Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Bail-outs and Bail-ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

To handle the current financial crisis the governmental powers that be and the Federal Reserve are proposing a series of bail-outs new government oversight and give-away programs Problem is other people are being bailed in to pay for them and we can't even afford the programs we already have These are unprecedented steps and where will it end David McAlvany from the McAlvany Weekly Commentary www mcalvany com joins us As Israel approaches the th anniversary of its founding hostile forces on its northern and southern borders are sliding towards a war footing The recent breach of the Gaza wall

 Government by Stealth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:29

It seems more and more long-term public private partnership projects are pushed through various levels of government by a process of incremental stealth where the public is never told what the ultimate outcome is until all the legislation is put in place One of these is the Yukon to Yellowstone Conservation Initiative a copy of the Wildlands Project designed to turn much of Alberta British Columbia Washington Idaho and Montana back into wilderness area Just one problem what to do about all the people living there Chuck Cushman from the American Land Rights Foundation www landrights org addresses that As

 Somebody Burn the Race Cards! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Happy Easter Everyone Christ is Risen The issue of race has roared to the forefront in the U S presidential elections revolving around the person of Jeremiah Wright Sen Barack Obama's pastor Sigh Have you ever wondered why the U S can never seem to get beyond this This is the subject of our hardball discussion with two African-American pastors Rev John Coleman www johnecoleman org from inner city Los Angeles and Rev Steve Craft from New Jersey www christiancitizenshipministries com John does an abbreviated boralogue of world events at the show beginning and later a brief examination of why

 Sub Prime Hoo-Hah-Ho-Whoops! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

Can you understand the presidential candidates' economics or the sub-prime hoo-hah Well don't feel badly you're not alone We'll spend some time with Dr Merrill Matthews of the Institute for Policy Innovation www ipi org unraveling tax proposals of the various presidential candidates Hey everyone gets deductions and credits Hooray But if everyone gets something who pays Here's a hint the middle class Then John does a step-by-step explanation as to how the sub-prime mortgage debacle unraveled and what this means for our immediate future John's boralogue challenges secularist notions about Christians the environment and economic ideas A lot of

 The Debate Isnt Over! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

A major global warming conference took place in New York this week featuring scientists and economists who are a rising chorus of professional voices challenging the theory that man made activity causes global warming The majority of recent scientific studies are backing them up which is an inconvenient truth for Vice President Al Gore Joseph Bast president of the Heartland Institute www heartland org organized the event and he's the first guest today The we'll interview another candidate for president Major General Jerry Curry USA Ret author of the book quot From Private to General quot As an African American

 Into the Whirlwind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Today's show places several items under scrutiny We'll monitor the speed with which the global energy crisis is mounting even as politicians and candidates ignore it Joe Dancy professor of energy and environmental law at Southern Methodist University left his students shell-shocked this week after his lecture on the real-world condition of global energy supply and demand Joe joins us for one segment The religious right is breaking up as we watch but then what The new playing field is a confusing whirl of crossovers and compromises SOS begins another mini-series with Amy Sullivan Nation editor at Time magazine She

 The Republic in Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

Some voices are enunciating deep concern the republic is eating out its own foundation and is in danger of changing into something undesirable else whenever the next crisis comes upon it Presidential candidate Dr Alan Keyes Ph D www alankeyes com joins us for the first part of today's program For several decades secularists have been promoting the idea that the American Revolution was the product of enlightenment thinking in a religion-free environment How did we move so far from the understanding that religion has always been a part of American political life William Federer www americanminute com has a

 What Doesnt Exist Really Does | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Government at all levels has been trying to deny plans for a North American Union and an economic freeway corridor running the length of the continent between Mexico and Canada Currently they're in a fall-back situation as more and more information leaks out But even as the fracas over that continues the U S and the E U are signing an agreement to create another trade union leading to another combined union in the near future Dr Jerome Cori Ph D of Netherworlds www wnd com joins us for the first part of the program Then things seem to have

 The Republican Revolution is Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 105:50

It seems the U S is screaming for change this election Populism is in and the public wants government to do something about their economic pain But wasn't it government and the Fed that caused the economic pain in the first place And we were supposed to have change in weren't we So what happened What came in with a bang went out with a fizzle as the promise of change died Scot Faulkner was the first chief administrative office of the U S House of Representatives He is author of quot Naked Emperors the Failure of the Republican Revolution

 Toward a Global Currency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Even as the politicos quietly promote plans for a common currency for North America the elites are already discussing the ultimate merger of regional currencies into one global currency Carl Teichbrib from www forcingchange org has been following the unification move As we said previously on the program about global warming it was merge or die The global warming people are waking up to the fact that peak oil may be their star for curbing fossil fuel usage So now presidential candidates on both sides are singing from the same hymnbook fighting global warming is good for the economy because

 Trampling the Constitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 106:36

Today's show jumps around First Jim Puplava from the Financial Sense Newshour steps in for a segment to see if all the hollerin' from Wall Street is a real crisis and where we're headed for the next year Then hats are switched and Becky Garrison editor of the Wittenburg Door magazine and author of The New Atheist Crusaders and Their Unholy Grail www wittenburgdoor com presents the case for debate and satire in the conflict between atheism and Christianity Finally we air clips of John's talk to the Ron Paul campaign in Spokane Washington this week The boralogue rotates around

 Rethinking Good Church vs. Bad Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

The flying wedge continues down the heart of the evangelical churches and very shortly it will be divided into good religion and bad religion Much of this will be in the name of producing mentally healthy churches conforming to the new dialectical global standards of inclusivity However the new standards are not based on Christianity but on dialectical atheism and New Age pantheism Warren Smith author of the Light that was Dark returns to the program for a look at how dialectical thought the New Age and evangelicalism are blending together to form new religious systems Even the concept of

 Oh Goodie Another Peace Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Well another U S president at the end of his term in office trotted off to the Middle East this week in search of a legacy and yet another peace treaty When President Clinton did the same thing seven years ago everything blew up in the world's face In sixty years the disputed Middle East issues have rarely changed and the script has rarely varied the roles have simply been taken by a progressive carousel of new players Shoshana Bryen from JINSA www jinsa org returns for another look at another peace process Religion has always played a fundamental role

 Intolerant Non-Diversity on College Campuses Happy New Year Everyone! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

It's been so good taking time off we're still doing it making today's program a quot perspective quot event Economist and actor Ben Stein has a new movie release this year entitled quot Expelled quot exposing the intolerant politically correct atmosphere threatening the careers of dissenting professors on college campuses today nbsp Mark Mathis is the producer of the film and he joins us for the first part of the program today Some of the best reading available rotates around the biographies of great people nbsp Nicholas Wapshott is the former editor of the Times of London and he's authored

 The Three-Legged Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 73:56

Hope you're enjoying the holiday season We're taking time off today so the entire program features an address given by John at the Koinonia Institute conference in November focusing on the converging crises and issues in the areas of geopolitics geoeconomics and religious worldview conflicts which will all intersect in the next months No boralogue today nbsp The entire program is a boralogue


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