Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 So What Really is in the Healthcare Bill? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

Today's program features a spirited round table discussion on the destination to which Obamacare is taking us It's worse than you think with our medical information being made available to the IRS Homeland Security and the FBI The panel features Dr Keith Smith M D www surgerycenterok com founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma which publishes all-inclusive pricing for competitive surgical procedures so patients know ahead of time what services will cost Dr Richard Samuel M D www samuelpractice blogspot com an Idaho physician who stopped accepting Medicare and insurance eight years ago so he could offer patients discount

 The Death of Farm Freedom and Free Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Can America's slide into crisis be stopped Part of The End of America series airs today with New York Times best selling author Joel Rosenberg www joelrosenberg com his latest book being Implosion Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time Harassment of mom and pop farmers on the part of various state government bureaucracies is growing including armed raids on some farmers selling raw dairy products John Moody is with Farm Food Freedom Coalition and the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund Melinda Olson is a consumer who gets products from a farmer which is bringing

 Bonus Interview with Cris Putnam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:08

Special bonus for our subscribers only John interviews Cris Putnam co-author of the book Petrus Romanus The Final Pope is Here www prophecyofthepopes com

 The End of America - Sorta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

A new thread starts on the show today for the summer months entitled The End of America Many voices are predicting The end of America is at hand so what does that mean when we talk about the collapse of a society government or currency John Price www endofamericabook com is our first guest in the series He is author of The End of America the Role of Islam in the End Times and Biblical Warnings to Flee America Freedom of speech is rapidly evolving as the critical front line as gay rights groups seek to silence Christians by force

 Malachi Martins Windswept House Interview from 1997 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:56

Special only for our subscribers Login to listen to this archived interview of Malachi Martin from March of This was one of our most popular interviews of all-time Vatican historian Dr Malachi Martin author of Windswept House and The Keys of this Blood talks about the future of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic hierarchy Martin includes information on the poisoning of two popes in this century as well as formal Satanic worship participation by Vatican members

 Petrus Romanus and the Late Malachi Martin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:04

nbsp We're taking this weekend off but today's pre-recorded program is action-packed What ever is going on in the Vatican With Vatileaks and rumors about the current pope and Vatican intrigue today's program is a tale of two Malachis Tom Horn is co-author of the book Petrus Romanus The Final Pope is Here www prophecyofthepopes com We'll have a spirited conversation with Tom on current Vatican politics the Middle Ages papal prophecies of St Malachy O'Morgair and review -year-old clips from the late Fr Malachi Martin author of Windswept House to see how right Malachi was about the future of

 Oklahoma City What the Investigation Missed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

nbsp It's been years since the disaster at the Murrah Office Building in Oklahoma City Do we really know everything about the disaster or did the investigation deliberately spike some facts to protect a number of intelligence failures Roger Charles is author of the book Oklahoma City What the Investigation Missed and Why It Matters We're often talking about cutting programs but what about organizations such as Planned Parenthood that receive thousands of dollars of government support but could stand on its own feet financially Planned is a misnomer since the majority of pregnant women who go to the centers

 Iran vs. Winston Churchill Years Apart But So Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:21

nbsp In the Syrian civil war all sorts of proxy nations are becoming involved in the conflict but children are hurt the worst with hundreds dying Attorney Brooke Goldstein www childrensrightsinstitute org is director of the Children's Rights Institute One thing is clear sooner or later the U S and Israel will be involved in some kind of conflict with Iran it's just a question of when and how much The diplomatic situation closely resembles the run-up to Germany's invasion of Poland in when France and Great Britain kept trying to placate Hitler Dr James Hutchens is a retired brigadier

 When Christians Seek Asylum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

nbsp The Law of the Sea Treaty LOST is back before the senate with an oddball consortium of supporters seeking ratification Phyllis Schlafly from Eagle Forum www eagleforum org is featured in the first interview today to detail this problematical treaty Illegal immigration and policy is a hot center of controversy but what about Christians seeking asylum in this country as they flee from persecution in their home countries Professor Louis Gordon from Cal State San Bernardino is a defense attorney for people seeking refuge in this country and he contrasts today's conditions with an article he wrote years ago

 Mobocracy Democracy vs. a Republic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

nbsp Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone When did we become a democracy instead of a republic Would the veterans we memorialize this weekend those who died for during WWI and WWII recognize what is passed off to us as democracy today They would have recognized it for what it is Bolshevism because the values of the American educational system were radically different than the one we have today In years how did Marxist ideology manage to get such a toehold on a country that used to prize its freedom Dr Jake Jacobs Ph D www jjusa org is author of

 When Reality Becomes Real | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

nbsp When reality sets in politicians panic because that's when politics-as-usual disintegrates in the face of an onrushing crisis During the endgame of inflationary policy revenues fall and governments respond by pushing tax rates to the firewall causing revenues to plummet even further a lesson governments like the state of California never seem to learn Tom Giovanetti from the Institute for Policy Innovation www ipi org explains why soak-the-rich schemes always fail while impoverishing the middle class at the same time Then we'll pursue the current monetary situation in Europe with David McAlvany from the McAlvany Weekly Commentary www mcalvany

 The War on Free Speech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

nbsp We hear many progressives including Supreme Court justices say we should emulate the European Union when considering rights in lieu of our own constitution Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg even said she wouldn't recommend our constitution for a new country But if one checks on Europe we see that those rights especially freedom of speech are rapidly dying Karen Lugo is co-director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence www townhall com and www nationalreview com and founder of the Libertas-West Project Two worldviews are slugging it out in the West the first based in Judeo-Christianity and capitalism the

 Environmental Fascism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

nbsp Theoretically governments are supposed to save the planet for future generations But we now have to ask if we are being forced to save ourselves from those who are saving the planet Julie MacDonald is former Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior www bestscience org and she debuts on the program to explain why so many governmental agencies are running rough shod over American citizens with little concern Environmentalism has become a big-money game with only passing relation to saving the environment It seems the United Nations is getting ready to try to impose its control of the Internet by

 The Long Progressive History of Globalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:20

nbsp While some people may have to guard their investments in these rough economic waters others don't have investments and live paycheck to paycheck What will they do in the storms to come John's boralogue examines the necessity of allowing God to guide and provide during rough times whether you're rich or poor Then we'll do a Middle East update plus an examination of why the western media whitewash the Muslim persecution of Christians in the Middle East After that it's time to review the principles of change agentry which leads into a history of the -year movement towards global

 The Anti-Humanism Behind Environmentalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

nbsp Progressives have had a hard time establishing a basis for their constant appeals to morality due to the constantly changing basis on which it stands James Kalb www jimkalb com is author of The Tyranny of Liberalism Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom Inquisitorial Tolerance and Equality by Command Despite the claim that we're saving nature for future generations there is a long-standing dark side to environmentalism which breathes malevolent hostility towards humanity in general This philosophy of anti-humanism was responsible for much of the genocide which took place in the th Century Dr Robert Zubrin Ph D is author


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