Ron Paul Weekly Update - May 12th thru May 18th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Well, it's been a rough week as the public perception is the campaign is ramping down and closing up shop. On what the rEVOLution should call "Black Monday", the campaign inexplicably released a statement proclaiming an end to formal primary campaigning in favor of the delegate/convention approach that has been quite successful as of late. But make no mistake, Romney and the Republican establishment will likely pull out all the stops to block, dis-empower, and otherwise disenfranchise delegations who are clearly in the Paul camp. There is no evidence as of yet that the Romney people intend to play nice, in hopes of bringing our people into the fold. Instead, they seem to have a systematic program in place at state conventions across the country to cause chaos, blame it on our people, and then make a deal with GOP insiders once the convention falls apart. As a result, it looks as if this announcement was a mere reaction to some bad PR. Let's hope not, becuase if the campaign is scared of bad PR, what can we achieve at a convention? My only concern is that Dr. Paul and the campaign do not have a real plan for their delegates in Tampa. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) What's Next for Ron Paul? Reason's Matt Welch talks with Paul Jay for (5/10) (12:49) Fox News Radio's Jared Halpern: ROMNEY’S RON PAUL PROBLEM. (5/12) (13:31) KFOR-TV's (NBC - Oklahoma City, OK) La'Tasha Givens reports: Chaos at the convention, police called to assist. (5/13) (16:09) Ron Paul Supporters Rally at Republican State Convention - Chris McKinnon reporting for KWTV News9 (CBS - Oklahoma City, OK). (5/13) (17:56) Report: Ron Paul supporters boo Josh Romney in Arizona - Fox News Power Panel Weighs In. (5/13) (21:31) Why is Ron Paul Still in the Race? The Daily Beast's John Avlon discusses for Campaign Chronicles. (5/14) (24:51) Slate Magazine: Are Ron Paul Supporters Planning Trouble for the Republican National Convention? (5/14) (26:04) CNN Reports: Ron Paul Halts Active Campaigning. Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (5/14) (27:13) Ron Paul Ends Primary Campaigning - Reports. (5/14) (29:27) Ron Paul off the campaign trail, pocketing Romney's delegates. Raven Clabough, senior writer for, on RTAmerica. (5/14) (35:57) WWAY NewsChannel 3 (ABC - Wilmington, NC) - Ron Paul ends campaign spending, supporter says it's not over. (5/14) (37:54) Ron Paul ends campaigning, focuses on delegate strategy. Wayne Allyn Root joins RT's Kristine Frazao. (5/14) (47:56) Mitt Romney threatened by Ron Paul's delegates? Robin Koerner reacts. Video by YouTube User: RTAmerica. (5/14) (57:11) Romney and the GOP Spit on the GOP! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (5/14) (1:15:10) News Talk 1370 WSPD's (Toledo, OH) Brian Wilson and pollster Fritz Wenzel discuss the latest polling results putting Obama behind Romney. (5/14) (1:27:32) GOP finds Ron Paul a tough pill to swallow - MSNBC's Rachel Maddow discusses. (5/14) (1:33:47) Did Campaign Manager Jesse Benton just suspend race for Ron Paul? Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (5/14) (1:40:37) Reason Magazine's Brian Doherty: Why We're Entering the Age of Ron Paul. (5/15) (1:45:21) MSNBC's Alex Wagner and panel on Ron Paul's Threat to Romney's Campaign. (5/15) (1:49:50) Fox clarifies Ron Paul statement, then lies. You Decide... Video compliments of YouTube User:  ogchris100. (5/15) (1:52:16) Brian Doherty talks with Jerry Doyle about the future of the rEVOLution. Audio archived at KQTH 104.1 (Tuscon, AZ). (5/15) (2:02:54) What Ron Paul Wants If His Supporters Back Romney - Jon Ralson and Brian Doherty comment on PBS with Judy Woodruff. (5/15) (2:11:33) AEHQ: PAUL’S PRESIDENTIAL FUTURE - FOX News Radio's Rich Johnson Reports on the Benton conference. (5/16) (2:12:19) Brian