for the society its values and legal systems So when someone says You shouldn't push your values on others they're describing a world that can never be The making of laws is the very process of pushing values

 Obamas Middle East Policy is Bankrupt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

In pursuing news issues on a day to day basis arriving at the truth of an issue demands filtering through mounds of arguments and counter-arguments plus downright disinformation As long as reality can be kept at bay even fallacious arguments survive for a long time in the media However when a narrative utterly collapses it is instructive to witness how those on the wrong side of an issue handle the implosion So John's extended boralogue retraces a history leading up to the Arab spring's not-surprising collapse into winter along with an inquiry as to why the media insist on pounding

 That Nagging Cognitive Dissonance in the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Given all of the events of the week in the Middle East and the global monetary situation have you noticed that nagging cognitive dissonance you're feeling in your gut It's caused by the widening gap between the politically correct narratives about the Middle East and the contradicting realities which are unfolding right on schedule as we predicted John's extended boralogue addresses the politically correct narratives of the last two years spun by the global media around the Arab Spring and why the media just can't bring themselves to abandon the narratives in the face of strong contradicting evidence Then former

 Why the Supreme Court Loves Unconstitutional Rulings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

We're just back from driving around the western United States talking with Americans about things American Why does the Supreme Court seem to produce so many unconstitutional rulings lately Dr Tamzin Rosenwasser www aapsonline org returns to the program with answers to that question in the context of the long-term legal and financial realities surrounding Obamacare Then Gary Kah www garykah org returns after a long hiatus as a guest in our ongoing End of America series Gary has chronicled the move towards global governance and the transformation of American culture and politics for over two decades John's boralogue examines

 Vulnerable to Iranian EMP Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

With tensions over possible attacks on Iran mounting one way Iran could actually retaliate is by discharging an electro-magnetic pulse EMP over the United States which would shut down the national power grid How realistic is this threat Steve Elwart is a consultant on electronic security issues When did liberalism adopt socialism as its model In the early part of the th Century progressives were falling all over themselves to endorse communist experiments in the early Soviet Union until things started to fall apart Then they wrapped themselves in the American flag and began talking about social justice etc William

 Hard Left in the U.S. Military | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Are U S military think tanks adopting a hard left political viewpoint A study has emerged saying the military needs to plan on doing battle with American citizens inspired by the goals of the Tea Party movement Retired federal agent John McTernan www johnmcternan name returns to the program after a long hiatus We're pursuing a new thread to expand the history of how the global left media fell in love with communism and developed a soft spot for it Humberto Fontova www hfontova com is the next guest who contrasts media treatment of Fidel Castro with Agosto Pinochet John's

 Stock Market and Surveillance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Today's program weaves a strange continuity of the thread introduced a few weeks ago in the area of surveillance of American citizens Imagine if Hitler had the surveillance technology of today's electronic world Would any Jews have survived in Europe Little-known stories from the holocaust help us form an answer Benjamin Wood is author of the book Defying Evil Then we'll jump to high frequency trading on the stock market where computers are now overwhelming their human masters and running the world of high finance This dovetails directly with shows we have done on trans-humanism and surveillance High frequency trading

 Whats It All About? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:19

August has arrived Congress is in recess Hooray Silly season is accelerating as the elections grow closer and it's time to do our traditional August perspective shows instead of chasing news This weekend Carl Teichrib from Forcing Change in Canada www forcingchange org returns to the program for a penetrating discussion of well everything we're experiencing right now as seen from the point of view of elitists who have promoted a global government for the last century John's boralogue examines hidden issues behind the rising turmoil in the Middle East as the region moves toward a series of conflicts over

 Freedom of Speech and Religion on the Line | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:20

It's nice when new ideas enter the marketplace of ideas and are debated in polite company However when the new ideas try to take over the marketplace and displace the others by coercion that's a different matter We're going to spend the first hour of the program examining the war on freedom of speech and religion where old rights are being displaced by news ones First there has been a long-standing effort to muzzle individuals or groups who express serious concerns about radical Islam using lawsuits to do so Brooke Goldstein is with the Lawfare Project www thelawfareproject org and

 A Tale of Two Templates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

It's time for an SOS template test to examine the differences between news channel coverage of the shootings in Aurora versus the shootings at Fort Hood Recall that for years the mainline media denied they were biased in what they reported Bruce Thornton is professor of classics and humanities at California State Fresno and a research fellow at the Hoover Institute He'll dissect the media mindset that leads to totally different methods of coverage of similar or related events The global nervousness index is on the rise Many sense we're headed to a geopolitical crisis but few seem to be

 So What Does a Fiscal Cliff Look Like? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Our prayers and condolences to all the families involved in the Aurora Denver movie theater shooting If we're headed towards an economic cliff what does it look like when you go over the cliff Obviously people are still here so what does all of this mean Dr Donald Boudreaux www cafehayek com is former chair of the Department of Economics at George Mason University and author of Hypocrites and Half-Wits A Daily Dose of Sanity from Cafe Hayek We'll dissect the relationships between taxes Obamacare the country's indebtedness and other crazy or sane intertwined issues Then John rebuts the President's


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