Youth for Ron Paul Rally at the U. of California at San Diego (5/4/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Congressman Ron Paul continued his pattern of attracting large crowds of supporters and undecided voters to his campaign rallies , this time drawing 5,600-plus people to an event at the University of California at San Diego. The UC – San Diego event with 5,600-plus people was the third of three such events the 12-term Congressman from Texas held in the Golden State this week.  Dr. Paul’s campus meeting at UCSD took place on the school’s Warren Mall in San Diego, CA.  The 12-term Congressman from Texas discussed his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the restoration of our economic and civil liberties, and his groundbreaking ‘Plan to Restore America.’ Does the whole of this speech sound like something of a concession to anyone else? There's no more campaign events on the calendar? Video compliments of YouTube User: WinLiberty