Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Audio from the Texas for Ron Paul Rally and Music Festival (5/19/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:38

Despite the campaign's disappointing concession of the 2012 Republican nomination, the grassroots continues to foment enthusiastic support for their candidate and their cause.  On Saturday in Austin, liberty-lovers from all around came to The Stage on Sixth to be apart of The Texas for Freedom Rally and Musical Festival. The free event was organized in support of the Ron Paul 2012 campaign and the upcoming primary in Texas, and included speeches by special guests and liberty candidates for office in the Lone Star state. Of course, Dr. Paul was not at the event, but the attendance seemed surprisingly low, nonethelss. I know, that with a lineup like that, I would have loved to attend! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Capt. Antonio Buehler, Veterans for Ron Paul speaks to audience. Video compliments of YouTube User: RepublicOfTexasTV. (13:05) Jack Hunter, the Southern Avenger (Entire Speech). Video compliments of YouTube User: RepublicOfTexasTV. (34:18) Tom Woods, Jr. (Entire Speech). Video compliments of YouTube User: RepublicOfTexasTV. (54:16) Jimmie Vaughn's Kick-ass Encore, "Down with Big Brother". Video compliments of YouTube User: RepublicOfTexasTV.

 Rep. Ron Paul Addresses Guests at Kurt Bills for Senate Reception (5/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:11

After the 2012 Minnesota State Republican convention, Congressman Ron Paul appeared at a reception for US Senate candidate Kurt Bills. Like Dr. Paul, Bills had an extremely successful showing at the MNGOP convention, receiving the state party's endorsement for high office. Congressman Paul talked about the successed of the liberty-minded withing the Party, and gave an unambiguous endorsement to the aforementioned candidate. The fundraiser appears to have been held at The Stadium Sports Bar in White Bear Lake, MN. Audio is a compilation from YouTube Users: BlakeSherman1 and GaryHeyer.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - May 12th thru May 18th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:20:24

Well, it's been a rough week as the public perception is the campaign is ramping down and closing up shop. On what the rEVOLution should call "Black Monday", the campaign inexplicably released a statement proclaiming an end to formal primary campaigning in favor of the delegate/convention approach that has been quite successful as of late. But make no mistake, Romney and the Republican establishment will likely pull out all the stops to block, dis-empower, and otherwise disenfranchise delegations who are clearly in the Paul camp. There is no evidence as of yet that the Romney people intend to play nice, in hopes of bringing our people into the fold. Instead, they seem to have a systematic program in place at state conventions across the country to cause chaos, blame it on our people, and then make a deal with GOP insiders once the convention falls apart. As a result, it looks as if this announcement was a mere reaction to some bad PR. Let's hope not, becuase if the campaign is scared of bad PR, what can we achieve at a convention? My only concern is that Dr. Paul and the campaign do not have a real plan for their delegates in Tampa. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) What's Next for Ron Paul? Reason's Matt Welch talks with Paul Jay for (5/10) (12:49) Fox News Radio's Jared Halpern: ROMNEY’S RON PAUL PROBLEM. (5/12) (13:31) KFOR-TV's (NBC - Oklahoma City, OK) La'Tasha Givens reports: Chaos at the convention, police called to assist. (5/13) (16:09) Ron Paul Supporters Rally at Republican State Convention - Chris McKinnon reporting for KWTV News9 (CBS - Oklahoma City, OK). (5/13) (17:56) Report: Ron Paul supporters boo Josh Romney in Arizona - Fox News Power Panel Weighs In. (5/13) (21:31) Why is Ron Paul Still in the Race? The Daily Beast's John Avlon discusses for Campaign Chronicles. (5/14) (24:51) Slate Magazine: Are Ron Paul Supporters Planning Trouble for the Republican National Convention? (5/14) (26:04) CNN Reports: Ron Paul Halts Active Campaigning. Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (5/14) (27:13) Ron Paul Ends Primary Campaigning - Reports. (5/14) (29:27) Ron Paul off the campaign trail, pocketing Romney's delegates. Raven Clabough, senior writer for, on RTAmerica. (5/14) (35:57) WWAY NewsChannel 3 (ABC - Wilmington, NC) - Ron Paul ends campaign spending, supporter says it's not over. (5/14) (37:54) Ron Paul ends campaigning, focuses on delegate strategy. Wayne Allyn Root joins RT's Kristine Frazao. (5/14) (47:56) Mitt Romney threatened by Ron Paul's delegates? Robin Koerner reacts. Video by YouTube User: RTAmerica. (5/14) (57:11) Romney and the GOP Spit on the GOP! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (5/14) (1:15:10) News Talk 1370 WSPD's (Toledo, OH) Brian Wilson and pollster Fritz Wenzel discuss the latest polling results putting Obama behind Romney. (5/14) (1:27:32) GOP finds Ron Paul a tough pill to swallow - MSNBC's Rachel Maddow discusses. (5/14) (1:33:47) Did Campaign Manager Jesse Benton just suspend race for Ron Paul? Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/14) (1:40:37) Reason Magazine's Brian Doherty: Why We're Entering the Age of Ron Paul. (5/15) (1:45:21) MSNBC's Alex Wagner and panel on Ron Paul's Threat to Romney's Campaign. (5/15) (1:49:50) Fox clarifies Ron Paul statement, then lies. You Decide... Video compliments of YouTube User:  ogchris100. (5/15) (1:52:16) Brian Doherty talks with Jerry Doyle about the future of the rEVOLution. Audio archived at KQTH 104.1 (Tuscon, AZ). (5/15) (2:02:54) What Ron Paul Wants If His Supporters Back Romney - Jon Ralson and Brian Doherty comment on PBS with Judy Woodruff. (5/15) (2:11:33) AEHQ: PAUL’S PRESIDENTIAL FUTURE - FOX News Radio's Rich Johnson Reports on the Benton conference. (5/16) (2:12:19) Brian

 Ron Paul Speaks to Minnesota State Republican Convention (5/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:53

Dr. Ron Paul was a prominent force at the 2012 Minnesota State GOP convention on Friday at the St. Cloud Rivers Edge Convention Center. Around 2000 state delegates gave an enthusiastic welcome to the Congressman, who offered libertarian solutions to the country's problems.  As he talked to delegates about his message of limited government, personal liberty and a less aggressive U.S. foreign policy, Paul also struck a chord of bi-partisanship. Paul's support helped propel state Rep. Kurt Bills to winning the endorsement.  Audio of the speech courtesy of Minnesota Public Radio

 Ron Paul 2012 - Campaign Related Talk Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:12:46

For the second time in the last week, I'm posting another compelling block of Ron Paul related talk radio for the many listeners who are likely uneasy due to the recent campaign announcement and Dr. Paul's media silence. Thankfully, recent campaign developments and author Brian Doherty's new book about our movement, Ron Paul’s Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired, has fostered alot of discussion about the state of the 2012 race and the liberty movement more broadly. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Senior Editor of Reason Magazine Brian Doherty discusses his new book with Ernest Hancock, host of Declare Your Independence and founder of (5/11) (1:00:05) Senior Paul advisor Doug Wead talks about the campaign and the Republican convention, working for Bush 43, Iran, and the future of this country with the One Radio Network's Patrick Timpone. (5/15) (1:52:48) Brian Doherty joins Tom Woods, subbing on The Peter Schiff Show, on whether Ron Paul's campaign is kaput, and his new book. *Subscription Required at link (5/15) (2:23:50) The Power Hour: Ron Paul's problem with Antiwar Left. Video compliments of YouTube User: JoyceRileyPowerHour. (5/17) (2:39:30) ICYMI: (for those frustrated with the campaigns tactical decisions) Scott Horton's Full Epic Rant on Dissent Radio. (3/15)

 Cato Institute Book Panel: Ron Paul’s Revolution (5/15/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:42

On the day after Rep. Ron Paul announced he would end active campaigning for President, his son Sen. Rand Paul and author Brian Doherty talk about the 2012 presidential race and his new book, Ron Paul’s Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired. The event took place at the CATO Institute in Washington, DC, and was moderated by David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute. Following Mr. Doherty's talk, Sen. Paul spoke to the audience about the state of 2012 Presidential race, and took questions from the crowd. Coverage of the event was provided by C-Span

 Is the Campaign Throwing in the Towel? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:55

Hell no...or at least, not exactly. On Monday morning, Ron Paul sent out an email/press release stating that the campaign will not formally contest any of the 11 remaining primaries before the convention. The campaign will instead utilize its resources at the various Republican state conventions taking place across the country, in an effort to secure the maximum number of delegates possible. This announcement has the Paul community in a frenzy, as the decision has understandably disappointed many supporters and activists who were under the impression that the campaign would fight it out to the end. The media has predictably ran with many headlines inferring that Dr. Paul has ended his bid for the White House, but prominent spokesmen for the campaign (as heard in this file) assure us that the race is anything but over. Make up your own mind after listening. This writer is somewhat distraught over the announcement. We all knew the Congressman lacked the war-chest to compete in huge statewide races; but just a week ago Dr. Paul stated his intention to win as many Congressional districts in Texas and California as possible. Hopefully, those who took the time to register Republican will still show up to vote, but this will surely demotivate some. One hopes this isn't some reflexive reaction to the bad PR from the contentious conventions in Arizona and Oklahoma over the weekend. More coverage will be included in the weekly update on Saturday. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) MSNBC's Tamron Hall talks with Mark Murray: Ron Paul Suspends Active Campaigning. (5/14) (1:31) Ron Paul to Cease Campaigning for GOP Presidential Nomination - Danny Yadron has details on The News Hub. Video by YouTube User: WSJDigitalNetwork. (5/14) (4:59) Ron Paul Chief Strategist Jesse Benton on Conference Call with Reporters. Full audio posted by C-Span. (5/15) (40:06) Jack Hunter: Ron Paul Has NOT Suspended His Campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (5/14) (42:28) Doug Wead on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace: “We are not out, We are Up!” The fight has just begun! (5/14)

 Senator Rand Paul Audio (Spring 2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:52

Frustrated with the lack of media appearances by Dr. Ron Paul over the last week or so, I wanted to post some audio involving his son in recent weeks- Sen. Rand Paul. Hopefully, the speeches and interviews will resume in short order. In the meantime, I'll try to put together some other files that have been previously unposted over the course of he campaign. As for the podcast, there's a chance that it will be scaled back significantly at the beginning of June or July. I have been paying for the podcast service one year at a time- and it seems unlikely that there will be much to post (at least in this current format) after November 2012. I have contemplated a Rand Paul 2016 podcast (although many of us aren't nearly as excited about that as we were for Ron Paul 2012). Other options include a broader, liberty-movement podcast or a daily news aggregation podcast- including audio of news and commentary of great importance to our movement. I want to thank those of you who have contributed time-and-time again to fund this operation. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Sen. Rand Paul's Property Rights Tele-Townhall. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (3/13) (45:09) Rand Paul speaks at The Tea Party Express rally at the Capitol in Austin, Texas. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (5/6) (54:21) Rand Paul at Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Event (IFFC). Video complements of YouTube User: TheIowaRepublican (Part 1 and Part 2).  (5/11)

 Texas Straight Talk - The Fed: End It or Mend It? (5/14/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:19

In this week's Texas Straight Talk legislative update to his constituents, Dr. Ron Paul talked about the important topics discussed at last week's Monetary Policy subcommittee hearing (full audio here). Ultimately, the need for a Federal Reserve system has been epically overstated by the financial community, proven out by the persistent presence of systemic asset bubbles and severe recessions. Several reforms were proposed and debated by the two panel hearings- a sign that reforming the central bank is an issues of concern across party lines. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - May 5th thru May 11th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:54:13

We seem to be entering a new phase of the campaign, as Ron Paul has returned to Washington this week, and some campus events have been cancelled. Mittens Romney swept three additional primaries this week, reportedly bringing him to 919 of the 1,144 needed to secure the nomination. It becomes clear to me that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich probably took yet another one for the team, despite their stated aversion to a Romney nomination. With Dr. Paul, the three likely would have blocked Mittens and forced a brokered convention, which would have been a good thing for legitimate tea party voters. Now, whether they know it or not, Ron Paul and his dedicated delegates are conservatives' only hope!  Enjoy coverage of this week's significant delegate victories in Nevada and Maine! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Can the delegate vote help Ron Paul pull off an upset? Brian Doherty, senior editor for Reason.Com, joins RT's Liz Wahl. Video by YouTube User: RTAmerica. (5/1) (9:40) Jeff Rense 8 John Barbour - Soros will Count Ron Paul's Votes! Video compliments of YouTube User: JRense. (5/1) (12:28) Is Ron Paul Relevant? Blake Hanson reports. Video compliments of YouTube User: NewsyPolitics. (5/5) (14:20) Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Visits UCSD. Video compliments of YouTube User: sdcnewschannel. (5/8) (16:08) Antiwar Radio: Romney Republicans are clueless dupes(aka Here Come the Neocons). Video by YouTube User: bestofantiwarradio. (5/4) (18:00) Sal Russo, founder of the Tea Party Express, talks about the rally in Austin on KTRH News Radio 740 (Houston, TX) with Matt Patrick. (5/4) (21:40) Possible Political Takeover of Maine's GOP Convention - WGME News 13's (CBS - Portland, ME) Brad Rogers has the story. (5/4) (24:10) Preview of Nevada's Republican Convention. Reported by: KRNV News 4's (NBC - Reno, NV) Dora Scheidell. (5/4) (27:43) Aaron Dykes for Infowars Nightly News: RNC Preempts Ron Paul Win in Nevada, Threatens to Shut Delegates Down. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (5/5) (31:10) Freedom Broadcasting Network Interviews Doug Wead. Video compliments of YouTube User: FreedomNetworkTV. (5/5) (40:01) KRNV My News 4 (NBC - Reno, NV): Paul excites Nevada GOP with familiar themes. (5/5) (44:12) KRNV My News 4 (NBC - Reno, NV): Controversy at Nevada GOP Convention. (5/5) (46:50) Ted Cruz hopes to gain from Ron Paul, Tea Party Express support. Mark Wiggins reporting for KVUE (ABC - Austin, TX). (5/6) (48:08) Paul touts limited government at Tea Party rally - Sebastian Robertson for YNN Austin. (5/7) (50:12) KTCB Channel 7's (Fox - Austin, TX) Camille Williams in Austin: Ron Paul At The Texas Capitol. (5/6) (53:55) Results of Nevada's Republican Convention - Reported by KRNV News 4's (NBC - Reno, NV) Dora Scheidell. (5/6) (56:34) The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire: Ron Paul Continues to Pick Up Delegates. (5/6) (59:35) Is Ron Paul electable? Political Analyst Shelly Roche answers. Video by YouTube User: RTAmerica. (5/7) (1:07:42) Ron Paul is the Winner After All in Maine! WGME News 13's (CBS - Portland, ME) Brad Rogers looks at the fallout. (5/7) (1:10:50) CNN has to report on Ron Paul!Video compliments of YouTube User: ricegravy. (5/7) (1:14:17) Ron Paul Wins Nevada and Maine - The Robert Scott Bell Show. Video compliments of YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (5/7) (1:21:09) Ron Paul Backers Dominate Nevada's GOP Convention - David Welina for NPR's Morning Edition. (5/7) (1:24:43) Decode Wire, The Christan Science Monitor: Why Ron Paul's big wins in Maine and Nevada matter. (5/7) (1:26:18) Ron Paul wins more delegates! Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins RTAmerica's Kristine Frazao. (5/7) (1:34:45) FOX News Ron Paul propaganda machine rolls on, on Studio B with Shepherd Smith and Carl Cameron. Video by YouTube User:

 Ron Paul on Bloomberg Radio’s The Hays Advantage (5/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:37

U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican and presidential candidate, says he would like to see more "transparency" in the Federal Reserve so that Congress can better monitor the actions of the central bank. On Wednesday, Congressman Paul talked to Bloomberg's Kathleen Hays and Vonnie Quinn on The Hays Advantage on Bloomberg Radio.

 Ron Paul 2012 - Campaign Related Talk Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:59:59

I haven't posted an extended talk radio file in awhile, due to the fact that so much audio is included in the 3+ hour weekly update. Moreover, decent coverage has been difficult to come by since the media moved along after Super-Tuesday. Nevertheless, some clips don't make the cut every week, and the last few weeks has provided some interesting discussion on the Paul campaign and its utilization of the delegate process. If the Congressman's media appearances and campaign functions begin to dwindle, I'll have to find some additional content to serve out in coming days. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) NUFORC director/WA State delegate Peter Davenport talks with Jeff Rense talks about the Washington caucus and his fondness for Ron Paul. Audio archived at the Mami's Shit Blog. (2/22) (6:39) Rhode Island Delegate for Ron Paul, Robert Marquis, Talks About Dr. Paul and his own candidacy on WNRI 1380 AM's (Woonsocket, RI) Firing Line with Host, Jeff Gamache. This guy bought the airtime on his own dime! Video compliments of YouTube User: shimmygrl8. (4/16) (36:10) Prof. Walter Block - Founding Member Jews for Ron Paul - talks about the Paul campaign on Through the Mirror with Larry Sinclair. (4/25) (1:14:08) Interview and Brief Speeches by Nevada Republican Party Committeeman 8 Committeewoman-elect James Smack 8 Diana Orrock. Video by YouTube User: pedrick2. (5/6) (1:28:25) Ron Paul Goes Viral! - Alex Jones callers want to talk Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (5/6) (1:38:18) Is Ron Paul Scooping delegates? Mark, Brett, and Stephanie discuss on Free Talk Live. (5/6) (1:45:55) Ron Paul racks up delegates, faces challenges. Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/8) (2:01:36) Texas US Senate Candidate Glenn Addison Endorses Ron Paul on The Mike Church Show. Another non-fan of Jesse Benton!  Video by YouTube User: glennadd. (5/9) (2:20:49) Tom Mullen talks about continuing media bias vs. Ron Paul, on The Robert Scott Bell Show. (5/9) (2:30:49) RP2012 Senior Advisor Doug Wead speaks during live UStream video chat. Video by YouTube User: paul4prez12. (5/9) (2:41:35) 55 years with Ron Paul - Fabulous interview with the Doctor's better half, Carol Paul, on; hosted by Tom Woods. Video by YouTube User: SchiffReport. (5/10)

 Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Update (5/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:23

The campaign released a recorded audio message on Thursday, as Dr. Ron Paul brings his supporters up-to-date on the delegate process and the national media's continued blackout of our cause. Congressman Paul expresses the need to raise at least an additional $650k in the next two weeks, to continue to support the many delegates at the state conventions going on around the country. Luckily, we have a grassroots-organized moneybomb coming up on Thursday May 17th. Donate today at the campaign homepage, or pledge to participate in the Rise for Liberty money bomb. Video compliments of YouTube User: ronpaul.

 Rep. Ron Paul on Fox Business’ Cavuto (5/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:50

Ron Paul joined Fox Business' Neil Cavuto on Wednesday to talk about his campaign, the Libertarian Party's nomination of Gov. Gary Johnson, and Obama’s support of same-sex marriage. Dr. Paul made the case for voluntaryism in confronting controversial social issues, and for the state to ultimately stay out of the business of defining marriage

 Congressman Ron Paul on CNN Newsroom (5/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:35

For the first time in about six weeks, Ron Paul appeared on CNN to talk with Carol Costello about his campaign and the ongoing delegate process. Of course, the anchor was quick to publicize the media's skewed delegate numbers in another effort to discredit our cause. The Congressman then had to answer for the perception that he is a thorn in Mitt Romney's side, and that the campaign's intent isn't to disrupt the Republican National Convention.


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