Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Six-Legged Warriors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

Another busy show today Oh well its gives us all something to do over the weekend John starts off by explaining how an international monetary crisis is morphing into an international geopolitical crisis with the rising potential for armed conflict Two themes predominate The crisis supposedly demonstrates failed liberal capitalism and there's a call for a new order globally which strangely enough looks a lot like the global governance the internationalists have been pushing for a long time repackaged into something supposedly new Then we'll journey back to the future for the next push in creating a trans-Texas corridor Hey

 Darwins 200th Birthday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Hey gang February th this week John Carol celebrate their th wedding anniversary -- doing radio and TV and offspring production together for thirty years John kicks off the show with an extended overview of the congressional economic recovery proposals the status of the entire financial storm and a close-to-the-edge cameo appearance by trends forecaster Gerald Celente www trendsresearch com Then fund manager and geologist Zapata George Blake www zapatageorge com checks to see if the emerging energy storm is still on track Zapata's report indicates world demand continues to increase against limited supply and it's only time before this

 The Law of Unintended Consequences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Our politicians just don't seem to get it We're now in a depression but they think it's open season on spending in the name of stimulus or recovery It's only piling more debt and inflation on the liability heap guaranteeing a more violent economic blowout in the near future James Quinn is a strategic developer for the Wharton School of Business His recent op ed piece Unintended Consequences performed a detailed chronology of unintended consequences that lead us to the current crisis along with a sober projection of where our politicians are steering us there's a wide gulf between congressional

 The Promise of Adult Stem Cells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Today's program is more concentrated on just a few important topics First John kicks off an extended boralogue of our current economic and security condition along with projections of what the new administration and congress can and can't do about it Embryonic stem cell research has been a subject of heated controversy because it requires killing human embryos to do the research However stem cells taken from adults have greater promise for healing diseases than embryonic cells with far fewer problems Dr Robert Schwartz is Director for Bioscience and Technology at Texas A M Health Science Center and a leading

 Global Warming Cools Off | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:14

Times are getting downright exciting The hypothesis of manmade global warming is collapsing as we watch predictions of climate models fail to materialize and the indicators point to several decades of profound cold Professor Don Easterbrook's latest paper says the Pacific Ocean has flipped to the cooling stage of its decadal cycle and he's troubled that this is coupling with a marked decrease in solar activity meaning we could have very cold weather for the next couple of decades Then we'll pursue last week's thread making the case for increased U S security as the world slips steadily towards geopolitical

 Staking a Security Claim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

The show opens a new thread today by allowing guests from both the left and the right to stake claims for greater security on the international scene Douglas Schoen is a long-term security advisor to former President Clinton and the Democratic Party He co-authored The Threat Closer to Home where he targets Venezuela's Hugo Chavez as a major player in supporting global terrorism Then Robert Spencer from www jihadwatch org climbs on board His thesis affirms that political correctness in the media and academia is blinding the country to real threats to our security John's extended boralogue covers the Gaza

 The Beautiful Side of Evil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:17

Happy New Year everyone We have a pre-recorded show for most of the program today as we're taking the holiday weekend off However we did want to keep you updated on the Gaza situation so John's boralogue kicks off with an backgrounder of the current political situation over the last eight years Then we'll move on to an interview recorded in November with Johanna Michaleson who authored The Beautiful Side of Evil in Now almost years later we'll discuss the inroads the New Age has made into evangelical churches This interview is part of a not-yet-released television series that John

 Emergent amp Emerging Churches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:15

Merry Christmas everyone Postmodernism affects everything from public policy to the emergent church movement and all of it has one common root in the illogical premise that there are no absolutes which it says absolutely This week we're taking the weekend off so we're featuring interviews with two pastors The first guest is Illinois Pastor Gil Gilly a specialist in monitoring the emergent church movement just of one of a number of step children of the entire philosophy of postmodernism Then we'll hear from Dr David Hocking www davidhocking org who has his own daily radio program Word for Today

 The Pathology of Postmodernism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:14

Merry Christmas everyone It's OK to say Merry Christmas no matter what they say We'll kick off with an update on the Manna Storehouse coop raid in Ohio by talking to their attorney Pete Kennedy is President of the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund www ftcldf org and Maurice Thomas of the Buckeye Institute www buckeyeinstitute org both join us Then we'll figure out how President-elect Obama is going to implement costly global warming measures in a time when people can't afford it End-running congress is probably a first start Richard Loomis from World Energy www worldenergysource com joins us Finally

 New Deal Old Deal or Raw Deal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:14

CNN's Christiane Amanpour has compared the situation in Gaza to the 's Pol Pot genocide in Cambodia Paul Chesser of the John Locke Foundation www johnlocke org says there's no comparison and news people are too quick to cheapen serious events for the sake of current political issues With all that bailout money sloshing around everybody seems to be getting it but not the little guy The programs which our politicians are determined to use to rescue us from economic collapse look hauntingly like the same programs Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt used during the Great Depression Not only didn't these

 Thought in a Time of Paradigm Shift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Boy that's a lot of money they're throwing at everything out there Where does it all come from Attorney Ellen Brown author of Web of Debt answers that question with sound proposals for action to get us out of this crisis vs what is currently being taken A lot of listeners ask what should be done during a time of crisis That's difficult to answer because every person's situation is different For the last part of the program John addresses thinking in a time of crisis and paradigm shift using clips from a speech to the Koinonia Institute conference in

 The Trouble with Easements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:16

Environmental easements are all the rage as environmentalists urging ranchers and farmers to jump in However ranchers in Colorado are discovering the whole process is now backfiring Kimmi Lewis joins us from the plains of southeastern Colorado Amy Watson follows from the Independent Women's Forum www iwf org with her pet project targeting the assault on free speech in America's schools Next is the resumption of a thread begun on the show about nano- technology a few weeks back Dr Yuval Levin Ph D is the former Executive Director of the President's Council on bio-ethics and his book is Imagining

 The Parousia Strategy in a Paradigm Shift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Happy Thanksgiving everyone John's boralogue features readings from documents by the first Pilgrims as an antidote to secularist blather that the first Thanksgiving happened because the Pilgrims were thankful to Native Americans Their writings clearly underscore they were thankful to God for their survival and viewed Native American help as part of that providence Then John airs an exchange between Congressman Ron Paul R-Texas and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Once again the congressman seems to know that we're nowhere near fixing this crisis and by the way Ben Bernanke says they're not thinking about a global currency Well you

 Kristallnacht Plus 70 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Info-packed show today This week marked the th anniversary of the night in when Nazis attacked Jewish businesses all over Germany It was a watershed event leading to the holocaust Ironically years to the day later the Berlin Wall came down What's the significance John's boralogue examines the history and results of Kristallnacht Rabbi Gordon Cooper from the Simon Wiesenthal Center www wiesenthal com in Los Angeles comes on board later to summarize the resurgence of anti-antisemitism worldwide In assessing how the U S got itself into a financial mess congress succeeded in deflecting responsibility from itself when it was

  Hard Left! Hard Left! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Right on schedule the U S executed a hard lurch to the left in the elections this week Only days remain until the next U S presidential election in and days until the interim elections in By coincidence the first term of President Barack Obama will span the crisis window we have predicted As a result of a deepening sense of crisis the country will most likely make a hard lurch to the right in Election results seemed to be driven by economic pain Americans are feeling Unfortunately why they feel pain and why they think they feel pain are


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