Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Connecting Global Warming to Intelligent Design | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:26

Merry Christmas again We're taking the holiday weekend off so we've pre-packaged a hopefully interesting program for you The scandal surrounding global warming has far-reaching implications for the intelligent design debate because the attack arguments used against ID proponents are identical to those used against global warming skeptics Dr Steven Meyer Ph D and Jay Richards from the Discovery Institute www discovery org join the program for an interesting conversation about the soul-searching confronting science right now Then we'll run clips from a SOS program featuring Joan Veon from the Women's Group who attended the panoply of UN conferences that

 Global Governance without Consent of the Governed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 79:09

Merry Christmas everyone We clear the decks on today program's for an -minute round table featuring four gentlemen who have been observers of global governance for over two decades Gary Kah at www garykah org and author of En Route to Global Occupation from Canada Carl Teichrib at www forcingchange org Dr Dennis Cuddy author of The Globalists www newswithviews com and Brannon Howse producer of the worldview weekends www worldviewtimes com

 From Rio to Copenhagen to Global Governance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

Seventeen years elapsed between the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the Copenhagen conference on global warming which took place this week What threads link the two The answer is an ongoing stream of crises real or imagined being used to promote global governance and transfer of sovereignty John begins this thread with an extended boralogue on the theology of pantheism permeating climate change science and other environmental issues which ultimately leads to a cult of death Clips from the movies The Day the Earth Stood Still both the current remake and the original are used to illustrate

 Why People Are Upset with Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:43

John starts the show with a boralogue examining the reasons people are currently upset with government It seems to boil down to the fact that Americans are weary of having politicians and bureaucrats lie to them When a paradigm collapses those endorsing it become downright shrill in trying to defend what becomes increasingly indefensible We're revisiting the evolving global warming scandal this week because it is instructive watching the dynamics of a collapsing paradigm a lesson applicable to everything from economy to healthcare Skeptical scientist Dr Tim Ball www friendsofscience org joins us for this segment One consistently and completely

 The Heating Global Warming Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

As the planet refuses to heat up any more it's been a bad month for global warming proponents culminating this week with hacked emails revealing that pro-warming scientists have been conspiring to prevent global warming skeptics from having their views published or even having access to data Environmental scientist Dr Ken Green Ph D joins the program Orthodox Catholics and evangelicals have joined together for another declaration on moral issues of the day This time it's the Manhattan Declaration James Daly www manhattendeclaration org President of Focus on the Family joins the program Finally as part of the - crisis

 The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 69:18

Happy Thanksgiving a bit early this week We're taking the weekend off in anticipation of the holiday but never fear there's a program worth hearing By listener request we're airing the presentation John gave to the Steeling the Mind Conference in Denver Colorado last September on the coming persecution of Christians in America It encompasses a wide look at the new paradigm shifts with an emphasis on what this means for religion John's boralogue connects Thanksgiving and why it's important to give constitutional rights even to terrorists It's to protect us not them

 Can the West Disconnect from the Middle East? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

The first signs of consciousness that there is an emerging energy crisis seem to be appearing The Guardian newspaper in Great Britain carried an important article this week alleging that the IEA has been suppressing the increasingly dire situation of the global energy situation You can expect this to grow over time Much revolving around the Middle East a conference on peace in Washington Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a secret meeting with President Obama In the aftermath of the UN's Goldstone Report ignored is that under the Oslo peace process the economic conditions of Palestinians had entered a

 Alchemy and Nanotechnology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Time for a prediction review John's extended boralogue launches into a ship-of-fools analysis of the U S 's healthcare debate in the light of onrushing global economic and energy problems This includes a review of predictions we've made since Then we'll jump to a short discussion with James Lansberg from Samaritan Healthcare www samaritanministries org to evaluate what effect healthcare proposals will have on personal healthcare President Obama declared an emergency for the H N virus but it's not showing itself more lethal than seasonal viruses So what gives That's what ENT specialist Dr Elaina George at the Peachtree Center

 The States Rights Revolt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

Copious information on the program today Seat belts on Also remember to set your clocks back this weekend Congress passed a hate crimes law this week Contrary to what some on the right have been saying it doesn't restrict free speech However there is an ominous trend where a hate accusation is used as a political weapon to shut down debate rather than dealing with facts Bob Unruh from Worldnetdaily www wnd com is first up today Then we revisit the raid on the Manna Storehouse private food coop which took place in Ohio and the large lawsuit which has

 Bankrupting Joe the Taxpayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

Today's program forecasts the next brewing global financial crisis by unifying several issues the causes of our current crisis those who got us into it and what they're doing now the proposed Copenhagen global warming treaty and the fact lawmakers keep spending and spending but expect to balance all of this on the back of Joe the Taxpayer who is already tax tapped out Today's program pulls from numerous news clips including a PBS Frontline documentary and a speech by global warming skeptic Sir Christopher Monckton At the end we'll interview tax expert Dom Golio author of Bankrupting Joe the

 The Marxist Origins of Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

We'll do a lot of news stories during today's program Since the United States seems so determined to trade its freedom for socialism perhaps we'd better look at the philosophic and historic origins of that economic theory beginning with Karl Marx and working forward in a time line That way we know at least we know what the bottom looks like when we bottom out Dr Dave Noebel www summit org author of Understanding the Times returns to the program Then we'll pick up the thread on the papacy's connections to globalism which we began last week moving towards a

 The Papacy and Global Governance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:19

John starts the program with an extended boralogue explaining what is currently happening with the dollar and looks toward its ultimate fate Then we move to a thread we seem to have opened last week by hearing from young people who are doing something about problems in the world today High school junior Amie Anstett explains her efforts to promote awareness of slavery worldwide We jump from that to hear about difficulties of being a Christian in Pakistan especially given the mob murders of a number of them a few weeks ago Jacob Lee has just returned from that country

 Keeping up with Paradigm Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 69:14

A very busy potpourri show today John's boralogue kicks off with clips from World Bank President Robert Zoellick's speech this week about the move toward a new global currency Then Joe Baker www cupcakesforlife com appears briefly to premier cupcakes-for-life day for pro-life young people around the country President Obama says kids aren't spending enough time in school so we need to shorten vacation time Long school days have been a goal of educrats for several decades as part of their concept of the womb-to-tomb indoctrination toward which education has been heading It isn't the president's idea Sarah Leslie www

 The EMP Threat to National Security | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:20

John skips today's boralogue to make room for an issue following the national security thread we opened a few weeks ago Electromagnetic pulse destruction of the country's infrastructure via missile attack from hostile sources or from geomagnetic storms in space is a burgeoning reality but policy makers seem oblivious to the danger It's sobering to realize just one high-altitude EMP burst could disable the entire U S electrical grid Dr Peter Vincent Pry is director for the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum www empactamerica org As world leaders spoke at the United Nations this week the UN's Human Rights Commission

 The Third Jihad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

We've had numerous requests from listeners to clear up misconceptions regarding dollar devaluation both from an inflationary standpoint and from a currency exchange standpoint Key item that people want to know is what does this mean to them Jim Puplava from the Financial Sense Newshour www financialsense com joins us for a short while to unravel this question We began a security thread a few weeks ago Is the war on terror still a threat to the United States -year CIA counter- intelligence officer Clare Lopez with the CI Centre www cicentre com joins us to examine the threat level


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