What's working now in optimization -- new tests and a 364% gain

MarketingExperiments.com Web Clinic Podcasts show

Summary: Presenters: - Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Director, MarketingExperiments - Jimmy Ellis, Director of Optimization Research - Aaron Rosenthal, Director of Channels Research To stay ahead of the curve with optimization, marketers need to know what's working now -- and glean strategies that they can quickly apply to their own pages and websites. After all, many techniques that work today in landing page optimization are likely to be less effective in several months. Join the MarketingExperiments team as we explore optimization strategies that are currently working and review our recent research and testing -- including a test that achieved a staggering 346% increase in conversions. Along with pointing out ways to improve your existing pages, this clinic will showcase examples of pages that are getting it right. Participants can expect to learn several optimization ideas they can implement right away.