Ron Paul Weekly Update - June 16th thru June 22nd

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: The rEVOLution continues! Dr. Ron Paul made a prominent return to the national scene this week, addressing the nation from the house floor and making news during two separate interviews on CNN and MSNBC. Moreover, the campaign claimed another victory last weekend, as Iowa's delegation to the RNC goes in the 'Paul' column. I'd like to continue the podcast through the Republican National Convention, if subscribers remain interested. But I'll have to raise a modest amount of money to continue much longer. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron, Rand, Romney - Lew Rockwell chats with Brian Wilson about Rand's endorsement of Mitt Romney on News Talk 1370 WSPD (Toledo, OH). (6/14) (16:56) WHO Channel 13 News (NBC - Des Moines, IA) - REPUBLICAN CHOICE: Twenty One Delegates To Paul. (6/16) (19:47) IOWA GOP Convention Report by WHO Radio's Gary Barrett. Video compliments of YouTube User: iowanews1. (6/16) (22:20) Ron Paul wins the majority of Iowa's Republican delegates. KWWL-TV's (NBC - Waterloo, IA) Jackie Manternach reports. (6/17) (25:13) Raucous Iowa Convention May Signal What's To Come - NPR's Sarah McCammon for Weekend Edition. (6/17) (28:51) reports - Ron Paul Sweeps Iowa Delegates: What it Means. (6/17) (30:46) The Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Evil! Monologue by AM750 WSB's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez. (6/17) (42:00) RonPaulFlix Founder - Israel Anderson on The Josh Tolley Show. Video by YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (6/17) (1:10:13) Ron Paul’s Revolution author, Brian Doherty, on Daily Paul Radio with Host, Kurt Wallace. (6/18) (1:42:33) Why Would Ron Paul Want to Run An Entity He Believes Shouldn't Even Exist? Mike Church talks with caller. (6/15) (1:47:33) Porter Davis of Lawyers for Ron Paul on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. Video by YouTube User: FTTWR. (6/18) (2:07:05) What's Ron Paul going to do with all those delegates? MSNBC's Rachel Maddow pontificates. (6/18) (2:11:49) Will Ron Paul's success alter the GOP? Steve Schmidt, McCain-Palin campaign senior strategist, on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. (6/19) (2:23:54) KCRG-TV9 (ABC - Cedar Rapids, IA) Report: Iowa Delegate to GOP Nominating Convention Talks Ron Paul Support. (6/20) (2:26:36) Rand Paul's Strategy Explained - Episode 06 of Revolution PAC's Evolve with Forrest Jehlik. (6/21) (2:40:10) Ron Paul delegates try to cut expenses at Republican National Convention - Mark Zdechlik for Minnesota Public Radio. (6/21) (2:44:10) Ron Paul As Mitt Romney's VP!? Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10. (6/21) (2:46:44) Ron Paul Collects Social Security – Not Guilty? Commentary by The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur. (6/21) (2:49:15) Jesse Ventura Talking Ron Paul And Gary Johnson on The Robert Scott Bell Show. Video by YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (6/21) (2:53:34) A WARNING to the Liberty Movement - Man Up or Die! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (6/22) (2:58:22) Does the Republican Party matter? MSNBC's Rachel Maddow asks Nicole Wallace, former McCain-Palin campaign senior advisor. (6/21) (3:08:24) Ron Paul to GOP I'm Not Planning To Crash Your Convention - WSJ's Danny Yadron visits Mean Street with details. (6/22)