Ron Paul 2012 - Campaign Related Talk Radio

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: For the second time in the last week, I'm posting another compelling block of Ron Paul related talk radio for the many listeners who are likely uneasy due to the recent campaign announcement and Dr. Paul's media silence. Thankfully, recent campaign developments and author Brian Doherty's new book about our movement, Ron Paul’s Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired, has fostered alot of discussion about the state of the 2012 race and the liberty movement more broadly. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Senior Editor of Reason Magazine Brian Doherty discusses his new book with Ernest Hancock, host of Declare Your Independence and founder of (5/11) (1:00:05) Senior Paul advisor Doug Wead talks about the campaign and the Republican convention, working for Bush 43, Iran, and the future of this country with the One Radio Network's Patrick Timpone. (5/15) (1:52:48) Brian Doherty joins Tom Woods, subbing on The Peter Schiff Show, on whether Ron Paul's campaign is kaput, and his new book. *Subscription Required at link (5/15) (2:23:50) The Power Hour: Ron Paul's problem with Antiwar Left. Video compliments of YouTube User: JoyceRileyPowerHour. (5/17) (2:39:30) ICYMI: (for those frustrated with the campaigns tactical decisions) Scott Horton's Full Epic Rant on Dissent Radio. (3/15)