Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 What Transparency in Healthcare? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:26

Many healthcare promises are already failing even before the Obamacare system gets started and wait until the American public sees all the new taxes starting in One of the early healthcare casualties seems to be transparency in medical pricing Dr Tamzin Rosenwasser M D from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons www aapsonline org relates how we are transferring serious problems from Medicare right into the new healthcare system A small group of environmentalists are posing as evangelicals to impose pantheism and social gospel precepts on evangelical churches with biblical-sounding language Paul Chesser is Executive Director of the American

 Backward to Global Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:41

Remember to pray for all the people affected by the tornadoes in the Midwest With all the violent weather some are blaming it on you guessed it global warming But it's more related to the -year Pacific Decadal Oscillation Even as CO emissions are the environmental crisis du jour the case for man made global warming declines The University of Virginia UVA has been refusing freedom of information requests for Dr Michael Mann's emails when he was guru of the now discredited hockey stick graph Christopher Horner from the American Traditional Institute www globalwarming org joins the program for an

 The Conservative Global Education Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:13

We know the world is supposed to end today according to some sources but we'll do a show anyway Look at all of the conservative Republican governors promoting their state education programs Wait a minute They're derived from the same global education programs the progressives use No education reform there no matter what the RINO-govs say Cathie Adams from Eagle Forum www eagleforum org joins us This is the first in a series of programs on global education You've heard discussion on the show about the need to instruct Christian youth in logic and critical thinking But former marine Mike

 Global Food and Water in Decline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

We've been discussing for sometime the three-legged storm headed towards the U S Debt Energy Shortage Food Shortage The subject we've covered least is the looming shortage of food and water that seems to be off most politicians' radar Michael Snyder's www theeconomiccollapseblog com article Horrific Food Crisis is Looming appeared in Pravda recently highlighting major reasons why a global food crisis is rapidly approaching Michael guests first today Then Professor Robert Glennon www rglennon com is Morris K Udall Professor of Law and Public Policy in the Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona Professor Glennon describes

 Transhumanism Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:26

Just getting back from meeting many of you at the Worldview Weekend in Branson Missouri This week we're confining the focus of the program by revisiting the emerging global technocracy and what transhumanism means for western culture and for Christianity in general Our guests for this round table discussion are Pat Wood from the August Review www augustreview com and Dr Martin Erdmann www verax ws John's boralogue rotates around a Middle East intelligence update including comments on Osama bin Laden

 Joint Survival in the Middle East Israel and Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

With the resurgence of hard-core Islam Christians are under intense pressure in Islamic countries Many anti-Israel Christian denominations don't seem to realize the fate of their brethren in Islamic countries is tied directly to Israel's survival Israel is the only country in the region where the number of Christians is increasing dramatically instead of decreasing Journalist Giulio Meotti writes on these subjects for Il Foglio and the Wall Street Journal He joins us from his home near Florence Italy As the perfect energy storm approaches the U S continues to paint itself into a crisis by eliminating access to fuel

 Merging Healthcare and Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Happy Easter everyone Christ is Risen Taking time off this weekend John's boralogue forms this week's Middle East Watch Then we'll air clips from John's recent worldview class on logic and critical thinking emphasizing why truth is an important commodity in an age of relativism In the new global governance paradigm everything has to fit in a seamless system including healthcare and religion Rick Warren's new health plan seems to do both So what's that all about Warren Smith www lighthousetrails com is author of False Christ Coming Does Anyone Care

 Marching Towards the Tipping Point | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

John's boralogue elaborates the difference between tolerance and freedom as ideological concepts Then he compares this to the double standard the media uses when dealing with Muslims vs Christians Then on to Middle East Watch Why is it the Libyan rebels stopped their warfare long enough to establish a central bank They're not even a country yet Is the war in Libya really about oil or about international finance We'll also follow up on the move of several states to establish state banks Ellen Brown author of Web of Debt and president of the Public Banking Institute www publicbankinginstitute org

 Decision by Indecision in Global Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

A good part of today's program to pursues the changing Middle Eastern chessboard Our country of focus this week is Lebanon and we'll engage in a conversation with Michael Totten www michaeltotten com author of The Road to Fatima Gate As a journalist Michael has most of Lebanon including Hezbollahland and believes that country will play a major role in the next round of violence emerging from that region The Goldstone Report of was used as a club to accuse Israel of war crimes incurred while defending itself from missile attacks originating in Gaza Now the report's author Richard Goldstone

 Toward the Next Conflict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

We're deciphering blips on the Middle East radar in order to form a more comprehensive intelligence picture for our listeners The potential for Islamic radicalism controlling oil-producing countries is high Hamas and Hezbollah believe their time is coming for another confrontation with Israel Al-Qaeda is involved with Libyan rebels The peace process is dead Now what Two guests will examine this theme The first is Frank Gaffney www centerforsecuritypolicy org from the Center for Security Policy The second is historian Dr Steve Carol Ph D from the Middle East Radio Forum www middleeastradioforum org John's extended boralogue directly connects the

 So Whats the Fuss about Sharia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:16

Today's program is focused on events surrounding the world of Islam both in the Middle East and the United States First John's extended boralogue connects numerous intelligence points revolving around the Middle East right now which provide a significantly different emergent picture than the mainline media seem to be offering Then what's all the fuss about using Islamic Sharia as a basis for law in the United States Examining Europe would provide a good start to answering that John's sole guest today is Shahram Hadian www shahramhadian com an Iranian-American and former Muslim who is currently a Christian pastor We'll

 Are We Learning Something from Japan? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

John's extended boralogue opens the program with a series of lessons we should be learning from the disaster in Japan but apparently aren't While everyone monitors Japan and Libya is anyone really watching the Middle East Egypt is at a tipping point which may take it into Islamic extremism and security for Christians throughout the Islamic world is deteriorating Dexter van Zile www camera org returns to the program for a report This week there were moves on Capital Hill toward intercepting the EPA's end-run around congress using the declaration of CO as a pollutant It's time we update the

 The Media vs. Reality in the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Caroline Glick www jpost com from the Jerusalem Post is John's first guest Together they trace the penchant of global media to come down on the wrong side of issues for over fifty years while ignoring the wreckage of their failures J C Davies www feverbook com writes books about inter-racial dating which seems like a strange topic for this program But we'll discuss whether it's possible to get beyond cliches and political correctness in order to have genuine conversations about race In the last part of the program we'll examine the lessons we should learn from the fiasco in

 Freedom is Breaking Out All Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

The mainline media are exclaiming that freedom is breaking out all over the Middle East And with what exactly are we replacing it John's boralogue analyzes why the reporting from the Middle East is ignoring critical indicators that things may not end well They are blinded by their worldview and commitment to multicultural ideology Dexter van Zile from CAMERA www camera org is today's first guest and we'll focus on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood The mainline press are running interference for this organization which has a long-standing position of advocating violence against Jews and infidels Then we'll switch

 The Slow Global Oil Decompression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

Welcome to a potpourri show today Four Americans were murdered by pirates off the coast of Somalia this last week An important part of the story is being ignored by the mainline media So what else is new Jim Jacobson from Christian Freedom International www christianfreedom org joins us From there attention turns to the state of world oil production Steve Levine from Foreign Policy journal www foreignpolicy com guests for the first time with the question Is OPEC fudging its oil reserve reports and how much could it produce in a global crisis The answer isn't comforting Christian professionals


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