Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Texas Straight Talk: Audit the Fed Headed for the House Floor! (7/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:02

In his weekly Texas Straight Talk telephone update, Rep. Ron Paul formally announces that H.R. 459 (Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011) has passed through the oversight committee intact, and should be voted upon before the end of the month! Wouldn't the passage of this bill be an appropriate climax for Dr. Paul's Congressional legacy? Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 23rd thru June 29th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:39:02

This week was relatively light on campaign developments, as we get closer to the RNC in Tampa and Ron Paul continues to gather his forces for some kind of platform showdown. Paul delegates continue to get shafted at every opportunity by the GOP- as the party now resorts to forcing our people to sign loyalty oaths to Mittens Romney (and kicking them off the delegation if they refuse). These shenanigans may prove to deny Congressman Paul his five state pluralities, so his name won't even be submitted for nomination. If Dr. Paul and Gov. Romney have really been such great friends through this process, you would hope the Congressman would be allotted his rightful place at the convention! The available news and coverage over the last week would leave this file too short in length, so I have included some previously unposted audio from the past several weeks to fill in the gap. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron Paul on Reforming the Federal Reserve. Video compliments of YouTube User: GOPFinancialServices. (5/8) (1:43) Joel Skousen talks with Jeff Rense about the Rand Paul endorsement controversy. (6/12) *Linked audio requires subscription (13:17) What Self-Respecting Libertarian Would Endorse Mitt Romney? Monica Perez on 750AM News/Talk WSB (Atlanta, GA). (6/17) (51:02) FOX News Lies - Says Ron Paul Told Delegates They Are Free To Vote For Romney. Video by YouTube User: RPFriends. (6/17) (51:39) Former Ron Paul staffer, Penny Langford-Freeman, gives Ernest Hancock the back story on the Ron Paul campaign. (6/19) (1:29:45) The race is on to replace Ron Paul; Randy Weber and Felicia Harris battle on KTRH NewsRadio 740 (Houston, TX).(6/21) (1:35:37) Ron Paul delegates disqualified from the RNC - Reason's Tim Cavanaugh joins RTAmerica's Lucy Kafanov. (6/25) (1:48:49) Scott Horton Interviews Thomas E. Woods for Anti-War Radio - Ron Paul : Economic Prophet. (6/25) (2:09:04) Walter Block talks about his book, Ron Paul for President in 2012: Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty, on Free Talk Live with Mark Edge. (6/25) (2:24:06) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: GOP counters Paul supporters with Romney loyalty oath. (6/28) (2:29:27) Walter Block on The Peter Schiff Show - Video compliments of YouTube User: DrWalterBlock. (6/26) (2:48:40) Rep. Dennis Kucinich praises Ron Paul’s ‘diligence’ in pushing Federal Reserve audit. Video at The Daily Caller. (6/27) (2:50:44) A Socialist Pundit's Message To Ron Rand Paul: "You Are NOT Allowed To Follow Jesus And Ayn Rand" - Video by YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (6/27) (2:53:58) Ron Paul campaign fallout, 2012 politics discussed by Joel Skousen on The Jeff Rense Show. (6/27) *Linked audio requires subscription (3:04:55) WXIX-TV's (Cincinnati, OH) Reality Check with Ben Swann: Massachusetts GOP strips delegates of their credentials. (6/27) (3:10:59) Ron Paul continues fight to audit the Fed. Lew Rockwell joins Russia Today's Elizabeth Wahl. (6/28) (3:19:48) HORRORS! RP Congressional Chief-of-staff Jeff Deist reacts to the SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare with Big Al Korelin. (6/28) (3:22:44)  Aborting the Constitution: Rand Paul Peter Schiff Unload on the Supreme Court's ObamaCare Ruling- Video by YouTube User: SchiffReport. (6/29) (3:36:40) Ron Paul inducted into congressional baseball hall of fame. Coverage provided by CBS News and The Washington Post. (6/29)

 12th Hearing - Domestic Monetary Policy & Technology (6/28/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:06

On Thursday afternoon, Ron Paul chaired the 12th meeting of the House Financial Services subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology in the Rayburn House Office Building. This hearing, entitled: “Fractional Reserve Banking and the Federal Reserve: The Economic Consequences of High-Powered Money”, really gets at the heart of the bankocracy that rules present-day America. The subcommittee called three witnesses in to testify: Dr. John Cochran (Professor of Economics - Metropolitan State College of Denver), Dr. Joseph Salerno (Professor of Economics - Pace University), and Dr. Lawrence H. White (Professor of Economics - George Mason University). Would anyone be surprised that the Congress-critters (and the Democrats in particular) aren't too interested in learning about / debating fractional reserve banking

 Rep. Ron Paul on NewsRadio 740 KTRH’s The Michael Berry Show (6/28/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:48

Moments after SCOTUS' shocking ruling on Obamacare was announced, Texas congressman and presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul appeared on the Michael Berry Show to discuss the mandate and how Texas should respond.  ICYMI- the justices said that while Congress did overreach in part with the individual mandate -- the requirement that most Americans buy health insurance or pay a fine -- the provision is held constitutional as a tax! Video compliments of YouTube User: themichaelberryshow.

 Ron Paul on FNC’s Your World with Neil Cavuto (6/27/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:50

Congressman Ron Paul joined Fox News' Neil Cavuto on the Wednesday edition of Your World, to talk about the Supreme Court's ruling on the constitutionality of Obamacare. Dr. Paul made the case that the only way to improve the cost and access to healthcare is to allow people to opt out of government medicine. If you have been following the podcast the last several months, you'll recall that the Congressman predicted  just such a ruling- that would leave significant parts of the program in tact. The man knows what he's talking about

 Dr. Ron Paul Speaks to the House of Representatives (6/27/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:57

Rep. Ron Paul returned to the house floor on Wednesday, to address his colleagues regarding the latest events in Syria and the military-industrial complex's push to intervene in the internal affairs of yet another sovereign nation. Video compliments of YouTube User: CongressmanRonPaul.

 Texas Straight Talk: Government is Already Too Involved in Healthcare (6/25/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:01

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Rep. Ron Paul talks about the Supreme Court's coming decision regarding the Constitutionality of Obamacare. The government is already waist deep into the healthcare business, and the results have been predictable: higher priced, lower quality care. Rather than slide into European socialism, how about we get the federal government out of healthcare? Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 16th thru June 22nd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:12:21

The rEVOLution continues! Dr. Ron Paul made a prominent return to the national scene this week, addressing the nation from the house floor and making news during two separate interviews on CNN and MSNBC. Moreover, the campaign claimed another victory last weekend, as Iowa's delegation to the RNC goes in the 'Paul' column. I'd like to continue the podcast through the Republican National Convention, if subscribers remain interested. But I'll have to raise a modest amount of money to continue much longer. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron, Rand, Romney - Lew Rockwell chats with Brian Wilson about Rand's endorsement of Mitt Romney on News Talk 1370 WSPD (Toledo, OH). (6/14) (16:56) WHO Channel 13 News (NBC - Des Moines, IA) - REPUBLICAN CHOICE: Twenty One Delegates To Paul. (6/16) (19:47) IOWA GOP Convention Report by WHO Radio's Gary Barrett. Video compliments of YouTube User: iowanews1. (6/16) (22:20) Ron Paul wins the majority of Iowa's Republican delegates. KWWL-TV's (NBC - Waterloo, IA) Jackie Manternach reports. (6/17) (25:13) Raucous Iowa Convention May Signal What's To Come - NPR's Sarah McCammon for Weekend Edition. (6/17) (28:51) reports - Ron Paul Sweeps Iowa Delegates: What it Means. (6/17) (30:46) The Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Evil! Monologue by AM750 WSB's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez. (6/17) (42:00) RonPaulFlix Founder - Israel Anderson on The Josh Tolley Show. Video by YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (6/17) (1:10:13) Ron Paul’s Revolution author, Brian Doherty, on Daily Paul Radio with Host, Kurt Wallace. (6/18) (1:42:33) Why Would Ron Paul Want to Run An Entity He Believes Shouldn't Even Exist? Mike Church talks with caller. (6/15) (1:47:33) Porter Davis of Lawyers for Ron Paul on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. Video by YouTube User: FTTWR. (6/18) (2:07:05) What's Ron Paul going to do with all those delegates? MSNBC's Rachel Maddow pontificates. (6/18) (2:11:49) Will Ron Paul's success alter the GOP? Steve Schmidt, McCain-Palin campaign senior strategist, on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. (6/19) (2:23:54) KCRG-TV9 (ABC - Cedar Rapids, IA) Report: Iowa Delegate to GOP Nominating Convention Talks Ron Paul Support. (6/20) (2:26:36) Rand Paul's Strategy Explained - Episode 06 of Revolution PAC's Evolve with Forrest Jehlik. (6/21) (2:40:10) Ron Paul delegates try to cut expenses at Republican National Convention - Mark Zdechlik for Minnesota Public Radio. (6/21) (2:44:10) Ron Paul As Mitt Romney's VP!? Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10. (6/21) (2:46:44) Ron Paul Collects Social Security – Not Guilty? Commentary by The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur. (6/21) (2:49:15) Jesse Ventura Talking Ron Paul And Gary Johnson on The Robert Scott Bell Show. Video by YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (6/21) (2:53:34) A WARNING to the Liberty Movement - Man Up or Die! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (6/22) (2:58:22) Does the Republican Party matter? MSNBC's Rachel Maddow asks Nicole Wallace, former McCain-Palin campaign senior advisor. (6/21) (3:08:24) Ron Paul to GOP I'm Not Planning To Crash Your Convention - WSJ's Danny Yadron visits Mean Street with details. (6/22)

 Congressman Ron Paul on CNN International (6/20/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:46

Guest host Ali Velshi- in for CNN International's Christiane Amanpour- speaks with U.S. Congressman Ron Paul about whether to intervene in Syria. House arab and author Fouad Ajami then gets the last word in the indirect debate, arguing for a more neoconservative foreign policy.

 Congressman Ron Paul on MSNBC’s Morning Joe (6/20/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:10

2012 presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas joins MSNBC's Mike Brzezinski to discuss why he's still campaigning, why he's not ready to endorse Mitt Romney even though his son has, the GOP convention in Tampa and why he believes the GOP has become the outlier for the cause of liberty. Other Morning Joe guest panelists include Sam Stein, Mike Barnicle, and MSNBC's own Alex Wagner.

 Rep. Ron Paul on CNN’s The Situation Room (6/19/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:19

Congressman Ron Paul joined CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday's edition of The Situation Room to talk about his plans for the Republican National Convention (and endorsing Mitt Romney), the lawsuit filed by supporters against the RNC, and the situation in Syria. Full video available, compliments of YouTube User: SaveOurSovereignty3.

 Ron Paul speaks about Syria Intervention on House Floor (6/19/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:30

On Tuesday morning, Congressman Ron Paul addressed the House of Representatives with a floor speech regarding the propaganda being fed to the Congress regarding the Syrian government. It appears as if the decision has been made to go for regime change once again, as the US government uses militant Islamists by proxy to stir up trouble in Damascus. Why does the US government so hate secular Middle-Eastern regimes? Moreover, why won't the US government mind its own business? The Congressman's remarks are entitled "When Will We Attack Syria?", the written text of which can be found on Dr. Paul's congressional website. Video compliments of YouTube User: CongressmanRonPaul.

 Texas Straight Talk: Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop (6/18/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:57

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Congressman Ron Paul addresses the rapid rate at which the federal government and domestic law enforcement agencies are rolling out unmanned aerial vehicles to be used against the American people. Not only are the people of the world terrorized (yes, terrorized) by these militarized aerial platforms, but bureaucrats now have a surveillance tool that would have delighted the great authoritarians throughout history. Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 9th thru June 15th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:09:29

It seems that the recent firestorm has started to cool down a bit in the last several days, as Ron Paul has finally addressed his supporters and Rand Paul has more thoroughly explained himself. But the episode has shown us that the movement is not of one mind, and certainly has the ability to fracture quickly. At least three ideological groups are quickly visible: those who understand Rand Paul's decision to endorse Mittens (as an attempt to establish the liberty movement as a significant wing of the GOP), those who view the system as so inherently corrupt that any (even superficial) compromise is a sellout, and those who denounce Rand Paul as a statist / neocon outright (largely because he clearly advocates for some, limited government). Ron Paul's virtual silence for the past six weeks had been disturbing for several reasons- not the least of which was the fact that everyone assumed that he had coordinated with Rand's decision to endorse the Rom-inee. By all accounts, that appears to have been untrue- but Rand was clearly waiting for the word from his dad so that the endorsement could be made. Who knows what will go down in Tampa? Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Jack Hunter: Ron Paul is Becoming Something More Important Than President. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (6/8) (9:38) Tom Woods personal appeal to Ron Paul, re: Mitt Romney. Video compliments of YouTube User: bigsteelguy4. (6/11) (13:36) *Gag Reflex* Rubio is Conservatives Top Pick For Romney's Running Mate!? Mike Church on The Post Show Show. (6/11) (19:05) Walter Block talks about recent developments and his book, Ron Paul for President 2012, on Radio Free Market with Michael McKay. (6/11) (39:52) Is The Ron Paul Era Over? Jon Rappoport reports on Infowars Nightly News. Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (6/12) (1:15:24) Mike Church asks, "What Incentive Could Ron Paul Possibly Have To Endorse Mitt Romney?" (6/12) (1:21:55) Will Rand's Romney Endorsement Hurt Him in 2016? Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (6/12) (1:27:03) Ron Paul's Movement Could Lead To Arms ... Voting Aye Or Nay - The Right Twist on the News with Mike Church on WGNO-TV (ABC26 - New Orleans, LA). (6/12) (1:29:16) The Infiltration in to Ron Paul's campaign, and how Ernest Hancock knows - on Declare Your Independence Radio. (6/12) (1:39:33) RSB: Rick Santorum Warns Of A Fight In Tampa With Ron Paul Supporters. Video by YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (6/12) (1:42:30) We salute you, Dr Paul! Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (6/13) (1:44:48) Was Ron Paul the only person who would not have signed a secretive, terrible trade agreement? Current TV's Cenk Uyghur asks Zach Carter of Huffington Post. (6/13) (1:48:03) Dear Ron Paul, We Will Not Quit! Video compliments of YouTube User: tmotfga. (6/14) (1:58:41) Inspiring Insights From Doug Wead on The Robert Scott Bell Show, On The Rand Paul Endorsement And Ron Paul. Video by YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (6/13) (2:17:02) Romney Backers Brace For Paul 'Circus' In Iowa - NPR's Sarah McCammon reports for All Things Considered. (6/14) (2:21:37) Lew Rockwell: Ron Paul will NOT Endorse Mitt Romney!Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (6/14) (2:41:46) Mike Church Interview with Jack Hunter on campaign, Rand endorsement backlash. (6/14) (2:46:29) Be careful to jump to conclusions on Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (6/14) (3:02:37) WXIX-TV's (Cincinnati, OH) Reality Check with Ben Swann: One on one with Rand Paul on his endorsement of Mitt Romney. (6/14) (3:07:10) Ron Paul Officially Wins Iowa!!! Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (6/16)

 Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Update (6/15/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:50

Congressman Ron Paul finally addressed his supporters on Friday through a YouTube video on the ronpaul channel. Dr. Paul talks about the strategy the campaign has enacted in light of Romney's clear victory, and his plans for convention-time in Tampa.


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