Texas Straight Talk: War Drums for Syria? (6/4/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: In this week's Texas Straight Talk legislative update, Dr. Ron Paul warns the American people of the saber-rattling going on in Washington over the purported massacres being committed by the Syrian government. Are those being "massacred" in that country recipients of arms and funds supplied by elements of the United States government? The lines between grassroots pro-democracy forces and foreign mercenaries have been so blurred, the American citizen (let alone their elected representation) has no way to determine the truth of the situation on the ground in a far-away foreign land. Given the broad geopolitical reconstruction that has been carried out all over the world over the last 20 years (always in the name of humanitarianism), we would be fools to take the administration and the Pentagon on their word. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.