The Healthification Podcast show

The Healthification Podcast

Summary: Build a strong, healthy body that's sustainable for you and the planet. Vegan Health Coach Kate Galli from answers your questions and shares time efficient tips to shed stubborn fat and build sexy lean muscle… without restrictive diets or hours of tedious cardio. You can eat Plant Based or Vegan and Create a Fit, Strong, Healthy Body You Love. Whether you're starting out on your journey and negotiating the mass of conflicting health advice or struggling to stay focused this podcast will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable with short, actionable solo shows and longer form interviews published weekly. Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN chick can do it - so can YOU!)


 638: PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk | Animals Are Not Ours To Experiment On, Eat, Wear, Use For Entertainment or Abuse In Any Other Way. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:59

I’m a little star struck today. Founder and president of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Ingrid Newkirk has spent the past 4 decades getting people to see who animals are, and to change their lives to stop hurting them and start helping them. As head of the largest animal rights organisation in the world, Ingrid and her team have ... READ MORE

 E637: Make Your Best Eating and Exercising Choices Easy (plus Annie’s Cooking Corner) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:09

Todays month in review show goes live just before the October “3 Day Easy Vegan Plan” so I’ve taken this opportunity to pick 5 of my fav underestimated tips from my 30 Day Plant Strong Jumpstart… which is the natural progression from my FREE 3 Day Easy Vegan Plan and is available to any of my dear Patreons who support me for any monthly amount. ... READ MORE

 636: How Quickly Can I Lose My Belly Fat? (the steps and the mindset to a flat stomach) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:29

WOW, 2 fat blasting focused podcasts in one week! Can you tell what’s on my mind right now? In all honesty I had to come up with a solo show at short notice so I’m revisiting one of my popular shows from around 550 (!) episodes ago. Heads up I covered the subjects closest to mind in the first 100 ... READ MORE

 635: 4 Fat Blasting Exercise Upgrades To Your Training Plan. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:36

Todays show on Fat Blasting Exercise Upgrades is a little level up or overall overhaul for those of us who might have been cruising just a tad with our exercise recently. As much as I advocate for consistency year round in your approach to both nutrition and exercise it’s also fairly unrealistic to push your hardest all year. Sometimes I find ... READ MORE

 E634: Nikki Vegan and Eating Delicious, Easy to Prepare, Affordable Food Without Harming Animals or the Environment. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:09

My guest today Nikki Vegan, creates amazing vegan recipe and lifestyle videos to provide healthy eating inspiration and also spread the word that being vegan can mean eating delicious, easy to prepare, affordable food without harming animals or the environment. This interview has really inspired me to get in the kitchen and try some new recipes.  So many times while ... READ MORE

 E633: How To Dump Monday-i-tis and Win Your Week. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:14

One of the decisions I made early on in my personal training career was to always Choose My Mood. This was initially because I wanted to ensure my clients had the best possible experience with me, whether it be 6am or 8pm. I felt it was my responsibility to walk the talk. As with so many things the real benefits were in ... READ MORE

 E632: Vegan Comedian Jacob Yapp and Effecting Social Change Through Comedy. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:29

One of the many things I really love about the conversations I get to have on this podcast, is the super diverse range of guests I get to chat with. Today’s show featuring: Vegan Comedian Jacob Yapp and Effecting Social Change Through Comedy  is the prefect example. I knew Jake would be a lovely gent, as well, I’d done my research and I ... READ MORE

 E631: 5 Fat Loss Myths Sold To Women and What To Do Instead. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:58

A dozen+ years into my personal training career I often find myself wondering why smart people are so susceptible to stupid ideas. Disclaimer: this is all observation and fascination with zero judgement as, I know I’m susceptible to stupid ideas too! Perhaps not so much in the realm of nutrition, exercise and fat loss however absolutely in the realm of ... READ MORE

 E630: Psychologist Clare Mann and The Myths of Choice: Why People Won’t Change and What You Can Do About It. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:26

Today I’m delighted to re-introduce my first repeat guest, vegan psychologist Clare Mann. Clare has a unique ability to know what is needed by the vegan community she is such a deservedly respected and relentlessly supportive member of. Back in E538: Clare Mann and I discussed her book Vystopia: the anguish of being vegan in a non-vegan world. Today I’m excited to discuss Clare’s ... READ MORE

 629: The Amazon Is Burning PLUS Vegan Calcium revisited and Annie’s Cooking Corner. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:37

The lungs of our planet are burning. Right now, the horrific fires tearing through the Amazon are so fierce they can be observed from space. Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reported a record 72,843 fires this year. That’s an 83% increase from last year. This isn’t mother natures fury. Humans are responsible. Humans who demand to eat animal products. ... READ MORE

 E628: Algae, the most nutrient dense, sustainable food on the planet with Catharine Arnston from Energybits. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:45

Friends we’re in for a high energy ride today! Energybits Founder / CEO and Chief Scientific Officer Catharine Arnston has spent the last ten years educating consumers and wellness professionals about algae. Now if the word “Algae” doesn’t instantly fill you with excitement please hang on in there! I was merely a causal Spirulina consumer prior to prepping for todays interview and now I’m a huge fan ... READ MORE

 E627: What I Eat In A Day To Stay Plant Strong and Lean. (2019 Vegan Food Upgrades) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:12

Todays show is inspired by the gents I work with banging on about the benefits of the Keto diet. Originally I had planned to podcast about all the health risks associated with restricting your diet to align with the Keto guidelines of 70% of your calories coming from fat, 25% of your calories coming from protein and just 5% of ... READ MORE

 E626: Greg Litus and What Is The Most Sustainable Way To Feed The World? (Veganic vs. Animal Agriculture) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:33

In preparation for todays show these are a few of the questions I was struggling with. Do we eat organic for our own health to avoid the pesticides and in doing so support factory farming as litter from large scale animal agriculture is the primary source of fertiliser in organic farming?  Or do we lead with compassion, return to conventional crops and hope a good ... READ MORE

 E625: 5 Wellness Trends That Are Here For Good. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:56

How many wellness trends have you jumped on that in hindsight were ridiculous? I’ll certainly put my hand up for subscribing to a whole heap of rubbish that I’ve since thankfully moved on from. As I was discussing with my mum just last night (in response to the podcast interview we did on her Plant Based Journey) it’s ok, to admit ... READ MORE

 624: My Mums Plant Based Journey, How To Transition To Plant Based Without Restriction Or Conflict! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:54

7 months ago my mum asked me to watch What The Health with her on my last morning in Noosa before I flew home to Sydney after a stunning end of year break. It was not an out of the blue request. In fact I’d been championing it for a couple of years. For my 40th birthday I’d unsuccessfully suggested: “All I ... READ MORE


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