Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 From Smiley Face to Green Dragon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

days until the next elections in the United States Oh no he's doing it again John's boralogue strives to put election results in perspective with an eye to the economic storms en route to our shores within the next months This week's rhetoric clearly demonstrated how politicians and media are oblivious to the realities we're facing We hear the term social justice slung about by all sorts of people including pastors There's a serious reality chasm between the warm-fuzzy social justice evokes versus the reality when it is implemented as a social program where it morphs from warm fuzzy to

 Logical Fallacies and Critical Thinking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

What happens when government takes a right and regulates it out of existence so no one can exercise the right A law pending in New York City would make it almost impossible for pregnancy counseling centers to exist Chris Slattery provides a description of events in the Big Apple A new thread is opened today focusing on the United States painting itself into an energy corner with impending disaster on the horizon The U S has shut its own rare earth mines down allowing China to have exclusive control of these essential elements worldwide When rare earth minerals are essential

 Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:08

What lessons could be learned about today's church by comparison with the German church's confrontation with Nazi Germany Quite a bit and the parallels are impressive Eric Metaxas www ericmetaxas com is author of Bonhoeffer Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy What if we threw a war and nobody came Speculation ran rampant for months about a possible Israeli attack on Iranian reactors but surprise it seems it might have already happened Ken Timmerman www newsmax com joins us for a conversation which includes the deportation of Assyrian Christians from Sweden back to Iraq John's boralogue opens a new thread by examining

 Skipping to a Tipping Point | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

John's extended boralogue unites series of seemingly unrelated stories and connects them to the origins of the progressive socialist movement which began years ago Things are now approaching a social and economic tipping point which will determine the worldview western civilization will follow The logical question is whether or not we can actually dodge the tipping bullet Is there a possibility that the system of checks and balances in our country between the federal and state governments may actually enable us to short circuit the runaway economic issues we're facing right now We'll air relevant news clips notably from Congressman

 Property Rights as a Base for Free Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

John starts the show with an extended boralogue explaining why the Tea Party movement is doomed to failure unless it recognizes the core issues confronting the nation This dove tails directly into the next segment When people say they believe in wealth transfer from the rich to the poor do they really understand what they're saying There is a core relationship between strong private property rights protections and freedom that they have never thought of We'll air key clips from Dr Michael Coffman's www rescuingamericabook com two-hour speech which we sponsored last week An essential idea to reforming government would

 Education and the Road Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

We'll do a different show from the norm today First John's extended boralogue examines parallels between the churches in the west today and those in Germany just prior to the rise of the Nazi regime Included are audio clips from a new book about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Then by request we'll air the speech John gave at Steeling the Mind of America in September in Denver Colorado The talk focuses on education as the key to the road back from the abyss into which the country is staring

 When Worldviews Clash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

A few weeks ago we opened a thread entitled Will the real Islam please stand up Today we're merging that thread with our customary emphasis on worldviews in an interview with Dr Peter Hammond in Johannesburg South Africa www frontline org za Dr Hammond has been on the front line in the wars between Islam and Christianity for several decades having been bombed stabbed imprisoned and attacked in other ways as well John's extended boralogue examines how the differences in thought patterns between Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers keeps the church from recognizing imminent danger to itself

 The Christian History Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

John's speech this weekend in Denver revolves around reclaiming education for our children as the way back from a series of painful bumps the country and the church are about to experience Part of education reclamation involves establishing an accurate view of history The Christian History project www thechristians ca is one such effort Ted Byfield joins us Have you ever noticed on TV science programs dates involving fossils or the earth and the universe are stated as sure facts How do they know that Dr Rick Oliver Ph D www confoundthewise org says they don't John's boralogue provides clues

 How Smart is the Smart Grid? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

The State of Oregon has a new law requiring hospitals and physicians to offer morning-after abortifacients in the event of rape regardless of the health care provider's conscience and religious beliefs Emergency room physician Dr Matt Turney joins us program to discuss what this means for Christian doctors There is growing concern about government control of the proposed electric smart grid as well as security concerns revolving around the uses for private information that can be gathered from it Steve Elwart is adviser to the Departments of Energy and Homeland Security on energy security issues He and John have an

 Mormonism vs. Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Seat belts on for a brisk show today We'll re-open the thread which asks the real Islam to please stand up Jim Jacobson from Christian Freedom International www christianfreedom org examines the plight of Christians in Pakistan where Christians are not receiving the flood aid that pouring into the country Washington and Oregon both have proposed laws and regulations to coerce doctors and pharmacists to dispense the morning after abortion pill regardless of a practitioner's moral convictions Joseph Backholm is from the Family Policy Institute www fpiw org We've been addressing the problem of tangled issues lately Glen Beck's rally

 The Tyranny of Good Intentions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

There is a widening chasm between discourse in American media and the emerging crises that are confronting us Concomitant with that we find a deterioration of rights and protections of law Today's program features an extended conversation with Paul Craig Roberts former undersecretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration and author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions In the Islam-is-a-religion-of-peace rhetoric how is political correctness killing us What do minority religions living in Islamic countries think about such claims A religion of peace is not the reality they experience on a daily basis John's boralogue sets the groundwork for

 An Islamic View of the Global Struggle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:17

The recent controversy over a proposed mosque near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan demonstrates how Americans cannot clearly define the enemy in the war on terror and the role Islam plays Part of this stems from viewing Islamic political and religious beliefs via western politically-correct filters which don't accurately portray reality We'll spend today's show on Islamic history and its modern impact with two authors The first is Islamic expert Bernard Lewis author of numerous books including The Crisis in Islam and What Went Wrong Then we'll follow up with the life story of one person who more than any

 Getting Beyond the Worn Out Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:26

As the U S plows deeper into an onrushing series of crises both predominant parties are locked in a death struggle unrelated to what their constituents are experiencing in the real world outside Washington A new thread commences on the program Can we get beyond decision by indecision and move past worn out talking points into plausible policy James Horn is a retired State Department diplomat and author of the book Di Di Di Daw Daw Daw Di Di Patrick Astre is a financial adviser and author of This is Not Your Parents' Retirement They participate in our round table

 John Locke vs. Jean-Jacques Rousseau | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

SubscriptionDNA-DisplayMP Why does America seem so divided It's caught in a battle between the economic and moral worldviews of two different men from previous centuries In the near future America will have to decide whose view will prevail Locke or Rousseau One built this country The other has failed every time it's been tried in the last two hundred years Dr Michael Coffman Ph D www rescuingamericabook com returns with his new book Rescuing a Broken America Why America is Deeply Divided The way politicians speak you'd swear oil will be completely replaced as an energy source within months Nothing

 Agenda 21 Plus 20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

John's on vacation this week so it's a good time for a round table We've haven't done one of those in a while Almost years have elapsed since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED in Rio de Janeiro in The treaties from that conference were rejected for ratification by the U S senate notably because Agenda is extremely hostile to the private ownership of property flying in the face of our constitution Nevertheless despite a lack of ratification Agenda was implemented at the national state and local levels these last two decades Why so It's another end-run


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