Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Nelson Mandela was a Terrorist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

So who was Nelson Mandela John's boralogue examine the belief system of Nelson and Winnie Mandela using their own words to lay out a history that is radically different than the politically correct one in vogue today Then we'll see how far Mandela's legacy has taken South Africa in years where the country is now the murder capital of the world and another genocide seems to be in the making Investigative journalist Alex Newman www newamerican com has lived in South Africa and maintains the world isn't watching the negative direction the country is taking What happens to South Africa

 Whatever are We Doing to the Military? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's boralogue explains the wide and predictable gap between the pronouncements of politicians versus their actions and how to evaluate truth in the light of the disparity He uses the current Iran negotiations as an example Then in the light of an increasingly tense geopolitical situation we have to ask what is happening to the military We seem to be doing our best to demoralize troops and reduce military preparedness Lt Gen Ret William G Jerry Boykin was an original member of the U S Army Delta Force and commander of the Green Berets also Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for

 Why Sustainable Development Isnt Sustainable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:57

Happy Thanksgiving weekend John's boralogue examines why the Pilgrims came to the shores of our country in the first place and why the rights they sought through much trial and difficulty are under serious attack today by new rights We're going to spend much of the program examining the concept of sustainable development as the antithesis of freedom Politicians and environmentalists sling sustainability around like flapjacks at a church picnic However it's only when there is recognition that it means a totally-controlled society where everything we do is monitored and controlled that the term loses its luster Tom DeWeese http

 Helping North Koreas Nuke Programs Helps Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's boralogue reviews the Middle East situation with a report on the Iran appeasement proposals being pursued by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry comparing those efforts with failed appeasements from the past beginning with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in Munich and moving through North Korea Then Claudia Rosett from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies www defenddemocracy org joins the program with a timeline of all the North Korean appeasement deals the U S has penned identical to the Iran proposals which only resulted in allowing North Korea to proceed with its nuclear weapons program John

 Why Slippery Slopes Arent Fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

Four guests and a boralogue on the show today Guess you could say it's busy Slippery slopes are technically fallacies in logic However John's boralogue uses a history of property forfeiture abuse to demonstrate how political slippery slopes lead from good intentions to horrible results Last week Christian historian Diarmaid MacCollough was a guest expressing his views that Christians in the West don't care about persecution of ancient Christian groups in the Middle East This prompted negative responses from listeners So this weekend we'll offer an opposite view from Dexter van Zile at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East

 Killing the Goose Trying to Lay Golden Eggs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:59

Today's program divides into three parts The first section is economic as John's boralogue lays the groundwork by reevaluating the crisis window of It seems to be sliding and stretching but barring a rogue event it will rotate around debt and inflation produced by the world's major central banks There are rumblings of new taxes and methods of mobilizing domestic revenue read wealth confiscation on the horizon it's part of killing the goose that lays the golden egg and expecting it to keep laying after it's dead Bill Frezza www billfrezza com from Forbes magazine www forbes com premieres on

 Religious Freedom is the Bottom Line | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:02

Today's show flows in a series of connections between related dots all of which are actually threats to freedom of thought and religion First John's extended boralogue details the radical disconnect between Washington's rhetoric and the onrushing financial crisis He does this by connecting the Obamacare slow motion train wreck with government debt and promises they can't keep We'll start with a troubling October report from the International Monetary Fund which may sound the warning horn of our next crisis Then we'll examine the real world results of tolerance and political correctness movements in Europe and the United States Hen

 Religion as a form of Mental Illness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

So is religion a form of mental illness Seems to be a trend that way in some academic circles We've been warning that mental health will be the upcoming hammer for controlling dissenting groups and depriving them of rights There's a growing trend in Great Britain to label religion as a source of mental imbalance Lee Duigon http leeduigon com has been monitoring the situation J P Morgan-Chase reached an agreement with the Justice Department to pay a record penalty for its role in the banking fiasco But wait The same government begged J P Morgan to buy troubled banks

 Its Going to Be a Rough Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

It's going to be a rough show today as we address the dark side of socialism where governments beat the heck out of certain classes of people to pay for the all goodies the politicians want to give away Some evangelicals promoting social justice maintain that the purpose of government is providing income equity notably by wealth transfer This is done by appeal to moral arguments and caring for those less fortunate However they parhumpf the idea that this is accomplished at the point of a gun OK we'll show you Attorney Michael Minns www minnslaw com is author of

 Middle East Update | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

It's time to do a Middle East update and patch together what seem to be a lot of moving blips on the geopolitical radar First J D Gordon from U S News and World Report www protectamericatoday com and www usnews com joins the program for a backgrounder on Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani The world's media seem to be describing him as a moderate but he may actually be a wolf in sheep's clothing His background might be a good clue as to what he's up to Then Bill Koenig www watch org in the White House press corps

 The Wish Lists vs. the Myth Lists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:02

John's boralogue starts the program with a review of how close we may or may not be to an international currency crisis So far it's a ways off Many politicians have wish lists of goodies they want to provide their constituents This weekend's show spends time examining the political myth lists since many seem to be evaporating as we watch First off the latest IPCC report on global warming was rolled out by the media along with trumpets and drums in one more attempt to resurrect the concept of anthropogenic global warming even though the IPCC's data seem to be

 The Day Cloward met Piven | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

John's boralogue starts the program by applying the classic template test to the Starbucks decision not to allowed armed persons in their stores in order to see how that might work in other cases Recently we did a round table on change agents and how they function in government board meetings to steer audiences to pre-determined outcomes and also to deal with dissenters This last week week a concerned parent was pitched out of a school board meeting and arrested for objecting to how the meeting was being conducted Arnold Ahlert from Front Page Magazine www frontpagemag com is the

 Freedom of Thought Conscience and Religion under Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

Dr Os Guinness is author of The Global Public Square Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity Dr Guinness is our first guest where he maintains that freedom of thought speech and conscience are under fire and that freedom itself stands or falls with these traditional rights What can we learn from disasters It's ironic how those preparing for possible disasters are often demeaned as extremist preppers especially when the country is awash pardon the pun examples of floods and other disasters where the prepared fared much better than those who weren't Notice the recent floods

 When Change Agents Come to Town | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

What do change agents do This is not an idle question because all sorts of agendas are being imported into local communities by well-funded foundations sponsoring change agents to create change in those communities oftentimes over the wishes of the people living there How do change agents work when they come town and what can be done about it Perhaps today's program will solve a lot of those questions Karen Shoen from Agenders www agenda today com and Steve Goss are joining us today for a lengthy but informative change agents round table on defeating the consensus process John's boralogue

 Toward a Militarized Police State - Part IV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 72:01

Today's program is the last in our summer thread Toward a Militarized Police State John's boralogue follows last week's program on the Common Core educational curriculum with an examination of what junior high students knew years ago versus how poorly they're doing today on far less challenging subjects Then columnist James Simpson joins us for an eye-opening revelation of exactly how SWAT teams are being used nowadays A SWAT raid in Texas a couple of weeks ago on a acre community garden yielded nothing but vegetables not the marijuana they were supposed to find Even so innocent men and women


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