Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 23rd thru June 29th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: This week was relatively light on campaign developments, as we get closer to the RNC in Tampa and Ron Paul continues to gather his forces for some kind of platform showdown. Paul delegates continue to get shafted at every opportunity by the GOP- as the party now resorts to forcing our people to sign loyalty oaths to Mittens Romney (and kicking them off the delegation if they refuse). These shenanigans may prove to deny Congressman Paul his five state pluralities, so his name won't even be submitted for nomination. If Dr. Paul and Gov. Romney have really been such great friends through this process, you would hope the Congressman would be allotted his rightful place at the convention! The available news and coverage over the last week would leave this file too short in length, so I have included some previously unposted audio from the past several weeks to fill in the gap. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron Paul on Reforming the Federal Reserve. Video compliments of YouTube User: GOPFinancialServices. (5/8) (1:43) Joel Skousen talks with Jeff Rense about the Rand Paul endorsement controversy. (6/12) *Linked audio requires subscription (13:17) What Self-Respecting Libertarian Would Endorse Mitt Romney? Monica Perez on 750AM News/Talk WSB (Atlanta, GA). (6/17) (51:02) FOX News Lies - Says Ron Paul Told Delegates They Are Free To Vote For Romney. Video by YouTube User: RPFriends. (6/17) (51:39) Former Ron Paul staffer, Penny Langford-Freeman, gives Ernest Hancock the back story on the Ron Paul campaign. (6/19) (1:29:45) The race is on to replace Ron Paul; Randy Weber and Felicia Harris battle on KTRH NewsRadio 740 (Houston, TX).(6/21) (1:35:37) Ron Paul delegates disqualified from the RNC - Reason's Tim Cavanaugh joins RTAmerica's Lucy Kafanov. (6/25) (1:48:49) Scott Horton Interviews Thomas E. Woods for Anti-War Radio - Ron Paul : Economic Prophet. (6/25) (2:09:04) Walter Block talks about his book, Ron Paul for President in 2012: Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty, on Free Talk Live with Mark Edge. (6/25) (2:24:06) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: GOP counters Paul supporters with Romney loyalty oath. (6/28) (2:29:27) Walter Block on The Peter Schiff Show - Video compliments of YouTube User: DrWalterBlock. (6/26) (2:48:40) Rep. Dennis Kucinich praises Ron Paul’s ‘diligence’ in pushing Federal Reserve audit. Video at The Daily Caller. (6/27) (2:50:44) A Socialist Pundit's Message To Ron Rand Paul: "You Are NOT Allowed To Follow Jesus And Ayn Rand" - Video by YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (6/27) (2:53:58) Ron Paul campaign fallout, 2012 politics discussed by Joel Skousen on The Jeff Rense Show. (6/27) *Linked audio requires subscription (3:04:55) WXIX-TV's (Cincinnati, OH) Reality Check with Ben Swann: Massachusetts GOP strips delegates of their credentials. (6/27) (3:10:59) Ron Paul continues fight to audit the Fed. Lew Rockwell joins Russia Today's Elizabeth Wahl. (6/28) (3:19:48) HORRORS! RP Congressional Chief-of-staff Jeff Deist reacts to the SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare with Big Al Korelin. (6/28) (3:22:44)  Aborting the Constitution: Rand Paul Peter Schiff Unload on the Supreme Court's ObamaCare Ruling- Video by YouTube User: SchiffReport. (6/29) (3:36:40) Ron Paul inducted into congressional baseball hall of fame. Coverage provided by CBS News and The Washington Post. (6/29)