Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Dealing with Disconnects - Politics to Science | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's extended boralogue waltzes through an interconnected series of issues from supposedly reasonable arguments about gun control to the difference between barn building and barn burning meaning free markets versus socialism We've been warning that the vague concept of mental health is rapidly becoming a government club against politically incorrect groups In Connecticut a proposed bill would require home school students to submit to invasive mental health evaluations Attorney Dee Black with Home School Legal Defense www hslda org guests Canada has a problem with conflicts in its abortion laws where hundreds of late term abortions have resulted in infants

 Confronting the Relativist Dialectic in Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

John's boralogue frames the entire program by describing the effects of using a formalize dialectic process in political combat on a variety of issues such as the Catholic Conundrum regarding contraception and gun control the global warming non-debate President Obama's Organizing for Action group and the Keystone pipeline controversy Matthew Vadum from Frontpage Magazine www frontpagemag com is the first guest today providing a foundation of how hardcore progressive activists used dialectic combat tactics during the last half century and how seductive this is Then John reviews the latest science about global warming which is shifting away from alarmism Recent

 Enforcing Laws and Treaties that were Never Passed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

In the wake of President Obama's inaugural address and the social issues he seeks to address en route to Utopia John's boralogue lists past promises for a great society and examines how they've all failed asking What happened It seems to rotate around the phrase God bless America This week marked the th Anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v Wade decision which allowed abortion on demand Pro-abortion organizations were crowing about their accomplishments but off the record they're moaning that the entire movement is in jeopardy Why so Jill Stanek www jillstanek com appears on Life Site and she

 Turning on Friends Cuddling with Enemies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John's extended boralogue draws the connection between healthcare mental health and gun control showing where all of this will be heading as the three trends converge Then Arnold Ahlert from Jewish World Review www jewishworldreview com joins the program to explain the myths behind the push for gun control out to greater issues facing the culture Then we'll engage David Rubin former mayor of Shiloh Israel www shilohisraelchildren org in a conversation about President Obama's nominations for several cabinet posts notably Sen Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense and the impact these will have on Middle East policy and relations

 How Global Elites View Fiscal Cliffs and Other Trivia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 79:50

John's boralogue starts the program with a summary of the major current political controversies showing how issues such as gun control and religions freedom are under the same type of linguistic fire from politicians and the media meaning the connection of those rights and the future of rights at all is the real issue Then we'll revisit public awareness of the threat posed by EMP electro magnetic pulse terrorists attack on the country and what people should be gradually doing to prepare for such an eventuality Mark Langford is author of Persia Rising www persiarising com Finally we'll engage in

 Using Consensus to Bully a Fiscal Cliff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:17

John's boralogue examines the role that dialectical consensus plays in both the fiscal cliff and gun control debates describing its seductive nature that it is difficult to fight Then Pat Wood from August Forecast amp Review www augustforecast com joins the program for a review of the implications of the short-term and long-term fiscal cliffs We'll also discuss current speculation about replacing the dollar with a carbon-based currency Increasing regulation is one of the reasons businesses are not hiring Many of the environmental regulations are creating a serious burden on the private sector but are of questionable value Dr Scott

 The Martin/Hunt Debate Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:17

Happy New Year everyone We're pre-recorded today's program since we're taking the holiday weekend off It's time to re-run a classic debate between Dr Malachi Martin author of The Keys of this Blood The Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II Mikhail Gorbachev and the Capitalist West and Dave Hunt from Berean Call Ministries www thebereancall org The debate from years ago provides interesting insight as to where these to gentlemen thought we were headed as a western culture and how close we might be to seeing their predictions fulfilled Today's program closes the crisis window of -

 The Future of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

Merry Christmas everyone As the global secularist press tries to put a happy face make on their collapsing Middle East narrative and its democracy-in-the-making claims the Muslim Brotherhood extends its grasp on Middle Eastern countries Professor Raymond Stock www meforum org is former professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University who lived in Egypt for two decades Then we'll continue our I m-sick-and-tired-of-the-glop-I-hear-about-Christianity thread Where did the claims about the supposed hostility between science and religion originate Was it really science that freed us from the darkness of religion or was it Christianity that set the groundwork

 Unknowable Crimes Create Many Innocent Criminals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

As the mainline media keep prattling on about the fiscal cliff John's boralogue starts the program by explaining the real fiscal cliff a society falls off when money dies due to being over-inflated causing social and economic chaos Next we re-read a boralogue piece from five years ago entitled The Sad Road to Socialism to see how prescient that op-ed piece was regarding our current situation Another real cliff is the steady erosion of protective rights in the country among them the right to presumption of innocence With literally thousands of laws and regulations ever creating new crimes across the

 The Medias Distorted View of the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 73:38

Happy Hanukkah for our Jewish listeners John's extended boralogue commences with an overview of the fiscal cliff Kabuki theatre playing out in congress Then it continues into the changing western perceptions of truth and how this affects political correctness and what the media report John's cites paragraphs from Melanie Phillips's new book The World Turned Upside Down From there we move into the guest segments the first being Phyllis Schlafly from Eagle Forum www eagleforum org Mrs Schlafly presents an exposition of how the three rules of political correctness are killing our ability to have meaningful discourse because they are

 The Future of Church/State Conflict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

John's extended boralogue opens the show with a conflict between ideology and reality in vogue among the West's politicians This conflict can be seen all the way from economics to religious freedom issues If we learn one thing from history it's that few seem to learn from anything history and the rest of us are force to watch them repeat it This thought flows directly to our first guest George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center www eppc org George has been tracking the Catholic Church's conflict with the Obama administration in its contraception

 C.S. Lewis and Scientism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:15

We are taking the weekend off to recover from turkey overdose Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Religious and philosophical worldviews have real impacts on the daily lives of people within a society who hold them for good or evil So what did C S Lewis think about the related subjects of science and religion Dr Jay Richards Ph D www cslewisweb com is author of The Magician's Twin C S Lewis on Science Scientism and Society National heritage areas are diminishing the property rights of Americans within these zones even though the property owners don't understand what's happening Tom

 145 Myths About Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

A lot of blips are lighting up the radar this week The fix for solving the fiscal cliff seems to have already been in place prior to the elections because Dems and Reps are playing huggie-huggie John's boralogue covers this plus the buzz about state secession where we compare the differences between legal secession and a virtual economic secession which is more likely to occur The great moping continues as conservative Christians ponder the future of the country following the elections and a watershed change in the country Sam Rohrer is a two-decade member of the Pennsylvania legislature and president

 The CIA and Weapons Trafficking with Al-Qaeda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:14

So what's all the moping about Nothing has changed in the direction of the country over the last years John's boralogue reminds listeners not to interrupt an adversary in the process of making a mistake Campaign promises fade as the left and right begin a grueling dance to get the fiscal cliff under control John outlines what the fiscal cliff actually looks like Then we'll examine what an Obama administration second term will mean for national security Frank Gaffney from the Center for Security Policy www centerforsecuritypolicy com returns to the program Finally the feature interview of today's program asks

 What did We Learn from Hurricane Sandy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

John starts the show by asking what we've learned from Hurricane Sandy The answer is a resounding nothing Dr Paul Williams MD www whenallplansfail com returns to SOS for an I-told-you-so moment as to why SOS listeners must be thinking about emergency preparedness One of the surprising failures during Sandy was the New York Stock Market trading system which was supposed to have a contingency plan following in order to allow continued market operations despite disasters So what happened and how does this connect to markets which are increasingly controlled by highly sophisticated computer programming instead of humans Chris Sheridan


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