Is the Campaign Throwing in the Towel?

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Hell no...or at least, not exactly. On Monday morning, Ron Paul sent out an email/press release stating that the campaign will not formally contest any of the 11 remaining primaries before the convention. The campaign will instead utilize its resources at the various Republican state conventions taking place across the country, in an effort to secure the maximum number of delegates possible. This announcement has the Paul community in a frenzy, as the decision has understandably disappointed many supporters and activists who were under the impression that the campaign would fight it out to the end. The media has predictably ran with many headlines inferring that Dr. Paul has ended his bid for the White House, but prominent spokesmen for the campaign (as heard in this file) assure us that the race is anything but over. Make up your own mind after listening. This writer is somewhat distraught over the announcement. We all knew the Congressman lacked the war-chest to compete in huge statewide races; but just a week ago Dr. Paul stated his intention to win as many Congressional districts in Texas and California as possible. Hopefully, those who took the time to register Republican will still show up to vote, but this will surely demotivate some. One hopes this isn't some reflexive reaction to the bad PR from the contentious conventions in Arizona and Oklahoma over the weekend. More coverage will be included in the weekly update on Saturday. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) MSNBC's Tamron Hall talks with Mark Murray: Ron Paul Suspends Active Campaigning. (5/14) (1:31) Ron Paul to Cease Campaigning for GOP Presidential Nomination - Danny Yadron has details on The News Hub. Video by YouTube User: WSJDigitalNetwork. (5/14) (4:59) Ron Paul Chief Strategist Jesse Benton on Conference Call with Reporters. Full audio posted by C-Span. (5/15) (40:06) Jack Hunter: Ron Paul Has NOT Suspended His Campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (5/14) (42:28) Doug Wead on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace: “We are not out, We are Up!” The fight has just begun! (5/14)