Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Ron Paul talks with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow (5/8/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:58

On Tuesday, Rep. Ron Paul appeared on CNBC's The Kudlow Report to discuss his views on the Federal Reserve, why he won't endorse Mitt Romney any time soon, and his attempt to gather delegates. I included the preceding segment of the show, where CNBC's Eamon Javers reports on Ron Paul's reluctance to endorse front-runner Mitt Romney, his hunt for delegates and his "abolish the Fed" hearing today on Capitol Hill.

 11th Hearing - Domestic Monetary Policy & Technology (5/8/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:18:36

Rep. Ron Paul chaired a House Financial Services Subcommittee hearing on six legislative proposals that either reform or suggest abolishing the Federal Reserve System. Witnesses included economic scholars and analysts along with three Congressmen that currently sponsor bills on the issue. Tuesday's hearing included two separate panels, both of which are included in this single download. Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) were the witnesses for the first panel. The witnesses on the second subcommittee panel included: Dr. Jeffrey M. Herbener (Chairman, Economics Department, Grove City College), Dr. Peter G. Klein (Associate Professor, University of Missouri), Dr. John B. Taylor (Professor of Economics, Stanford University and Senior Fellow in Economics, Hoover Institution), Dr. James K. Galbraith (Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations, University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Alice Rivlin (Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution, and former Vice Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors). Video coverage of the first panel was also provided by C-Span.

 Texas Straight Talk: Enduring Commitments Abroad (5/7/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:17

In this week's Texas Straight Talk message, Dr. Ron Paul notes the obvious lack of progress in Afghan security over the last decade, despite all of our lost blood and treasure. Despite his misleading rhetoric, President Obama intends to stay the course- propping up a corrupt and unpopular regime for at least another decade. The Congressman advises the President to cut our losses, and withdraw now. Video compliments of YouTube User: ALLRonPaul.

 Ron Paul Speaks at Tea Party Rally in Austin, TX (5/6/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:57

On Sunday afternoon, Rep. Ron Paul took to the podium before thousands of boisterous people on the South steps of the Texas State Capitol in Austin. The Congressman told supporters that "we have infiltrated the Republican Party" in the name of defending liberty. The national Tea Party Express sponsored the event, which also featured senatorial candidate Ted Cruz (audio not included). Senator Rand Paul was also on hand to introduce his dad to the audience. Video compliments of YouTube User: RepublicOfTexasTV.

 Ron Paul Speaks at the Nevada State Republican Convention (5/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:36

Whipping up his supporters, presidential candidate Ron Paul told Nevada Republicans that the party has a chance to defeat President Barack Obama- but first must restore American confidence. Rep. Paul said people have become disenchanted with Republicans because GOP leaders in Congress have continued to spend too much money and drive up the nation's debt. A deeply divided contingent of more than 1,200 Republicans gathered at a Sparks, Nevada casino on Saturday to elect delegates to the national convention in Tampa. Nevada's GOP old guard continue to pull out all the stops on behalf of the Mitt Romney campaign, although one would get the impression that we are the insurgents with some of the biased media coverage. But the numbers appear to be in the Congressman's favor at this point (although developments remain extremely fluid). The state convention opened at 9 a.m. and could spill into Sunday if the heavily contested effort to elect Nevada delegates to the national convention drags on. Video compliments of YouTube User: pedrick2.

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - April 28th thru May 4th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:36:04

It never ceases to amaze me that this weekly audio update is consistently the most downloaded file on the podcast each week! Good thing, since it takes about as much time to compile and post as the rest of the week combined. Well, we have some great news and coverage to hear this week, as it appears as if Ron Paul has now won the necessary state delegations to appear on the ballot at the Republican National Convention in Tampa! RP2012 activists continue to "take over" (or more accurately, get involved with) Republican conventions across the land- and the formerly skeptical MSM is starting to take notice. In a late development, it seems as if Dr. Paul will make an appearance at the Nevada GOP convention, to encourage his burgeoning delegation there! Meanwhile, the Congressman continues his nationwide "F--k the Man" campus tour, lighting the brushfires and excoriating the long-time policy of America's bi-partisan political class. Dr. Paul is essentially a one-man anti-war movement, teaching history and preaching Just War principles to anyone who will listen. Noone knows exactly what will go down in Tampa this summer, but this campaign continues to remain interesting, despite the lateness of the primary process. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Antiwar Radio: Texas Republican hatred of Ron Paul and liberty. Video compliments of YouTube User: bestofantiwarradio. (4/27) (2:26) Maybe You Didn't Hear? Ron Paul Won the Louisiana Caucus - Post Show Show Free Preview with Mike Church. (4/30) (6:50) Ron Paul Sweeps Louisiana - Interview With Doug Wead - The Robert Scott Bell Show. Video by YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (4/30) (16:51) Ron Paul's secret weapon - the delegates. Isabel J. Gonzalez, president of Youth for Ron Paul, joins Liz Wahl on RTAmerica. (4/30) (25:45) Fake Conservatives Now Support Romney? Jerry Doyle Seriously Blasts Them. Video compliments of YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (4/30) (32:58) YouTube's MatLarson10 talks with Alex Jones about supporting Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (4/30) (39:55) Ben Swann Reality Check Half Hour Special on the Republican Delegate Battle. Video compliments of YouTube User: BenSwannRealityCheck. (4/30) (1:02:52) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: Ron Paul Delegate Strategy is Working! (5/1) (1:07:31) Peter Schiff talks about the Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman debate on Bloomberg Monday. (5/1) (1:18:28) Reason Magazine Senior Editor Brian Doherty on his new book (biography), Ron Paul's Revolution. (5/1) (1:21:55) RevPAC's Debut Campaign News Show: Evolve w/ Forrest Jehlik.Video by YouTube User: TheRevolutionPAC. (5/1) (1:31:01) Ron Paul Rally At Cal State Fullerton Draws 5000+! Video compliments of YouTube User: MatLarson10.  (5/2) (1:33:35) Ron Paul Speaks at CSUF. Video compliments of YouTube User: DailyTitanOnline. (5/3) (1:35:16) Ron Paul visits CSUF. Video compliments of YouTube User: mnauta14. (5/4) (1:38:11) Short interview with Ron Paul right after his speech at CSU-Fullerton. Video by YouTube User: LibertyZabala. (5/3) (1:38:46) Can Ron Paul Shake up the RNC? Reason contributor Garrett Quinn talks with Russia Today's Alyona Minkovski. (5/3) (1:46:31) The Peoples Candidate: Ron Paul - Infowars video report from the Austin Rally. Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (5/3) (1:55:08) Ron Paul and Paul Festival - HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! August 24-26 in Tampa. Video by YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (5/3) (2:21:02) Ron Paul FLIX Daily News with Israel Anderson – Ron Paul is On the Ballot (5 State Delegations WON!!). (5/3) (2:31:26) Ron Paul victories upsetting the Republican establishment? Mary Willison, volunteer organizer and Ron Paul supporter, returns to RTAmerica. (5/3) (2:41:14) Mike Church: Romney Should Either Listen to Ron Paul or Go Full Neo-Con and Propose the Draft. (5/3) (2:46:14) Fox News Announces Ron

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at the U. of California at San Diego (5/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:29

Congressman Ron Paul continued his pattern of attracting large crowds of supporters and undecided voters to his campaign rallies , this time drawing 5,600-plus people to an event at the University of California at San Diego. The UC – San Diego event with 5,600-plus people was the third of three such events the 12-term Congressman from Texas held in the Golden State this week.  Dr. Paul’s campus meeting at UCSD took place on the school’s Warren Mall in San Diego, CA.  The 12-term Congressman from Texas discussed his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the restoration of our economic and civil liberties, and his groundbreaking ‘Plan to Restore America.’ Does the whole of this speech sound like something of a concession to anyone else? There's no more campaign events on the calendar? Video compliments of YouTube User: WinLiberty

 Ron Paul Addresses Guests at San Diego Fundraising Luncheon (5/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:33

On Friday, the Congressman held a sold out "Lunch with Ron Paul" fundraising event at the San Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego, California. Carol Paul introduced her husband to the crowd, and Dr. Paul updated those in attendance on the progress of the campaign and the wider intellectual revolution taking place. The cost of attendance was quite modest by political standards: $350 donation per person ($250 student or active duty military). All guests had a chance to receive a picture with and/or an autograph from Dr. Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: SGANET EIGHT SIX.

 Congressman Ron Paul on CNBC’s Fast Money (5/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:05

Dr. Ron Paul appeared live via telephone on CNBC's Fast Money with Melissa Lee and the "Money in Motion" traders. The Congressman talks about inflation, the price of gold, and reacts to the most recent US jobs report.

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at University of California at Davis (5/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:04

Presidential candidate Ron Paul drew another sizable crowd of supporters and undecided voters at the second of three campaign events he is holding in California this week, this time drawing 5,000-plus people to a campaign rally held at the University of California – Davis. Dr. Paul’s speech was heard Thursday evening on the school’s West Memorial Union Quadrangle in Yolo County, CA.  The 12-term Congressman from Texas discussed his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the restoration of our economic and civil liberties, and elements of his economic  ‘Plan to Restore America.’ Video compliments of YouTube User: WinLiberty (Video Part 1 and Part 2)

 Rep. Ron Paul on the Laura Ingraham Show (5/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:03

Congressman Ron Paul joined The Laura Ingraham Show on Thursday to talk about the GOP race, the administration's handling of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, and winning the battle of ideas. Dr. Paul notably admitted that Mitt Romney would be marginally better for the country than Barack Obama- an endorsement of the mildest sort. Ms. Ingraham should be commended for making Dr. Paul a regular guest on her show in recent months- she's willing to at least engage in the important conversations (unlike her neoconservative talk radio colleagues). Video compliments of YouTube User: IngrahamAngle.

 Ron Paul visits with Baldy and the Blonde on WGSO AM Radio 990 (5/2/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:19

Rep. Ron Paul joined WGSO AM 990's (New Orleans, LA) Baldy and The Blonde (aka Tom Kowitz and Michele Gaudin) to discuss his impressive victory in the Louisiana caucus last weekend and where his campaign goes from here. The Congressman talks about the horrific destruction of our civil liberties, including the newest threat to internet freedom- Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at California State U. at Fullerton (5/2/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:21

Ron Paul continued his pattern of attracting thousands of attendees to his town hall meetings, this time drawing 4,000-plus voters to his California State University at Fullerton campus event. The CSUF rally took place on Wednesday evening at the school’s Titan Stadium in Fullerton, CA.  Dr. Paul spoke to the CSUF community about the need for constitutionally-limited government, the bonds that tie economic and civil liberties, and elements of his ‘Plan to Restore America,’ an economic blueprint that cuts Washington spending, reduces the national debt, and curtails the rapid growth of the federal government. Video compliments of YouTube User: padillacm

 Congressman Ron Paul on local Los Angeles Radio (5/2/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:31

Ron Paul is back in California this week, and he began his trip by hitting the radio airwaves this morning in Los Angeles. The Congressman first spoke with Doug McIntyre on TalkRadio 790 KABC-AM about Newt's decision to finally suspend his campaign and talk about what's next for his own. Dr. Paul was also asked for his opinion on the state of California politics and finally, what he thinks about the President's "troop withdrawals, but" statements about US policy in Afghanistan. Rep. Paul then joined KNX 1070 Newsradio host Dick Helton for a brief discussion about his campaign and his goals heading into the convention in August.

 Ron Paul v. Paul Krugman on Bloomberg Television (4/30/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:33

On Monday, Congressman Ron Paul made a surprise appearance on Bloomberg Television for something of a debate with renown Keynesian economist Paul Krugman. Krugman- the unofficial spokesman for central banking and status-quo economics- joined Trish Regan on the entire Street Smart broadcast. Dr. Paul and Kruggy sparred over topics such as inflation, monetary policy and the role of the Federal Reserve. In addition, the Congressman stuck around for an extra segment called "Reganomics", where he talked about debt, European austerity and staying in the presidential race.


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