Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Living in Two Worldviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:44

How is it that American education could have declined so precipitously in the last years affecting everything from politics to morals to economics but at the same time educators think everything's just fine Moreover Christian teachers in the public school system switch between the secular worldview of their profession and the biblical one of their faith but never see the problem with being double- minded What's wrong with this picture A pronounced switch in the philosophy of education with its theories of dialectical truth has caused the major disconnect between education and reality Today's sole guest Mitch Wright traces the

 Christian Persecution in Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

We're featuring a potpourri show today A fast-moving agenda to eliminate the electoral college from the voting process in the United States is close to success Tara Ross www taraross com is author of the book Enlightened Democracy The Case for the Electoral College Many mainline churches are adopting an increasingly hostile attitude towards Israel bordering on anti-semitism The Presbyterian Church just had such a battle in its convention Dexter van Zile from the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting www camera org comes on board for a report Freedom of speech is under duress once again The city

 Missionaries with Mixed Metaphors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

It seems as if the U N is throwing global warming over the side of the ship as a crisis motivator for global wealth transfer So what's the next crisis du jour It's new biodiversity crisis and surprise surprise global climate change is still part of that Marc Marano from Climate Depot www climatedepot com joins us Then we challenge the idea that Christian teachers in public schools are missionaries in their profession In reality they are unwitting practitioners of multiple conflicting worldviews Ray Moore from the Exodus Mandate www exodusmandate org joins us John's extended boralogue updates listeners on

 Protections that Dont Protect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:17

Happy Fourth of July everyone There were times in the history of the United States when by all accounts we really shouldn't have made it as a country So what was the deciding factor It just might have been faith in God Chris Stewart is co-author of Seven Miracles that Saved America MSNBC host Chris Matthews is upset about all the extremists that are connected with the tea party movement Wonder what that means Well let's hear from one of them John McManus is president of the John Birch Society www jbs org and he continues a two-decades tradition by

 224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

The country is about to discover that all debts must be paid sooner or later and that - no matter what politicians want it to be Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joins us for the first part of the program to discuss his new book To Save America So let's assume we have a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico Are all those oil rigs just going to sit there taking tremendous losses or go elswhere If they go elsewhere are they coming back since rigs are in shortage right now and high global demand Few

 Destroying the U.S. from Within | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

With the country's media hyper-focused on the gulf oil spill we're moving beyond that today toward long-term ramifications Cap and trade is be back on the congressional menu justifying itself this time as a means of preventing oil spills At least that's the blather The U S media seems determined to ignore the previous sky-is-falling blather which turned out to be fraudulent A series of studies are emerging showing claims about a scientific global warming consensus to be hot air Lawrence Solomon is author of The Deniers and a columnist for the National Post in Canada energy probeinternational org or

 Narrating the Middle East Narratives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

John skips the boralogue this week to delve immediately into two core ideas determining how Americans view the Middle East The first involves narratives about Middle East history which determine how one views the Israeli Palestinian conflict Dr Steve Carol Ph D retired professor of Modern Middle East history www middleeastradioforum org joins the program for a narrative covering who owned the land Israel occupies for the last two millennia The second item revolves around Christian biblical eschatology and the role of Israel in prophecy especially if a denomination believes in replacement theology Dexter van Zile www camera org reports

 So Which Rights are Right? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

The Federal Communications Commission claims there are all sorts of problems that need to be solved on the internet so it wants to reclassify the internet as a telephone service and regulate it Seemingly they also want control of internet website content as well Tom Giovanetti from the Institute for Policy Innovation www ipi org joins the show We hear the warm fuzzy term social justice hashed around the political arena So what does that mean Certainly not the freedom of individuals Patrick Garry author of Conservatism Redefined returns to the show We'll close out with a small piece by

 I Will Not Sit Down and Shut Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Happy Memorial Day Each we year we honor Memorial Day If a country alters its history if it has lost the vision of what makes its contribution to the world worthwhile what is it we remember John's extended boralogue demonstrates why a people must have concrete concepts who they are a knowledge of their past and the worth of their culture in order to preserve it and defend itself from attack Since remembering the past is important Glen Boyer joins the program Born in Glen is author of Where the Heart Was an account of a young man growing up

 The European Debt Crisis this Way Cometh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Much time will be expended on the program poring over the European debt crisis with Dave McAlvany from The McAlvany Weekly Commentary www mcalvany com This is not solely an academic exercise because a similar crisis is heading for the United States and it is instructive to see how people and politicians in Europe have reacted to their self-inflicted crisis so we can avoid their mistakes Some people say we should adopt European values in law and politics But European intellectuals have spent the last years denigrating their own culture history and religion leaving the continent vulnerable to invading cultures

 Dodging the Bullet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

With an energy storm rushing towards us has the U S painted itself into an impossible position threatening national security or is there still time to dodge the bullet Dr Theodore Pavlopoulos Ph D www exposingthesystem com is a retired naval physicist who says this is a matter of serious concern and no one's listening Our interview with the good doctor kicks off a new thread on energy and what you need to be thinking about The congressional process of creating a mechanism to legally confiscate Ks and IRAs continues in the background Are the things we own really safe

 The Lawfare Conquest of Free Speech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Free speech is under attack not just from formalized political correctness but also through the process of lawfare where legal action is used to prevent people from expressing their ideas in the public media Attorney David Yerushalmi www davidyerushalmi com has been spearheading a case in Miami Florida where Muslim groups have attempted to keep anti-Islamic ads from being posted on bus billboards Three news events this week -- a major oil spill flooding and an attempted terrorist action -- demonstrate the need for preparedness in the event rogue events cause problems with food and fuel Having emergency checklists established

 Food Budgets in Rough Times | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Why would an engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena be demoted What horrid breach of protocol had he committed He gave DVDs supporting intelligent design theory to his colleagues Casey Luskin is an attorney with the Discovery Institute www discovery org in Seattle and there's a lawsuit underway It seems many listeners don't understand what happens when a currency collapses and how it affects the little guy Jim Puplava from Financial Sense www financialsense com makes a brief appearance to explain this Then we'll move into a series of specials addressing what people can do to prepare for

 Earth Day Hype | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

This week marked the th anniversary of the tragic bombing of the Murrah Office building in Oklahoma City President Clinton said the atmosphere of hate in the country is identical now to what it was just prior to that terrorist event So John's extended boralogue examines the parallels between then and now as well as those things that are different especially by noting what President Clinton said back then This week also marked the annual observance of Earth Day Unfortunately much of the environmental information peddled in schools during Earth Day is more political hype than scientific fact But what

 The Roots of Progressive Thought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Today progressive philosophy and liberalism seem inseparably joined but it was not always so Progressive thought and Marxism are kissing cousins tracing their roots back to philosopher Georg Friedrich Hegel It wasn't until after World War I and especially World War II that progressive thought pushed through its gradual process of co-opting classic liberalism Professor Ronald Pestritto from Hillsdale college www hillsdale edu is author of the book Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism In the latter part of today's program John reads emails from listeners covering preparation for the next five rough economic years as well as


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