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Summary: MarketingExperiments tests every conceivable online marketing method and present the experiments, learnings and tactics in a web clinic twice per month. Subscribe to the MarketingExperiments podcast and visit discover what really works in optimization.

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 Surprising Wins from 2009 - Using insights from an uncertain economy to drive 302% growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:55

We conducted hundreds of tests in 2009 to augment the marketing of research partners in a variety of B2B and B2C industries. In our November 11 web clinic, our analysts distilled some of our most valuable lessons of this challenging year into key takeaways that you can use to capture market share in 2010. Researchers Boris Grinkot, Adam Lapp, and Paul Clowe shared their most surprising wins to illustrate these important points.

 No Unsupervised Thinking: How to increase conversion by guiding your audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:07

From PPC to offline advertising, you likely invest significantly in driving prospects to your site. But do you put the same amount of resources into guiding them through to conversion? In our October 28 web clinic, we took a detailed look at how to clearly guide your audience from first visit to conversion. Researchers Boris Grinkot, Corey Trent, and Heather Andruk investigated five key elements to directing visitor eyepath.

 What to test (and how) to increase your ROI today | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:55

In recent web clinics, you've learned how to optimize aspects of your site ranging from landing pages to affiliate marketing. In our October 14 web clinic, we took a step back from optimization tactics to focus on maximizing ROI through smarter testing. To address your toughest testing challenges, senior researchers Boris Grinkot and Ana Gaby Diaz explored how to overcome four common obstacles. Before you develop your next testing plan, read the clinic summary (PDF) or view the full presentation video to learn how to improve your tests, results, and ROI.

 Ecommerce Optimization: A holiday playbook for procrastinators | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:22

Didn't get all your holiday marketing plans locked in place this summer? Don't panic. You're not alone. We know you've been stretched thin this year, but help for your holiday ecommerce marketing efforts is on the way. On September 30, MarketingExperiments presented a special guest clinic with renowned ecommerce analyst and GetElastic blogger Linda Bustos, where we presented a playbook of test ideas and tactics you can use right away and get back in the race.

 Beyond landing pages: Conversion rate optimization strategies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:28

Optimizing for conversion rates is often linked to landing pages - and for good reason. But we all know landing pages are just the tip of the iceberg. In our September 16 web clinic, our research team explored how you can apply our Conversion Sequence and improve results in myriad areas, from ecommerce and shopping cart pages to lead-generation paths, homepages, and more. If you're looking to increase ROI in several places on your site, these are the strategies that will help you get there.

 Affiliate marketing: Tests and tactics that increased clicks and leads by 165% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:00

How can affiliate marketing help you generate more traffic, leads and sales? What steps should merchants, affiliates and networks take to increase their ROI? Inspired by takeaways from Affiliate Summit and past MarketingExperiments affiliate clinics, we looked at ways that all involved can avoid or overcome common pitfalls and build more successful programs. During the August 26 clinic, Director of Channels Aaron Rosenthal and Senior Analyst Robert Reynard explored: - Research on what is and isn't working today - Tests and experiments with gains of up to 165% - Do's and don'ts for merchants, networks and affiliates

 Optimizing PPC campaigns to boost conversions, ROI | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:54

With increased pressure to make the most of every marketing dollar, many marketers are taking a hard look at how their PPC efforts are - or are not - delivering now. Beyond ad copy and keywords, research shows that optimizing for post-click conversions not only helps you combat rising keyword bids and competition, but also provides the strongest ROI. You can significantly improve results without increasing costs - and in many cases, dramatically reduce costs - with the right PPC campaign strategies in place.

 Optimization vs. frustration: Overcoming barriers to better tests and gains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:50

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team ----------------------------------------------------- Consistent testing can give you an advantage over your competitors and lead to major ROI gains. But there are plenty of pitfalls along the way. You might have a small sample size. Maybe you don't know exactly what to test. And what are all the raw numbers really telling you? These barriers to testing are the focus of our next web clinic. We'll examine three of the biggest obstacles to effective testing and analysis -- and discuss strategies that you can use to overcome them. Join us and discover how to tap into the real lessons that could be hiding in those reams of data.

 Live optimization: Improve your SEO clicks and conversions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:00

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team Special Guest: - Paul Taylor, President, Webmarketing123 ----------------------------------------------------- Is attracting qualified prospects with SEO one of your top conversion hurdles? As the battle for search rankings keeps heating up, your site can't afford to fall behind or rely solely on pricey PPC clicks. You need to compete for quality organic clickthroughs and capitalize on that traffic when it gets to your site. That's the focus of our next live optimization web clinic. We're teaming up with SEM pro Paul Taylor of WebMarketing123 to discuss the SEO landscape and strategies that increase visibility and traffic. Then, our team will optimize SEO-driven landing pages culled from our audience to show you ways to increase conversions.

 Twitter Experiments: Getting beyond the "now what?" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:55

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team Special Guests: - Jason Breed, Sr. Director of Business Development, Neighborhood America - Marc Meyer, CEO, Digital Response Marketing Group ---------------------------------------------------- Twitter is fast approaching a crossroads: Is it built to last -- or will it fail to bring in real business results? What can organizations expect beyond the networking basics? Join us for our first "crowdsourcing" web clinic and we'll explore the answers together. For this special topic, we've enlisted Jason Breed of Neighborhood America. He'll present case studies showing how big-name brands are using Twitter to improve bottom-line results. We'll also look at the methods and models that organizations of all sizes are using to build their Twitter audiences -- and review some of your Twitter profiles, live-optimization style, with our audience.

 B2B Success Stories: Four tests with gains of 21% to 254% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:53

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team Our last clinic recognized the optimization results of B2C marketers in our audience. What about the efforts of B2B marketers and their tests? This time, we'll explore how four B2B sites applied the Conversion Sequence to optimize their landing pages, PPC and email marketing campaigns -- and saw increases ranging from 21% to 254%. With a range of specific examples and tactics, you'll come away with several ideas to improve your own campaigns, from lead generation to direct sales and subscriptions.

 B2C Success Stories: Conversion strategies that produced 30-300% gains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:18

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team While many of our case studies come from our research partners, this special clinic will highlight the successful tests of our audience. Join us as we explore how applying the Conversion Sequence led to major ROI gains for workshop and clinic participants. We'll review the tests and optimization strategies they used to achieve gains of 30-300% -- and help you pinpoint ideas you can use to improve your own pages.

 What's working now in optimization -- new tests and a 364% gain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:12

Presenters: - Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Director, MarketingExperiments - Jimmy Ellis, Director of Optimization Research - Aaron Rosenthal, Director of Channels Research To stay ahead of the curve with optimization, marketers need to know what's working now -- and glean strategies that they can quickly apply to their own pages and websites. After all, many techniques that work today in landing page optimization are likely to be less effective in several months. Join the MarketingExperiments team as we explore optimization strategies that are currently working and review our recent research and testing -- including a test that achieved a staggering 346% increase in conversions. Along with pointing out ways to improve your existing pages, this clinic will showcase examples of pages that are getting it right. Participants can expect to learn several optimization ideas they can implement right away.

 Special Clinic: Optimizing Spanish-Language Landing Pages (LIVE) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:43

Do you have an English-language web page that you want to test with a Spanish-speaking audience, but you'd like to do more than just translate the copy? Are your Spanish-language landing pages getting the optimization attention -- and results -- that they deserve? The buying power of Hispanics surpassed $860 billion in 2007 and will exceed $1.2 trillion by 2014, according to a University of Georgia study. Yet in many English-language markets, it's not uncommon for sites to simply translate existing English pages to Spanish. There are better ways to reach out to this growing audience. For this clinic (conducted in English), our team will: -- Explore growth trends in the Spanish-language market -- Offer a sneak preview of our tests in this area -- Optimize landing pages submitted by attendees, and -- Address your specific questions with a live Q&A session

 Surprise Winners: How "wild card" tests achieved gains of up to 86% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:18

Presenters: - The MarketingExperiments Team Optimization best practices don't come with an iron-clad guarantee. Sometimes, even the most carefully crafted campaigns get trumped by what we call "wild card" test treatments -- with surprising results. Is there a way to predict and replicate the success of these outliers? Join us for our next free web clinic, where we'll explore: - Experiments where best practices have backfired - Lessons learned from a range of unexpected winners - How to incorporate these findings into your own tests Our team will review case studies and examples, and address your specific testing questions with a live Q&A session.


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