Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Great Paradigm Shift Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

The great energy and economic paradigm shift approaches with greater velocity than we originally thought still targeting a crisis window from - America and the West will look markedly different when they emerge from the other side of the change This week and next we'll examine in detail what this means for us individually Futurist James Kunstler www kunstler com is the sole guest on this week's program With IndyMac Bank failing last week and more waiting to fall John's extended boralogue chronicles the ongoing subprime mortgage crisis just the first of a series of crises pushing us into the

 Understanding the Global Paradigm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:17

Well it's summertime and as is our custom we switch to doing longer perspective pieces Despite raging battles between left and right the vector lines of politics and economics are thrusting us into an entirely new global paradigm independently of the ongoing fights Dr Dennis Cuddy Ph D and Carl Teichrib www forcingchange org join us for a spirited round table on the progression of globalism and the transformation of the world's governments In the light of congress approving the latest FISA bill John's boralogue analyzes the consequences of the various assaults on the Bill of Rights in the name

 The New Scientific Religious Myths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:15

Happy Fourth of July weekend Busy show today How deeply did Marxism penetrate the anti-war movement of the s This movement had a constant undercurrent of Marxist philosophy promoted by radicals against the Democratic Party So how then did that same undercurrent transform the Democratic Party from traditional liberalism into progressive thought David Horowitz from FrontPage Magazine www frontpagemag com guests for the first part of the show In various states legislators are concerned about the federal government's encroachment into areas that are the purvey of state governments and they're beginning to set limits State Representative Charles Key of Oklahoma

 The Sad Legacy of Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

A Happy Fourth of July and Happy Canada Day First since America seems totally determined to jump head first into hard core socialism John does an extended boralogue detailing the three steps of socialism how it starts with great moral promise and ends both in moral and economic ruin There was an important Supreme Court decision this week confirming the right to bear arms as an individual not a collective right Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America www gunowners org joins us to discuss the significance of the decision as well as other gun issues Finally as part of

 The Roots of Liberation Theology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

The effort to revive the Fairness Doctrine to shut down talk radio keeps raising its ugly head but finally there's been some action in Congress to halt this process Unfortunately the bill has been bottled up in committee Seaton Motley from the Media Research Center www mediaresearch org provides a status report of this ongoing fight Liberation Theology's impact on American politics is more penetrating than most Americans have suspected So it's time we stop to examine the Marxists roots of the movement its aberrations from orthodox Christianity and its manifestations in religion and politics today Dr Ron Rhodes Ph

 Toward a Global Currency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

In the light of global inflation and the possible death of some leading currencies calls are being made for a global currency to solve currency problems Pat Wood www augustreview com joins us for the latest on international banking Worldviews affect how you raise your children because no education is values-free and no education occurs in a social vacuum But what happens when some believe the state should set education's moral values and others believe parents should do so The debate finds its parallels from Europe to the U S to Australia Stephen O'Doherty Chief Executive Officer of Christian Schools

 The Marxist Roots of Church Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Hi gang We need time out today from the normal hab-trab of politics and economics in order to do backgrounders on current worldview issues First of all there has been much talk of black liberation theology in the mainline media So exactly what is liberation theology John's extended boralogue outlines the nature of its Marxist origins and why so many churches embraced it since World War II including its merger into the civil rights movement Although liberation theology roared through mainline denominations it never really caught in evangelical or fundamentalist circles until recently when its Marxist methodology was repackaged into

 Removing Fuel from a Dying Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

At a time when energy is becoming more and more expensive congress is considering legislation designed to make it even more expensive This week the Warner-Liebermann bill is being debated in the Senate a proposal to begin a system of caps and credits to curb CO emissions which is nothing more than another tax on top of an already teetery economy The rising prices of fuel are already reducing CO emissions Although coverage of the cyclone aftermath in Myanmar Burma has dropped off the media's radar the situation is still desperate Myanmar's military government is trying to prevent aid from

 Crisis in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Busy show today but we're not doing anything on the elections so you can breathe a big sigh of relief China is the first main topic In all the justifiable furor over civil rights in China the Olympic games and China's role in buying U S debt to enabling the U S 's frivolous economic policies what do westerners really know about the country There is real disparity between the public image and the real China French journalist Guy Sorman has authored a new book on the subject entitled The Empire of Lies and he's the first guest on today's

 Baby Boomer Memories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Asia has had it rough a major earthquake in China and a cyclone devastating Myanmar formerly Burma However Myanmar's military government has been blocking aid to the thousands of people who desperately require food and water Still there's one group of people on the ground already doing something missionaries Donald McElvaney from Mission Barnabas www missionbarnabas org comes on board to tell SOS listeners how they can help effectively Our New Age Morphing conference last week produced interesting emails from listeners One person wanted to know why the baby boomers moved away from their core belief systems leaving Gen-Xers and

 The New Age Morphing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

Time to clear the decks for a conference call today We haven't done one in a long time so it's overdue Almost thirty years ago Detroit attorney Constance Cumbey published a book entitled Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow warning of a major paradigm shift transforming politics and religion moving us to a global blend of politics and pantheism socialism with Christianity Many shrugged it off as a passing fad Today the New Age has not only persisted and flourished but is embraced by churches from Catholic to Pentecostal How did so many people -- especially pastors -- miss the warning

 The Day the Left Went Left | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Today's program features the longest boralogue in the history of the program outlining a trail of progressive and radical organizations from the early s through the protest movements of the s and how they morphed into academia and still maintain widespread influence in political thought today In line with this history we then interview Pastor Jesus del Cristo www palabraviva org who grew up in Castro's Cuba and compares events there with events in the United States today Finally John keeps a promise and reads emails in response to the Frank Schaeffer interview of a couple of weeks ago

 Earth Day Goes Commercial | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Year after year Earth Day passes by becoming more and more commercial As a matter of fact public environmental policy enacted quickly and rashly is taking an horrific toll on the global economy and food sources First Kevin Kerr editor of Resource Analyst E-lert www kerrtrade com details the causes of global food shortages which punched onto the world's media radar over the last couple of weeks One area where countries have rushed to implement questionable policy is in the area of global warming There are dumb global warming solutions and less dumb solutions but no good solutions Climatologist Dr

 Choking on Political Correctness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:26

As the United States plows into a perfect financial storm aenergy crisis and food shortages simultaneously political correctness political stumping and silly policies prohibit us from effectively dealing with the rising storm Today's program glues together a series of issues John's extended boralogue portrays the nature of political correctness and how it has been choking honest discourse the country so desperately needs Then an interview with Frank Schaeffer www frankschaeffer com is featured Frank is the son of Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer and his latest book is Crazy for God How I grew up as one of the elect helped

 Hmmmm...... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

The Middle East radar is displaying much activity and alarm bells are clanging It seems everyone anticipates an imminent war Everyone says they're not going to cause that war but they're ready to fight it when it comes even though they don't know anything about the who what when and where it's going to start Hmmm work that one out John's extended boralogue kicks off the show by framing the current uh lack of information Then we feature an interview with Aaron Klein Jerusalem Bureau Chief for Worldnetdaily www wnd com in order to monitor the progress of quiet negotiations


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