Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Ron Paul Weekly Update - July 14th thru July 20th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:04:55

Well, I had to dig deep to find the customary three hours of audio for the weekly campaign update this week. The general lack of coverage makes me long for the beginning of the year, when news coverage of the campaign was optimistic and plentiful. The disappointing victory by the Romney forces in Nebraska was enough for the MSM to officially announce the end of the Paul campaign. But as you'll hear on this podcast, opinions certainly aren't unanimous! Regardless, hope remains for a Paul presence at the Republican convention in August, as commentators begin to realize that the GOP needs Paul supporters to vote for their man in November if they hope to oust Barack "Barry" Hussein  Soetoro-Soebarkah-Obama. I don't know about you, but I have been underwhelmed by Gary Johnson over the last several months. Perhaps if the GOP made a legitimate attempt to bring Ron and his delegates into the convention...Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) A Liberty Inventory with Jack Hunter. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (7/8) (8:22) Tom Woods: Why Ron Paul Admires Ludwig von Mises. Video compliments of YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (7/10) (15:29) Slate's Matt Yglesias Doesn't Understand Ron Paul (or Economics). Video by YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (7/12) (26:23) Ron Paul Supporters Essential To Mitt Romney Candidacy, Fox News Guest Max Pappas Says. Video by YouTube User: FreedomWorksAction. (7/13) (26:57) Senator Rand Paul speaks to Fox News' Alan Colmes about his initiative for internet freedom. (7/13) (37:14) As the Race Closes...RevolutionPAC's Forrest Jehlik hosts Episode 8 of Evolve. (7/14) (1:00:17) Ron Paul Supporters Disappointed at Nebraska GOP Convention - KOLN-TV's (CBS - Lincoln, NE) Morgan Demmel reports. (7/14) (1:02:08) Ron Paul 2012: It's D-Day for Ron Paul's Campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: ReviewManify. (7/15) (1:04:55) After Nebraska Is Ron Paul's Campaign Over?! Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (7/15) (1:07:03) Does Ron Paul's Revolution End in Nebraska? Newsy Politics' Neville Miller asks. (7/15) (1:09:11) Ron Paul's presidential campaign over after Nebraska primaries? Austin Petersen of Freedom Works joins RT's Kristine Frazao. (7/16) (1:18:10) What NOW?!: Ron Paul is still collecting delegates. MSNBC's NOW with Alex Wagner. (7/16) (1:19:34) Ron Paul Shut Out of Convention - Malcolm Out Loud TV minute. (7/16) (1:20:35) RNC Rules Confirm Ron Paul Will Be Up For Nomination In Tampa. Video by YouTube User: matlarson10. (7/16) (1:22:36) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow contends: Ron Paul's road to Tampa ends in Nebraska. (7/17) (1:27:54) Ben Swann on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace– Facts: Clarification from the RNC rules committee, Ron Paul has 6 states! (7/17) (1:44:14) Gerald Celente talks Ron Paul, Tampa on the John Stadtmiller Radio show. Video by YouTube User: Liberal Tarian. (7/17) (1:47:31) Lew Rockwell talks with Carol Paul, the First Lady of the Freedom Movement. (7/17) (2:06:42) Peter Schiff interviews Ron Paul-endorsed Republican candidate for US Senate, Kurt Bills (R-MN). (7/17) (2:14:07) Ron Paul keeps on running towards Tampa - coverage on The Robert Scott Bell Show. (7/18) (2:18:22) Purported Ron Paul Supporter Crashes Obama for America Education Bus Event - Video comes via Concord (NH) Patch. (7/18) (2:19:24) Ben Bernanke Pummeled by C-Span Callers Who Say Ron Paul is Right! Video by YouTube User: rachelabombdotcom. (7/18) (2:33:53) Rep. Ron Paul Discusses House Vote for H.R. 459, Audit the Fed. Video compliments of YouTube User: EricCantor. (7/19) (2:36:11) Ron Paul and Sarah Palin await their convention invites - NPR's Ken Rudin and Ron Elving in It's All Politics. (7/19) (2:41:33) Dr. Cass Ingram joins The Power Hour with Joyce Riley to discuss the Ron Paul Election Fraud. (7/19)

 Congressman Ron Paul on Fox Business’ After the Bell (7/19/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:02

Rep. Ron Paul joined FBN's David Asman and Liz Claman on the Thursday edition of After the Bell to talk about his latest confrontation with Ben Bernanke and his latest effort to pass the “Audit the Fed” bill. Other topics of discussion included the LIBOR scandal, the Romney candidacy, and the economic difficulties the next President will surely face. Will Dr. Paul, himself, cast a vote for Mittens in November?: “I have not made a decision.

 Congressman Ron Paul urges Afghanistan Withdrawl on House Floor (7/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:56

On Wednesday during the Defense Appropriations debate on the house floor, Congressman Ron Paul took to the podium and urged his colleagues to expedite US military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Video compliments of YouTube User: CongressmanRonPaul.

 House Committee on Financial Services - Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke (7/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:54

(Audio Fixed - 7/26) On Wednesday, Congressman Ron Paul - lead sponsor of H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012 - discussed why the Federal Reserve System is fundamentally flawed at the full House Financial Services hearing, entitled: "Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy." This could very well be the last time we see Ron Paul grill the Fed Chairman before the cameras, as he has done with much fanfare so many times before. The Congressman made his opening remarks and stuck around for two rounds of questions for Ben Bernanke. Video compliments of YouTube User: CongressmanRonPaul.

 Rep. Ron Paul on Houston’s NewsRadio 740 KTRH (7/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:17

NewsRadio 740 KTRH's Houston’s Morning News with Matt Patrick talks with the Lake Jackson Congressman Ron Paul about his role at the GOP convention and the impact his supporters may have on the nomination. Dr. Paul discusses his plurality of states and how it exceeds the RNC requirements for not only a speaking engagement but the possibility of a nomination from the floor of the national convention..He also denounces his support for Romney.

 Dr. Ron Paul appears on Gold Seek Radio with Chris Waltzek (7/17/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:52

Ron Paul joined Chris Waltzek, host of Radio, to talk about the Federal Reserve, the market for precious metal, and more. Video compliments of YouTube User: GoldSeekRadiodotcom.

 Texas Straight Talk: Inflation is a Monetary Phenomenon (7/16/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:35

In this week's Texas Straight Talk message to his constituents, Rep. Ron Paul reminds us that the Federal Reserve causes untold harm to the most vulnerable in American society. For the bankers on Wall St., 2-3% annual inflation means constant upward pressure on stock values. But over a decade, that means the destruction of 20-30% of a person's savings! With a real audit of the Fed, we just might be able to expose those who most benefit from inflationary policies and stop the economic bleeding! Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - July 7th thru July 13th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:06:35

The campaign had a fleeting moment of excitement this week, as liberty activists in Nebraska fought for the unbound delegates at that state's Republicans convention. Apparently, the Romney forces there won convincingly, denying Dr. Paul a clear plurality in his fifth state. While Paul delegates have rightfully won the majority of delegate slots in several states during the course of these state conventions, only delegates from Maine, Minnesota, Iowa, and Louisiana are officially unbound. This would lead us to assume that Dr. Paul will not be able to force his way into the RNC in August, yet more pundits all the time are making the case that he most certainly should be welcome at the Rom-i-nee coronation. If Congressman Paul and Governor Romney had such a great relationship throughout the campaign, surely Mittens would invite the good doctor, no? The last thing the movement would want to see is a Rand Paul speech full of familiar Republican red-meat! As I had long suspected, we are starting to see that  commentators who had formerly been hostile to Dr. Paul will suddenly begin to praise him, now that he nears retirement from political office. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Jim Condit Jr. talks about the RNC, and the troubling infiltration into the Paul 2012 campaign on The Jeff Rense Show. (6/29) *Linked audio requires paid subscription. (21:47) 'Liberty PAC' Aims to Spread Ron Paul's Message in Maine - AJ Higgins reports for Maine Public Broadcasting. (7/9) (25:57) News Talk 1370 WSPD's Brian Wilson talks with Bob Wenzel about the impact the Paul Campaign has had on the country and future campaigns. (7/9) (38:18) The Media Is Waking Up To Ron Paul!!! Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10. (7/9) (42:16) Ron Paul Revolution: bigger than just Ron Paul? Brian Doherty, senior editor for, join Russia Today's Liz Wahl with his take on Paul's strategy. (7/10) (53:02) Ron Paul Fallout in Nebraska??? Video compliments of YouTube User: josephfentonjordan. (7/9) (54:15) Doug Wead on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace: ‘If we have a plurality of the delegation in Nebraska we can nominate Ron Paul for President.’ (7/10) (1:06:31) Brian Doherty talks Ron Paul’s rEVOLution on WPRR 1680 AM's (Grand Rapids, MI) PaleoRadio. (7/10) (1:29:16) KHAS-TV 5 (NBC - Hastings, NE) - Nebraska Republican Convention draws national attention. (7/10) (1:31:38) MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show - Ron Paul may leave behind outsider status on way to Tampa. (7/10) (1:36:39) Evan Kenney, former Massachusetts Republican delegate, talks with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow about GOP's fear of Paul. (7/10) (1:46:17) Can Nebraska get Ron Paul the GOP nomination? Austin Petersen, director of Freedom Works, gives RTAmerica his take on Paul's possibilities. (7/11) (1:57:25) If Ron Paul wins in Nebraska on Saturday, he will have enough delegates to put his name in for the GOP nomination. Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson discuss AM 560 WIND (Chicago, IL). (7/11) (2:02:25) Let Ron Paul Speak at the GOP Convention! Video compliments of YouTube User: tjwalker. (7/11) (2:04:36) Thom Hartmann to Austin Petersen: '"Can Ron Paul Embarrass the Entire GOP Party in Tampa?" Video by YouTube User: BigPictureRT. (7/11) (2:11:43) The GOP can't ignore Ron Paul even if DC media does - Rachel Maddow reports for MSNBC. (7/11) (2:15:25) Libertarian Freedom Fest hits the streets of Vegas. Matt Welch joins Russia Today's Elizabeth Wahl. (7/12) (2:25:50) Last Chance for Ron Paul? Can the Liberty movement Takeover the GOP? Mark and Ian on Free Talk Live. (7/12) (2:51:47) Ron Paul's Alamo: Last Stand Could Put Candidate on Ballot - Coverage by Newsy Politics. (7/13) (2:52:34) Paul supporter says tension at state GOP convention overblown. Brent Martin reports for Nebraska Radio Network. (7/13) (2:

 Ron Paul Speaks via Teleconference to Nebraska Liberty Caucus (7/13/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:17

On Friday, Ron Paul appeared live on the telephone via Skype connection to address his supporters, who had gathered  prior to the weekend's GOP state convention. Dozens of activists from the Republican Liberty Caucus met at the Holiday Inn - Grand Isle to strategize in advance of the convention, which is being called "Dr. Paul's last stand" to earn a chance to be formally nominated at the RNC. The audience heard from the Congressman thanks to a Laptop with Skype, and a mic connected to a PA. I included a portion of the preceding speakers, just for listeners to get a feel for the meeting. Video coverage available by U-Stream user: suriyahfish.

 Congressman Ron Paul on Fox Business’ Cavuto (7/13/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:22

Rep. Ron Paul joined Fox Business' Neil Cavuto on Friday afternoon, to discuss what role he has to play at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, and what he thinks about Condoleezza Rice being considered as Romney’s running mate. Cavuto correctly makes the case that: "If RNC doesn't let Ron Paul speak at the convention, they'd be idiots."

 Jimmy Morrison Interviews Ron Paul for Documentary Film: The Bubble (6/20/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:25

Back in mid-June, Dr. Ron Paul was interviewed for his part in the upcoming documentary film, entitled: The Bubble. Filmmaker Jimmy Morrison came to Dr. Paul's Washington DC office, to talk with him about the housing bubble and the ensuing economic crisis , Federal Reserve policy, and US government intervention in the aftermath. Unfortunately, the questions for the Congressman are not audible in the video and only appear on screen- which makes things difficult for an audio podcast. The interview is broken up into topical segments. For ease of listening, I recorded the questions that appear on screen during the video (surely preferable to the silent breaks in the audio). I can't promise these are all in perfect context, as the storyboards between questions only contain broad topics. But hey, I tried. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheBubbleFilm.

 Texas Straight Talk: Fractional Reserve Banking, Government, and Moral Hazard (7/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:55

In this week's Texas Straight Talk weekly telephone update, Rep. Ron Paul talks about his subcommittee hearing from last week, where panelists discussed the topic of fractional reserve banking. Why should bankers have the privilege of lending (and charging interest for) money they never actually possessed? This injustice is only exacerbated by federally guaranteed deposit insurance, which protects the banksters from the natural, free market regulatory structure! Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

 Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Update (7/6/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:46

On Friday, Congressman Ron Paul released a video update to his supporters announcing his plans to be in Tampa before the Republican Convention. The major rally will be held in the University of South Florida's Sun Dome in Tampa Bay, FL on August 26, 2012. You know I'll be posting the audio, here! RSVP and check out the video at

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 30th thru July 6th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:19:52

Well, coverage continues to get harder to come by, as the state conventions slowly wrap up across the country, and the RNC in Tampa creeps closer. I've included some previously unposted, older files (from the last couple of months) to fill out the three hour audio block. People are still holding out hope for a miracle in Tampa (and I hope they're onto something), but I see no indication from the candidate that any challenge will be mounted. Dr. Paul has been back on TV and radio as of late, but conspicuously missing from any conversation is talk of the Presidential campaign! WTF? Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Pastor Steven Andrew teaches how is a Christian to vote (Ron Paul!). Video compliments of YouTube User: USAChristianMin. (5/24) (13:01) Ron Paul Putting His Money Where His Mouth Is. Video compliments of YouTube User: PatrickRigginsShow. (6/3) (15:58) Lawyers For Ron Paul Civil Rights (Voting Rights) Lawsuit FAQ. Video compliments of YouTube User: ElectionFraudRemedy. (6/10) (25:32) Jack Hunter with Final Thoughts on the Reaction to Rand's Endorsement - Video by YouTube User: southernavenger. (6/15) (29:36) KPFK's 'BradCast': Ron Paul Senior Advisor Doug Wead on the Still-Presidential Candidates Curious (and Often Successful) Delegate Strategy. (6/21) (37:15) Jack Blood interviews former Ron Paul Advisor, and best selling author Tom Woods. (6/22) (1:07:38) Prof. Walter Block joins Robert Wenzel, to talk about his book, Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty. (6/26) (1:41:38) Special Message From Dr. Paul and C4L on Audit the Fed - Video by YouTube User: chooseliberty. (7/2) (1:46:41) Lawyers for Ron Paul...Richard Gilbert on The Aroostook Watchmen w/David Calihan. (7/3) (2:20:53) Scott Horton joins Ernest Hancock to talk about libertarianism, RP's legacy on Declare Your Independence. (7/3) (2:35:25) Jeff  Rense and Joel Skousen discuss Ron, Rand and the future of the movement. (7/3) (2:42:22) Happy Fourth of July from Dr. Ron Paul! Video compliments of YouTube User: campaignforliberty. (2009) (2:43:38) Government Documents States All Ron Paul Supporters and Libertarians Are Suspected Terrorists! Video by YouTube User: matlarson10. (7/5) (2:46:20) KHAS-TV (NBC5 - Hastings, NE): Nebraska GOP convention will be on lock down in Grand Island, NE. (7/6) (2:47:01) Ron Paul's New Crusade: Internet Freedom - Video compliments of YouTube User: slatester. (7/6) (2:48:11) Rand and Ron Paul propose Internet revolution. RT's Web Producer Andrew Blake joins Abby Martin in the studio. (7/6) (2:58:50) What's Next for Us? Revolution PAC's Forrest Jehlik hosts episode 7 of Evolve. (7/6) (3:14:14) The Ron Paul Campaign is the biggest problem with Ron Paul! - Video by YouTube User: lemonglobal. (7/7) (3:17:01) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: Ron Paul not out until Nebraska sings. (7/7)

 Ron Paul on News Talk 1370 WSPD with Brian Wilson (7/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:10

On Tuesday, Congressman Ron Paul joined 1370 WSPD's (Toledo, OH) Brian Wilson to talk about about the Supreme Court's Obamacare ruling, the destructive inflationary policies of the Federal Reserve, and the state of our country.


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