The Healthification Podcast show

The Healthification Podcast

Summary: Build a strong, healthy body that's sustainable for you and the planet. Vegan Health Coach Kate Galli from answers your questions and shares time efficient tips to shed stubborn fat and build sexy lean muscle… without restrictive diets or hours of tedious cardio. You can eat Plant Based or Vegan and Create a Fit, Strong, Healthy Body You Love. Whether you're starting out on your journey and negotiating the mass of conflicting health advice or struggling to stay focused this podcast will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable with short, actionable solo shows and longer form interviews published weekly. Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN chick can do it - so can YOU!)


 623: How To Cater For Vegans When You’re Not Vegan. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:31

When I was a meat loving little tom-boy we had some dear family friends – a couple with 3 daughters. The wife and two oldest daughters were vegetarian. I remember my mum used to freak out when entertaining them. Mum is a talented, generous cook and the thought of removing the main event (meat!) from a meal was anxiety inducing. ... READ MORE

 E622: Theodora Capaldo and Why Non-animal Testing Methods Are Superior On All Fronts. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

The vast majority of drugs tested to be safe and effective in animals ultimately fail in humans. In many cases medical breakthroughs were delayed by dependence on animal models. Chimpanzee use in research isn’t necessary, even though chimps are our closest genetic relatives. (U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine conclusion) There are superior non-animal testing alternatives ready for use ... READ MORE

 E621: Are innovative vegan “fake meat” products like the impossible and beyond burgers healthy? PLUS Month In Review. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:58

Last week I scooted into my local supermarket to quickly grab some organic tofu and vegan burgers. On auto-pilot I arrived at the normal spot and was confronted with meat and cheese laden pizza and other easy meals. A sign clarified: Health food moved to aisle 16. WOW, was that a Freudian slip or what? The real health food section is else where and I ... READ MORE

 E620: How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy Plant Based Meals. (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:44

Food Is It! 3-5 times a day 21-35 times a week the meals and snacks you eat are deciding how your body looks, feels and functions. So many opportunities for nourishing plant based deliciousness AND ALSO such potential for everything else. Today I’m sharing Part 2: How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy Plant Based Meals. (tips 6-10) To quickly recap these are ... READ MORE

 E619: Ex Ranchers Wife and Rowdy Girl Sanctuary Founder Renee King-Sonnen. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:11

We’re in for a high energy ride today friends! 10 years ago head strong and entrepreneurial city girl Renee King-Sonnen married a rancher and did not adjust so well to life on her husbands Texas ranch. Seeking to make the transition a little easier Renee’s husband gave her a young calf and so began a heart breaking struggle with a happy ending for ... READ MORE

 E618: How To Stay Motivated To Eat Healthy Plant Based Meals. (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:41

You know that chick at your gym who’s always motivated to work out? Or perhaps your friend who every single weekend finds the motivation to meal prep for his week to come? It happens so naturally and effortless for them. Or so it seems! One of the many things I’ve become aware of in my past decade as a personal trainer is ... READ MORE

 E617: Voiceless: Crime of Silence and the people who dedicate their lives to animal rights activism. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:59

I got cold chills and even a bit teary watching the trailer for the feature-length documentary I’m discussing with Director Ryland Pearson-McManus today. Voiceless: Crime of Silence delves into the world of the increasingly fervent animal rights movement, and asks what the true cost of silence, may be. This film follows on from the wave of recent groundbreaking documentaries such as Cowspiracy, What ... READ MORE

 E616: 5 Powerful Presuppositions Of NLP That Fast Track Fat Loss and Are Also Effective In Activism. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:01

When I first discovered NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming) I thought it was the solution to all my problems. I’ve heard that’s a common assumption. Unsurprisingly NLP is not the solution to everything however it does provide a diverse and hugely impactful toolkit. In todays show I’m directing a few of my fav tools towards the matter of health and creating a fit, healthy #plantstrong body. ... READ MORE

 E615: 4 Foods I Felt Guilty Eating As A Vego That I Now Love To Indulge In. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:12

I often wonder how it is that so many of us have turned such a simple pleasure – FOOD – into something so unnecessarily complicated and guilt ridden.  I should mention I absolutely identify as an emotional eater and so Yes, I’m in the “us”! Accordingly I’m coming from a place of understanding rather than judgement so far as the ... READ MORE

 E614: 30 Minute Vegan Dinners You’re Going to Crave with Megan Sadd. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:34

I originally approached todays guest because she shares how easy and delicious vegan meals can be with such style and finesse. In fact her new book: 30 Minute Vegan Dinners has 75 Fast Plant-Based Meals You’re Going To Crave!  If you’re interested in easy, delicious, fast vegan food using whole food ingredients then todays show has you covered however my guest “artist / producer / writer / (and) curious soul ... READ MORE

 E613: Simple Swaps To Make Your Plant Based Meals Even More Nutritious PLUS Month In Review. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:09

This morning as I sit down at the computer the rain is pouring down. It has been all night. I’m not looking forward to my walk to work soon. In fact, I’m thinking of ALL the things I’m not looking forward to. Or I was. Before I plugged myself into my big podcasting headphones and loaded up my current fav workout ... READ MORE

 E612: A Plastic Ocean and Shifting Our Reliance On Plastic with Julie Anderson. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:25

Late last year I watched the deeply impactful film A Plastic Ocean and found it both terrifying and insightful. It was also the wake up call I needed to make some changes in my life and plastic consumption habits. Today I’m chatting with Julie Andersen, Global Executive Director of Plastic Oceans International.  Plastic Oceans International is a nonprofit organisation serving ... READ MORE

 E611: Prioritise And Overcome Overwhelm To Live A Healthy Vegan Lifestyle. (Becoming Vegan Series Part 6/6). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:42

I used to be a sucker for time management tactics. I believed if I could only manage my time better then I could “get it all done.” I also did overwhelm fairly well. It’s really quite easy to excel at overwhelm. You simply think of everything you need to get done with a special focus on what you can’t control. Add in a dash ... READ MORE

 E610: Vegan Bodybuilder Jon Venus Is Leading With Compassion As A Fit, Strong, Healthy Vegan. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:33

[JUNE 2020 UPDATE Regarding Jon Venus No Longer Vegan] For now I will leave this post / podcast up although I’m so HUGELY disappointed to hear Jon is no longer vegan. When I spoke to Jon I found him to be a lovely, genuine individual. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I wish Jon, Kathrine and Noah all the very ... READ MORE

 E609: The Most Effective Strategies To Live A Healthy Vegan Lifestyle. (Becoming Vegan Series Part 5/6). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:24

Everything you or I do is a strategy. In my early 20’s I ran a hugely effective strategy for meeting hot yet super-arrogant kinda-cold and sorta-self-obsessed guys. Now why would I want to meet such guys you may be thinking? And you’re right. I didn’t want to keep meeting them however that was not the message I was putting out there. I was running a ... READ MORE


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