Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Insidious Truth-Lie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

The entire healthcare debate is a vibrant example of how truth-lies operate a series of facts which are technically true but which play out false when reality takes over It's a favorite political game and Americans need to understand it because the temptation for politicians to use it will increase as the economy deteriorates Dr Merrill Matthews Ph D and president Tom Giovanetti of the Institute for Policy Innovation www ipi org join John to see how the truth-lie dynamic plays out in politics Have you noticed that despite all the talk about federal budget issues we almost never hear

 Planning the Future by Reforming the Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Real education reform is essential to redirecting youth away from the disastrous worldview education of the government schools of the last years Rose Morelock is vice president of the Children's Lighthouse chain of private schools www childrenslighthouse com She maintains that postmodernism has done more to wreck the Christian faith of youth than any imagined conflict between science and religion and it's time Christian parents do something about it Then John wades through important news stories of the last few weeks and runs various audio clips to tie it all together We'll also feature parts of an interview with KGB

 The Role of Religion and Politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Taking time off this weekend but never fear there's a program here Philosophy summer continues with an examination of the role of religion in influencing politics It's quite often suggested that religion shouldn't be involved in politics However religion has been instrumental in securing freedom throughout history including the civil rights movement in this country We'll rerun an interview with producer Bud Boltman from CNN dated January about his book Revolution by Candlelight which narrates how movements leading to the downfall of the Soviet bloc all began in churches Then we'll pick up the mini-thread on globalism with another history

 The Little Country that Could | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:40

A key to restoring much of America's competitive edge is through reform of education which is not happening in public schools It is happening however in private and home schools A new study confirms that home schoolers are soaring above their government school counterparts in academic achievement Michael Smith president of Home School Legal Defense www hslda org details the study results Honduras is struggling to keep its constitution and freedoms intact despite much pressure from the global leftist media What's happening in-country vs the picture the global media report is like the difference between night and day That's why

 The Old Bill is the New Bill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

After many years the trial of former Khmer Rouge torturer Kaing Guek Eav Comrade Duch has been underway in Cambodia Duch was allegedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Cambodians during the killing fields period of the s The world's press has largely been ignoring this story which is even more strange because during his many years in hiding Duch became a born-again Christian and was doing work in refugee camps Paul Chesser from American Spectator www spectator org joins the show Tucked away in the current healthcare bill is a provision to fund what used to be called

 The Rush to Chinese Capitalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

We're opening a new thread today examining national security issues that are not on the public's radar screen but which may affect us in the near future The first issue revolves around internet security during times of crisis Should the government have the power to shut down the internet Bartlett Cleland from the Institute for Policy Innovation www ipi org details broad new legislation to do just that As America waffles between staggering back to capitalism or plunging into socialism China flees socialism at a breathtaking pace it's becoming the world's next economic powerhouse Why can't Americans get the message

 Euthanasia and Healthcare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Don't tell anyone but it's August already Sigh Must swim faster One of the objections hurled at those opposed to anthropogenic global warming is that they're sponsored by the oil companies But if we follow the money guess who gets funded at about a ratio Here's a hint it isn't the skeptics Science journalist Joanne Nova joannenova com au joins us from her home in Perth Australia We're still asking the question does anyone know what's in this healthcare bill We're still plowing through the legalese It's really clear that there will be healthcare rationing given the country's economic state

 Has Anybody Read the Bill? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Philosophy summer continues but first we need to make sense of the health care debate in the United States President Obama spoke about health care during an hour-long prime time press conference this week although few seemed to understand exactly what he said Stephen Hyde is author of Cured The Insider's Handbook for Health Care Reform He has actually read the bill and warns Americans to be very afraid of what's actually in the bill Then we jump back to philosophy as professor of evolutionary philosophy Dr Steven Meyer Ph D from the Discovery Institute www discovery org returns to

 The New Atheists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Philosophy summer continues on the program this weekend By listener request today we'll air the second part of a mini- series on the history of organizations that were founded to promote global governance Today's group is the Trilateral Commission just the subject of conspiracy theory or something else Who founded it Who are its members what were the founding goals and what influence does it hold over the flow of geopolitical events Pat Wood from the August Review www augustreview com returns to the program Even as a new global paradigm moves towards pantheistic socialism the new atheists are still

 Natural Law vs. Positive Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Happy Philosophy Summer Saving the planet sounds like a nice smiley-face concept Who could object to that Ecology went off the rails years ago when it embraced socialism and pantheism as a philosophical base More people are becoming aware that today's eco-policies may not be saving anything and just costing everyone a lot of money for nothing Steve Milloy www junkscience com is author of Green Hell which demonstrates where going green is taking the culture and the economy down a bad road The new atheists like to claim that logic and reason from the Enlightenment rescued western civilization from

 Who Were the Fabians? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:12

Happy Fourth of July Everyone Capping and Taxing a Train Wreck The American public has no idea what will clobber it within the next months Combined cap and tax healthcare and Bush tax cut expiration plus an energy storm boosts the tax burden somewhere to a whopping trillion Last week the U S House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act cap and trade probably the largest tax increase since the Smoot-Hawley Tariff which is what made the Great Depression so great We're going to air House debate clips detailing the shenanigans used to ram this complex

 The Alliance of Civilizations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Happy Canada Day later in the week for all our Canadian listeners We're starting our summer series of perspective shows rather than chasing down news This is a fancy way of saying we're taking time off A chic movement in the s and s the New Age had its origins in the writings of occultist Alice A Bailey Now come into its own it's merging with politics in a potent force for controlling the activities of religions worldwide The UN-sponsored Alliance of Civilizations aims to control religious activity within member states particularly what religious schools teach Long-time associate attorney and

 The Church in Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

The world has been watching the election protests in Iran but little coverage shows how the Christian community is faring in that country So how do the elections affect them Carl Moeller from Open Doors www opendoorsusa org joins us No matter how you slice and dice all the new proposals for rescuing the economy or the planet everything always seems to boil down to a new tax Peter Sepp from the National Taxpayers Union www ntu org reveals how cap and trade tax would heavily affect the economy with little result in reducing greenhouse gases Listeners are asking what

 Oatmeal the Dialectic and Islam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

The dialectical collective method of thought youth learn today creates minds full of dialectical collective oatmeal If a change is to occur someone has to begin untangling the mush and teaching people how to think logically That's where philosophy professor John Coleman www johnecoleman org comes in We frequently hear that Judaism and Christianity are as violent as Islam But do the scriptural or historical facts bear that out Raymond Ibrahim from the Middle East Forum www meforum org joins the program to examine the empty claims of revisionist historians John's boralogue compares a series of recent shootings with a

 The Myths of Capitalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Summertime and our programming shifts towards perspective interviews The economic cry of late has been that capitalism is bankrupt and socialism is the solution But wait a minute Socialism always collapses when it doesn't have a vibrant capitalism to support it There's a difference between having problems and being defunct Dr Jay Richards www discovery org is author of The Myths of Capitalism Then Tom DeWeese from the American Policy Center www americanpolicy org returns for a conversation on the significance of the government's takeover of GM and its increasing top-down management of a sick economy John's boralogue moves fast


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