Ron Paul Speaks at the Nevada State Republican Convention (5/5/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Whipping up his supporters, presidential candidate Ron Paul told Nevada Republicans that the party has a chance to defeat President Barack Obama- but first must restore American confidence. Rep. Paul said people have become disenchanted with Republicans because GOP leaders in Congress have continued to spend too much money and drive up the nation's debt. A deeply divided contingent of more than 1,200 Republicans gathered at a Sparks, Nevada casino on Saturday to elect delegates to the national convention in Tampa. Nevada's GOP old guard continue to pull out all the stops on behalf of the Mitt Romney campaign, although one would get the impression that we are the insurgents with some of the biased media coverage. But the numbers appear to be in the Congressman's favor at this point (although developments remain extremely fluid). The state convention opened at 9 a.m. and could spill into Sunday if the heavily contested effort to elect Nevada delegates to the national convention drags on. Video compliments of YouTube User: pedrick2.