Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Rep. Ron Paul on CNBC’s Money in Motion (6/15/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:17

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul weighs in on the economic situation in Greece. He shares his prescription with CNBC's Melissa Lee and the Money In Motion traders, in an exclusive web extra.

 Senator Rand Paul Responds to Endorsement Critics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:01

Ron Paul still remains silent about the campaign and why things were done the way they were, but Rand Paul has come out swinging in defense of his decision to endorse Mitt Romney. The Senator has a bad habit of pointing out abhorrent behavior (or language on certain message boards) and smearing all of his critics with the actions of others. Dr. Paul's prickly response was perhaps not what the movement was interested in hearing, but in reality, the endorsement is one of the most ceremonial of gestures. Sen. Paul continues to stick his neck out for the cause of liberty on a constant basis, and the included interviews in this file remind us of some of the important work he is doing. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Schiff Radio Exclusive: Rand's Romney Strategy - Video compliments of YouTube User: SchiffReport. (6/12) (16:58) Carol Paul Speaks about Ra

 Ron Paul 2012 - Campaign Related Talk Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:05:50

Don't listen to this audio if you are averse to hearing criticism of Ron Paul, his son, and his campaign staff. This file contains a block of Ron Paul related talk radio- particularly concerning the campaign developments of the last week. All the supporters are trying to figure out what happened with all those hard earned delegates and the anticipated fight in Tampa? What happened to the $500k that the campaign raised on the May 17th moneybomb? Where the hell is Ron Paul, and how come he won't formally address his supporters (outside of the occasional email)? What in Mittens Romney's political career suggests that the man's word is trustworthy? Is Rand Paul just another Republican politician? Are we all just overreacting to a campaign that fought long and hard, but came up short? I want some answers- but all we really have now is speculation. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed

 Texas Straight Talk: The CBO Sees the Economic Cliff Ahead (6/11/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:16

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Ron Paul comments on the Congressional Budget Office's pessimistic outlook for the nation's economy.  Pessimistic as it may seem to the media types, those who actually know a thing about economics will tell you that the CBO works off of fudged government numbers in the first place! The truth about the "fragile economic recovery" is almost certainly much worse than the CBO figures purport to explain. Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulcom

 Ron Paul Concedes Nomination, Rand Paul Endorses Mitt Romney - Supporters React | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:09:59

We all knew that it would take an extraordinary set of circumstances for Ron Paul to become the next President of the Unites States, but it's a shame that the campaign has to end like this. I'm concerned that the way the campaign has operated in the last several months, and the subsequent endorsement of Mitt Romney by Rand Paul, could potentially undermine Dr. Paul's legacy (and our movement's cohesion)  in the future. All kinds of theories have been put forth over the last few days to try and explain how we got to this point. This audio file contains additional coverage of the Rand Paul endorsement and the current state of the movement, along with commentary from many different voices affiliated with the r3VOLution. Some are being way too harsh in their critique of the situation- using words like "sellout" or "betrayal." The situation is only exacerbated by Dr. Paul's virtual silence over the coarse of the last month, and the campaign's poor communication with their supporters. We a

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 2nd thru June 8th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:37:48

Well, no one can claim that this week wasn't eventful for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign and the liberty movement, writ large! Ron Paul returned to the public eye, but only briefly before he formally conceded (in an email archived at The Daily Paul) the nomination to Governor Romney. Then, in a stomach-turning development, on Thursday evening Senator Rand Paul came out on FNC's Hannity (of all possible venues) to throw his political capital behind Mittens! For all practical purposes- it's over. Due to the campaign's bizarre radio silence over the last month, many were led to believe that there was a master plan in place, taking place behind the scenes (Doug Wead made reference to tactics that couldn't be discussed). I love Ron Paul, but I refuse to delude myself: Dr. Paul will not win the Republican nomination, and he won't run 3rd party. These developments have stirred a lot of activists and supporters, who have donated large amounts of money and time. And for what? To play nice with Rom

 Ron Paul Addresses Supporters at the Texas Liberty Concert (6/7/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:03

Following his speech at the Texas state convention on Thursday, Congressman Ron Paul made an appearance at the Texas Liberty Concert being held at The River Ranch in the Fort Worth Stockyards. Rep. Paul spoke to his loyal devotees about the coming fiscal crisis, the encroachment of big government, and the growth of the liberty movement over the last 5 years. It should be noted that Dr. Paul announces that he has been promised a vote on the Audit the Fed bill in July (audio begins at 5:13)! Perhaps that's been part of the deal to get the Congressman out of campaign mode since mid-May. Nevertheless, we can see that Dr. Paul's work in Washington over the last few weeks seems to have bore fruit! Video compliments of YouTube User: Prima Facia.

 Ron Paul Speaks at Texas Republican State Convention (6/7/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:09

Ron Paul returned to the public eye on Thursday, delivering a speech to delegates at a breakout session during the Texas state GOP convention. The Congressman spoke to approximately 1,000 Republicans about balancing the federal budget, and returning the Republican Party to it's ideological roots. The state convention is being held at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Ft. Worth, TX. Video of the speech archived by UStream User: suriyahfish.

 Ron Paul on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto (6/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:58

Ron Paul returns to the airwaves- for two whole minutes! On Tuesday, Rep. Ron Paul joined FBN's Neil Cavuto to comment on the Wisconsin recall election and the need to rein in spending at the state and federal level.

 Texas Straight Talk: War Drums for Syria? (6/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:36

In this week's Texas Straight Talk legislative update, Dr. Ron Paul warns the American people of the saber-rattling going on in Washington over the purported massacres being committed by the Syrian government. Are those being "massacred" in that country recipients of arms and funds supplied by elements of the United States government? The lines between grassroots pro-democracy forces and foreign mercenaries have been so blurred, the American citizen (let alone their elected representation) has no way to determine the truth of the situation on the ground in a far-away foreign land. Given the broad geopolitical reconstruction that has been carried out all over the world over the last 20 years (always in the name of humanitarianism), we would be fools to take the administration and the Pentagon on their word. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - May 26th thru June 1st | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:40:06

Another lean coverage week for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, as the Congressman remains completely absent from the radio and television airwaves. Previously, there had been rumors that Dr. Paul would be attending the Washington state Republican convention to support activists there-- but apparently those plans were nixed. The vast majority of outlets still covering the campaign are alternative media sources and grassroots citizen journalists. Ben Swann continues to do a stellar job of separating fact from fiction, pointing out this week that Mittens Romney has not technically clinched the nomination (despite the MSM's coronation, and the candidates acceptance speech). This will be an important weekend in the hunt for delegates, as several states are in the midst of their state nominating conventions- particularly LA, MO, and WA. Hang in there rEVOLutionaries! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron Paul backers' plan: Transform the GOP - CNN Radio's Lisa Lesjardins reports on the persistence of our movements activists within the Virginia GOP. (5/15) (9:36) Are you a true Ron Paul supporter? Jan Mickelson takes the Christian Science Monitor's Quiz on NewsRadio 1040 WHO (Des Moines, IA). (5/18) (36:44) Ron Paul’s rEVOLution…coming to a Republican party meeting near you? Rick Sincere talks with Reason Magazine’s Brian Doherty on Bearing Drift radio. (5/20) (47:03) Adam Vs The Man: Anarchists for Ron Paul?!?Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/22) (56:00) Founder of Jews for Ron Paul Walter Block, PhD - Why? Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (5/24) (1:24:26) Ron Paul Supporters Take Over Alaska GOP. Coverage by Alaska Public Radio. (5/25) (1:27:54) Ron Paul, Idaho Delegates, and the ongoing cult of unity. Video compliments of YouTube User: hellsunicorn. (5/26) (1:35:41) Tom Hauser, political reporter for KSTP TV in Minneapolis, on the Ron Paul takeover at the MN GOP. Video by YouTube User: ScottHennen. (5/22) (1:38:27) MnChange State Convention Ron Paul Team WINNING! Video compliments of YouTube User: dwrocker1. (5/27) (1:48:43) Minnesota Ron Paul Chair Marianne Stebbins Interview on Real Capitol View with Steve Hensley. (5/27) (2:09:32) Author 8 Researcher G. Edward Griffin on Ron Paul's Restore America Plan. Video by YouTube User: MorphCity. (5/28) (2:15:14) Massachusetts GOP Attempting To Invalidate Caucus Results! Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10. (5/28) (2:18:49) ALERT: Mitt Romney Holds Private Meeting with Rand Paul! Video compliments of YouTube User: daytradeshow. (5/28) (2:21:02) Lew Rockwell warns RP Delegates going to Tampa: "Obey everyone in a uniform or expensive suit". Video by YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/29) (2:30:18) WXIX-TV's (Fox19 - Cincinnati) Reality Check with Ben Swann: Did Mitt Romney Really Secure GOP Nomination With Texas Win? (5/29) (2:33:39) Romney-Paul ticket 2012? Author Brian Doherty joins RTAmerica's Liz Wahl with his take. (5/30) (2:41:15) Tom Woods Message to DailyPaul Readers 8 all Paulistas - Video by YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (5/31) (2:44:14) Takin it to the streets for Ron Paul! Evolve - Episode 4 with RevolutionPAC's Forrest Jehlik. (5/31) (3:00:58) 100K To Attend Ron Paul Festival in Tampa! Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10. (5/31) (3:05:53) South Dakota Ron Paul Pro Life Ad. Video compliments of YouTube User: crvpac. (5/31) (3:06:55) South Dakota Ron Paul Pro 2nd Amendment Ad. Video compliments of YouTube User: crvpac. (5/31) (3:07:56) The Next 5 Days Are Huge For Ron Paul! (446 Delegates at Stake) Video by YouTube User: MatLarson10. (6/1) (3:11:11) Drive Time w./ TMOT: Romney Supporters Reach Out To Paul Supporters. Video by YouTube User: tmotofga. (6/1) (3:17:18) Northwest Public Radio: Ron Paul Supporters Keep Wash. GOP Convention Liv

 Texas Straight Talk: Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society (5/29/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:34

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Dr. Ron Paul warns the American people of the legislature's attempt to  implement strict (and draconian) capital controls. This is just another sign on the road to authoritarian government, which Rep. Paul presciently attempted to warn the citizenry about in last fall's Republican debate at the Reagan Library. How many times does the man have to be proven correct for people to realize that he knows WTF he is talking about? The Ex-PATRIOT Act (S.3205), if not stopped, will become America's Berlin Wall for tax refugees. How far behind do you think physical walls will be? Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulcom

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - May 19th thru May 25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:12:51

Now would be the proper time to ask the question "Where's Ron Paul?" The man hasn't done a single broadcast interview in nearly three weeks! If the campaign hasn't thrown in the towel, this isn't a great way to reassure the supporters. The people continue to donate to the cause, yet the campaign has really failed to build any momentum. We've had weeks to do something to try any knock Mittens off his pedestal. Unfortunately, (barring any secret campaign strategy) it looks as if our people will be asked to play nice at the Romney coronation, in the hopes of laying the groundwork within the GOP for a future liberty candidate. Whether any promises or goodwill in the present will mean anything at all to the party in the future is anyone's guess. Will the campaign have an anti-climactic end, after all these years? Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Can Ron Paul’s “Respectful” Delegation Shift the National Republican Agenda? Slate Magazine's Ben Johnson asks. (5/15) (1:10) Anti-War Radio's Scott Horton reacts to Benton's statement, calls for 3rd Party run immediately. (5/14) (19:21) How Ron Paul can still win the nomination- Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/17) (35:35) Dr. Ron Paul wake up call from MN convention- only statement in last two weeks. Video by YouTube User: sabamiki. (5/18) (36:02) KARE 11 (NBC - Minneapolis/St. Paul) Reports: Ron Paul and Kurt Bills Rock Minn GOP Convention in St. Cloud. Video by YouTube User: kindly950. (5/19) (38:07) End of the Road for Ron Paul? MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan talks with Ben Frumin (Editor, The Week). (5/18) (39:58) Ron Paul was right...again! 760 KFMB AM's Mike Slater explains: A wall to keep people out, can also keep you in. (5/18) (50:27) Tom Woods, in for Peter Schiff, Interviews Rand Paul on the Budget, Ron Paul, and More. Video by YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (5/18) (1:09:58) John Stossel: Government Stealing Your Money I support Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: kindly950. (5/19) (1:16:11) Ron Paul Supporters Like "Swarm Of Killer Bees!" Video compliment of YouTube User: 7even78. (5/19) (1:26:32) Supporting Ron Paul - Venture capitalist Peter Thiel tells CBS News' Morley Safer why he's given RP more than $2.5 million. (5/20) (1:27:36) What Does Ron Paul Want? Hint: It's Not About The 2012 GOP Nomination - Ken Rudin reports for NPR's Political Junkie. (5/21) (1:30:24) BRIAN DOHERTY on Business Insider: What's Next For The Ron Paul Revolution? (5/21) (1:34:21) Ron Paul Calls It Quits: What Will His Lasting Influence on the GOP Be. Elan Journo and Terry Jones join PJTV's Allen Barton. (5/21) (1:40:16) Ron Paul has Texas-size influence in Minnesota GOP - Mark Zdechlik reports for Minnesota Public Radio. (5/21) (1:43:36) Ron Paul takes Republican Party of Minnesota by storm - Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins RTAmerica. (5/22) (1:51:30) Chuck Todd: Undecided voters dislike Romney and Obama but love Ron Paul. Video by YouTube User: bxtidre7. (5/22) (1:55:23) Ron Paul takes Minnesota delegates; Texas next? GCN's Ted Anderson talks with RT's Liz Wahl. (5/22) (2:02:38) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: Ron Paul Takes Minnesota, Romney Rejected. (5/22) (2:05:36) Gingrich (on Hannity radio) tells Romney: Watch Out for Ron Paul Delegates. Video by YouTube User: gelberd. (5/22) (2:07:01) NewsTalk 1370 WSPD's Brian Wilson and Lew Rockwell discuss whether Ron Paul supporters should boycott the RNC. (5/23) (2:22:45) Penn Jillette on FNC's Hannity talking Ron Paul, GJ, and libertarian philosophy. Video by YouTube User: agitatorxmedia. (5/23) (2:28:38) Will Ron Paul Libertarians rally for Romney? Brian Doherty on The Thom Hartmann Show. Video by YouTube User: thomhartmann. (5/23) (2:37:52) Bloomberg TV Reports: Grandfather’s Millions Make Paul Fan a Political Player. (5/24) (2:39:42) Insi

 Texas Straight Talk - On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues (5/21/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:55

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Congressman Ron Paul warns his constituents about the ongoing destruction of their liberties, thanks to the NDAA. Back in Washington, Dr. Paul has had more time to keep track of what the legislative branch is currently up to, and things aren't looking good! Despite the many minds changed over the course of the campaign, our elected representatives remain all too willing to sacrifice liberty and Constitutional government in favor of the national security state. Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulcom.

 Ron Paul Speaks at Fundraiser for Minnesota Republican Party (5/19/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:17

After the grassroots' impressive takeover of the Minnesota Republican Party at the State Convention on Friday, Congressman Ron Paul generously offered up some of his time to raise funds for a beleaguered state GOP (over $1 million in debt).  Dr. Paul's keynote speech was at a breakfast fundraiser for the Minnesota Republican Party, which was held on Saturday morning, prior to the convention reconvening for the second day of proceedings. The introduction to the speech was given by Minnesota Representative, and U.S. Senate candidate Kurt Bills. The breakfast was held in the Terry Haws C Hall at the Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN. The event was sponsored and paid for by the Bills for US Senate campaign. The cost was $20 per person and all the proceeds went to the Republican Party of Minnesota. Video compliments of YouTube User: cDELTAconductor.


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