Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Detangling a Lynch Mob | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's boralogue provides listeners with a Middle East Update The supposedly imminent attack on Iran seems to have slipped onto the back burner for a while Meanwhile Islamic countries don't care much about the Palestinian conflict any more but never fear the international left has stepped up to the plate to keep the drumbeat against Israel going As the Syrian government kills thousands of their own people demanding reform we'll see what's happening to Christians inside Syria Wendy Wright is executive director of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute www c-fam org and www christianfreedom org The uproar over

 Whats Next When Global Warming Collapses? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

nbsp Happy Easter weekend everyone Christ is Risen For a Christian the issue of exclusive truth rests on a single question Was Jesus who he said he was and if so that negates any other claimants to truth about paths to God If his claims are not true and He did not rise from the dead then we are truly wasting our time with this Christian nonsense It's not a matter of personal truth it's a matter of cold hard loving absolute truth We're taking the holiday weekend off and featuring two interviews First have you noticed the global warming

 Spending the Week in Court | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

The whole country has been watching the Supreme Court's hearings on Obamacare but there were other important Supreme Court rulings this week that were virtually ignored by the press First up is attorney James Mason from Home School Legal Defense www hslda org The Supreme Court declined to hear a case involving a home school family where a social worker forced entry into their home on minimal probable cause Then constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord www restoretherepublic co examines the Supreme Court's favorable decision in the case of the Sackett family in Priest Lake Idaho The Sacketts were building a house

 Enforcing Morality by Immoral Means | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:20

Time for a lively debate on the program The Ryan budget made its debut in Congress and with it the inevitable debate Many seem to think that a combination of taxing the rich and a few spending cuts can bring the deficit debt problem under control This is naivet in the light of the numbers But what to cut Some propose caring for those less fortunate is paramount in fixing the deficit Is this even possible given the level of indebtedness Ronald Sider from Evangelicals for Social Action www evangelicalsforsocialaction org is author of Fixing the Moral Deficit A Balanced

 Small People Making a Large Difference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

We'll devote a lot of time today examining abortion and infanticide to see how individuals have managed to make a difference in saving the lives of tiny ones First what is the Save the Storks campaign all about David Pomerantz www savethestorks com joins the show as first guest today Then we'll check on the outcome of the Bethlehem Bible College conference last week which rotated around the plight of Palestinians and the reasons Christians are leaving the Middle East Dexter van Zile from CAMERA www camera org is just back from the conference Returning to subject of infanticide Dr

 If God Made the Universe Who Made God? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

We'll put politics on hold this week in order to examine several religious issues God vs No-God seems to be the ongoing theological debate When Christians say God created the universe atheists will invariably respond by asking Who created God But is that even a valid question once we arrive outside space-time where God is What does exist in eternity Dr Edgar Andrews Ph D www whomadegod org from the University of London is a scientist and international expert on large molecules who once debated Richard Dawkins He joins us to discuss his new book Who Made God The we'll

 To Attack or Not Attack An Iranian Winter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Notice the long-running speculation about an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities is ramping up to a fevered media pitch John's extended boralogue kicks off with a thorough update on the Iranian situation Then we'll be joined by former CIA Director James Woolsey current head of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies www defenddemocracies org who furthers that analysis This week former Colorado Senator Gary Hart penned an op ed piece in the Huffington Post comparing Islamic intolerance for Christians with the religious right in America John comments on the senator's ideas and then James Heiser comes on board from

 What Exactly is an Economic Collapse? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Some economists warn that local state and federal governments are on a course to economic collapse if we don't change immediately But what does economic collapse really mean Does life quit Do governments cease to exist Dr David Barker Ph D www barkerecon com is a former economist with the Federal Reserve Bank In the last part of the program we'll update listeners on the Iran and Middle East situation with a some words from intelligence expert Joseph de Courcy Then we'll move to examine the growing tensions between state and federal governments via a look at the U S

 Political Correctness is Killing Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Today's program rotates around the effects of political correctness as new values are colliding with older values in trying enforce conformity to the new norms Cliff Kincaid from Accuracy in Media www aim org www religiousleftexposed com engages in a conversation about Catholic hospitals being forced to provide contraception to employees speculating on whether or not the church made a deal with the devil when it took government funds in the first place Then Tim Graham from the Media Research Center www mrc org follows Cliff for a comparison of the media's handling of two recent similar controversies to examine

 European Crisis by Design | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Much speculation about the dubious nature of the European Union'sfuture survival circulates on the internet However others believe it's right on track for its long-term goals and is using the current crisis to achieve them Dr Robert Congdon Th D www congdonministries org joins the program Then we'll interview a Canadian Chinese Christian who was arrested and tortured by security police in China during the Christmas season last year just for wanting to visit a church there Jenny Chen guests on the program along with Ed Romero from China Aid www chinaaid org John's boralogue compared today's political correctness about

 The Growing Police State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:11

The Bill of Rights has been dissolving at an alarming rate for the last years but at an accelerated pace since John Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute www rutherford org premiers on the program with warnings about the dangerous position we're putting ourselves in For several decades the religious right peddled the idea that fighting to put the right people in office would solve a lot of our nation's problems Not only is that not working but perhaps the problem really needs to be solved at a spiritual level first Chuck Crismier www saveus org is author of The Secret

 Geopolitics Education and History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

We packed the program this weekend with informative interviews with a focus on geopolitics for the first part of the program Although China is hailed as an economic powerhouse it has serious monetary and population problems which will affect its approach to the approaching geopolitical storms Ken Timmerman www kentimmerman com and John discuss the proposal that the U S drop its support of Taiwan in exchange for a debt write-off The Chinese may not be able to do that Then we'll jump to the Middle East for a summary report by correspondent Dave Dolan www ddolan com author of

 Shifting Attitudes Away from Gun Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

It's time we see whether or not Americans' attitudes towards gun control have shifted over the last decade There were two pivotal events which seem to have galvanized the case for self defense Alan Gottlieb from the Second Amendment Foundation www saf org is author of the book Shooting Blanks Facts Don't Matter to the Gun Ban Crowd Then Michael Paul joins us to continue the thread we have been pursuing ongoing asking the question Will the real Islam please stand up Paul grew up as an Iraqi Muslim and later became a Christian We have candid conversation about his

 The Medias Pitching Deck of Conflicting Standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

It's time to revisit the National Defense Authorization Act which allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without due process or respect for habeas corpus This is a provision that must be repealed as soon as possible or simply declared unconstitutional Jim Babka from www downsizedc org joins us Mid-show John reports a number of significant news stories unfolding this week Then we're on to issues of free speech with a look at the growing effort to penalize criticism of Islam by preventing a definition of the relationship between Islam and terrorism Former CIA officer Claire Lopez at the

 Ambushing Our Elected Representatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Why is it we elect people to change things in Washington or state capitals and then nothing happens It's because they're ambushed by foundation groups determined to force legislators to fall in line with the system or to marginalize those who won't play by the rules Idaho State Representative Vito Barbieri paints a picture of what legislators are up against Open Doors www opendoorsusa org issued its report on religious freedom around the world this week of the areas where Christians are under serious duress occurs in Muslim countries but you'd never know that from the media's prattle about the


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