Ron Paul Weekly Update - July 14th thru July 20th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Well, I had to dig deep to find the customary three hours of audio for the weekly campaign update this week. The general lack of coverage makes me long for the beginning of the year, when news coverage of the campaign was optimistic and plentiful. The disappointing victory by the Romney forces in Nebraska was enough for the MSM to officially announce the end of the Paul campaign. But as you'll hear on this podcast, opinions certainly aren't unanimous! Regardless, hope remains for a Paul presence at the Republican convention in August, as commentators begin to realize that the GOP needs Paul supporters to vote for their man in November if they hope to oust Barack "Barry" Hussein  Soetoro-Soebarkah-Obama. I don't know about you, but I have been underwhelmed by Gary Johnson over the last several months. Perhaps if the GOP made a legitimate attempt to bring Ron and his delegates into the convention...Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) A Liberty Inventory with Jack Hunter. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (7/8) (8:22) Tom Woods: Why Ron Paul Admires Ludwig von Mises. Video compliments of YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (7/10) (15:29) Slate's Matt Yglesias Doesn't Understand Ron Paul (or Economics). Video by YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (7/12) (26:23) Ron Paul Supporters Essential To Mitt Romney Candidacy, Fox News Guest Max Pappas Says. Video by YouTube User: FreedomWorksAction. (7/13) (26:57) Senator Rand Paul speaks to Fox News' Alan Colmes about his initiative for internet freedom. (7/13) (37:14) As the Race Closes...RevolutionPAC's Forrest Jehlik hosts Episode 8 of Evolve. (7/14) (1:00:17) Ron Paul Supporters Disappointed at Nebraska GOP Convention - KOLN-TV's (CBS - Lincoln, NE) Morgan Demmel reports. (7/14) (1:02:08) Ron Paul 2012: It's D-Day for Ron Paul's Campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: ReviewManify. (7/15) (1:04:55) After Nebraska Is Ron Paul's Campaign Over?! Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (7/15) (1:07:03) Does Ron Paul's Revolution End in Nebraska? Newsy Politics' Neville Miller asks. (7/15) (1:09:11) Ron Paul's presidential campaign over after Nebraska primaries? Austin Petersen of Freedom Works joins RT's Kristine Frazao. (7/16) (1:18:10) What NOW?!: Ron Paul is still collecting delegates. MSNBC's NOW with Alex Wagner. (7/16) (1:19:34) Ron Paul Shut Out of Convention - Malcolm Out Loud TV minute. (7/16) (1:20:35) RNC Rules Confirm Ron Paul Will Be Up For Nomination In Tampa. Video by YouTube User: matlarson10. (7/16) (1:22:36) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow contends: Ron Paul's road to Tampa ends in Nebraska. (7/17) (1:27:54) Ben Swann on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace– Facts: Clarification from the RNC rules committee, Ron Paul has 6 states! (7/17) (1:44:14) Gerald Celente talks Ron Paul, Tampa on the John Stadtmiller Radio show. Video by YouTube User: Liberal Tarian. (7/17) (1:47:31) Lew Rockwell talks with Carol Paul, the First Lady of the Freedom Movement. (7/17) (2:06:42) Peter Schiff interviews Ron Paul-endorsed Republican candidate for US Senate, Kurt Bills (R-MN). (7/17) (2:14:07) Ron Paul keeps on running towards Tampa - coverage on The Robert Scott Bell Show. (7/18) (2:18:22) Purported Ron Paul Supporter Crashes Obama for America Education Bus Event - Video comes via Concord (NH) Patch. (7/18) (2:19:24) Ben Bernanke Pummeled by C-Span Callers Who Say Ron Paul is Right! Video by YouTube User: rachelabombdotcom. (7/18) (2:33:53) Rep. Ron Paul Discusses House Vote for H.R. 459, Audit the Fed. Video compliments of YouTube User: EricCantor. (7/19) (2:36:11) Ron Paul and Sarah Palin await their convention invites - NPR's Ken Rudin and Ron Elving in It's All Politics. (7/19) (2:41:33) Dr. Cass Ingram joins The Power Hour with Joyce Riley to discuss the Ron Paul Election Fraud. (7/19)