Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Whirlwind Whirls the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Falling economic dominoes are changing the face of geopolitics in ways no one anticipated John enumerates a list of these changes on the international scene and then invites Peter Zeihan from Stratfor Intelligence www stratfor com for a close look at the significance of these in Russia and Mexico Hyperfocusing on single issues seems to be the norm today even though it's an interaction of multiple issues that changes the world People and politicians are obsessed with the economic crisis which they didn't see coming and ignoring the rising energy crisis which they don't see coming and which will whip

 When Supermajority and Superstorm Collide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:14

Ten days remain in silly season Whew Only days to go until the presidential election of That neatly coincides with the economic and energy superstorm crisis window So what happens if the U S elects a Democratic supermajority and that collides with the perfect financial storm which collides with the perfect energy storm We'll try to sketch that out with Dr Merrill Matthews www ipi org from the Institute for Policy Innovation How about a resurgence of the fairness doctrine It's already being discussed Barbara Comstock is a First Amendment consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters and we look

 The Nanotechnological Transhuman Cyborg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

Boy now that's a show title The new emergent scientific religion of transhumanism seeks to use nanotechnology to design super humans and super soldiers of the future part human part machine Something doesn't seem quite right here Dr Martin Erdmann www verax ws senior scientist at University Hospital in Basel Switzerland discusses the ethical implications for Christians Then we'll review the life of a forgotten founding father Luther Martin and his predictions about inherent defects contained in our constitution A lot of them seem applicable to our current crisis It seems every effort to construct Utopia on earth arrives with

 Its Worse than We Thought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

Different kind of show today Must bail faster must bail faster But the bailouts aren't working as an atmosphere of fear and confidence failure envelopes the global markets The perfect financial storm has hit harder and more rapidly than we anticipated John takes the first two segments of the program for a boralogue and audio clips on the current status of things In segment three we'll hear from Congressman Ron Paul Even months ago the other Republican presidential candidates considered him a pariah but has been proven correct in his decades-long message about the need for monetary reform As we

 The Four Stages of Inflation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:11

Bailout bailout bailout It's hard work ramming something through congress that Americans don't want Unfortunately politicians and the Fed are between a rock and a hard place now they can't afford to do something and they can't afford not This is what happens when a country enters advanced stages of inflation all pain and no gain Today's first guest is Jim Puplava from the Financial Sense Newshour www financialsense com to explain the four classic stages of inflation since the U S and much of the West has set itself on this self-destructive course Once you're on it you can't

 Between Scylla and Charybdis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

On today's show we are officially pronouncing the perfect financial storm is underway after so many years of warning about its approach Today's show is highly focused Do not think for a moment that the proposed bailout is going to stop the storm's progress It will only settle the first squall First John executes another extended boralogue explaining the evolution of our current Fannie and Freddie crisis why congress and the fed are almost out of options and where the perfect financial storm will head after this We find ourselves entering stage four of inflationary cycles where citizens are outraged

 The Progress of Progressives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

What a Show So much going on this week it's hard to cram it all into one show So we won't try Gee that was easy Progressive philosophy emerged during this election as a long- standing major influence in hard left politics But many progressives won't admit their philosophy is rooted squarely in Marxist ideology even as it masquerades as something related to freedom and democracy John executes the longest boralogue in the show's history examining progressive philosophy Then we interview Win McCormick author of You Don't Know Me a book detailing the sexual immorality promulgated by the conservative right

 Its the Sun - Not Your SUV Stupid! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Boy what a week The financial structure almost went over the side with a bang but a Saturday huddle of the financial powers halted the disaster one more time Wonder how long they can keep working miracles at everyone else's expense As hurricanes approached the U S coast over the last week the perfect financial storm scuttered close behind and it's closing in faster than we originally thought This week's Fannie Mae Freddie Mac fiasco was a major storm front with numerous banks set to tumble behind it John kicks off today's show with a time line of financial storm

 Youre in the Competition Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

Back from vacation and a busy show today and guess what We're not going to cover the elections Phew First we'll commence a new mini-series on the world seen from a Russian standpoint Dr Edward Erickson is co-author of the The Soul and Barbed Wire and he joins us for the first part of the program The concept of competition in education is anathema to American educrats They believe in an egalitarian communitarian approach where no one excels if everyone doesn't excel Unfortunately our competitors around the world don't share that philosophy They're educating students to take competition head on

 Government Pirates and Dictionaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

Today we are absolutely positively taking the weekend off If the world comes to an end there's no need to do a special show If something salvageable is left over we'll think about doing one A drug war rages in parts of Mexico between government agents and drug lords spawning murders and assassinations every week Yet many Americans choose to live in Mexico We'll speak with Allan Wall www allanwall net about his perspective on Mexican and American relations Don Corace is author of the book Government Pirates and he joins as for the third and last installment of our

 Realpolitik and the New Great Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Last week we talked about the New Great Game in Central Asia Unfortunately there are lot of theories among people we meet about Central Asia but few seem to have grappled with the pervasive nature of the global paradigm shift John begins with an extended boralogue on the nature of this realpolitik which will shove many current ideologies off the table Part of the new paradigm involves warfare unfortunately and a growing number of mercenaries are at work around the world We'll talk to one of them to see what makes this industry tick John Geddes is a career soldier

 The New Great Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

OK I know we said we were taking time off but you've emailed us for commentary about the latest global conflict So here it is What's all the fuss about Russia and Georgia It's oil Georgia is a strategic fulcrum for oil flow to the west and the latest war has Vladimir Putin's fingerprints all over it First we reach into the SOS program archive grab bag for an interview with Lutz Klevemann in about his book The New Great Game Blood and Oil in Central Asia www newgreatgame com Lutz's predictions are haunting now Then we follow with an

 Rich Man Poor Man Socialism in Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Wow It's quiet Congress isn't in session so we're safe for a while We're doing summertime perspective pieces Two mini-series kick off today The first is the view of where America is headed seen through the eyes of people who grew up in Nazi Germany or behind the Iron Curtain lessons from the past applied today The first guest in the series is Paul Mladjenovic author of Precious Metals Investing for Dummies www supermoneylinks com Paul grew up in communist Croatia He is a passionate advocate for free markets because his family has seen the toll socialism takes on a

 The Legacy of KAL007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:32

It's been years since the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight whose most famous passenger was Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia Most notable among unanswered questions remains Where did all the people go Bodies were never found and divers found the plane empty Bert Schlossberg from the International Committee for the Rescue of KAL Survivors joins us www rescue org So you've heard the common lore that there's a consensus among scientists about man-made global warming But what do the statistics show Hard to find out because the last survey was done in and there was no consensus then Dr

 The Great Paradigm Shift Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

As promised today's program is Part of the Great Paradigm Shift featuring Warren Brussee author of The Second Great Depression Hopefully we're painting a picture the next - months to help you navigate through the oncoming financial storms Ever wonder why so many pastors seem to be so wussie For the answer we'll dip into the SOS archive grab bag for an interview from featuring Dr Leon Podles author of The Church Impotent The Feminization of Christianity A lot of people email us to say that capitalism is broken or the cause of the widening gap between rich and poor


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