The Healthification Podcast show

The Healthification Podcast

Summary: Build a strong, healthy body that's sustainable for you and the planet. Vegan Health Coach Kate Galli from answers your questions and shares time efficient tips to shed stubborn fat and build sexy lean muscle… without restrictive diets or hours of tedious cardio. You can eat Plant Based or Vegan and Create a Fit, Strong, Healthy Body You Love. Whether you're starting out on your journey and negotiating the mass of conflicting health advice or struggling to stay focused this podcast will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable with short, actionable solo shows and longer form interviews published weekly. Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN chick can do it - so can YOU!)


 AJP MP Emma Hurst and The Failures Of Our Existing Animal Welfare Legislation. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:33

Emma Hurst is a Member of the NSW Legislative Council representing the Animal Justice Party and was elected in March 2019. However Emma began her animal advocacy career over 15 years ago first as a campaign director at Animal Liberation and later as media officer at PETA. For my non-aussie friends, The Animal Justice Party was established in 2009 in response to growing public concern over ... READ MORE

 Meat The Future of Cultivated Meat and a Sustainable Way To Feed The World with Liz Marshall and Annie Osborn. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:45

As a vegan and animal rights activist I have zero hesitation in being hugely excited for and supportive of the future of Cultivated Meat. You might know this new food technology as: Clean meat. Cultured meat. Cell meat. Possibly even “fake meat” or “lab grown meat.” We’ll get into terminology and the actual process involved in growing real meat from animal cells in a controlled ... READ MORE

 5 Healthy Vegan Substitutes That Are Easy and Delicious. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:28

As an emotional eater who gets HUGE joy from food, one of the excuses I’m a little (lot!) tired of hearing is: “Yeah, but I love food too much!” This statement is often delivered with a side of: “Unlike you trainers” which implies I’m some robot like creature focused purely on shovelling in the best quality fuel for the out-put I desire. WOW, this ... READ MORE

 Pam Ahern from Edgars Mission Farm Sanctuary Is Creating A Kinder World For Farmed Animals. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:31

Todays conversation with Pam Ahern from Edgars Mission Farm Sanctuary is a chat I sought out as a beacon of hope and positivity in a time when life can seem a little overwhelming and a lot uncertain. I feel like the world seems small right now. We’re doing less, planning less, excited by less and yet there’s still such a positive impact you can have in one ... READ MORE

 Dealing With Uncertainty by Backing Yourself 100%. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:05

There’s something the vast majority of us humans are proving to not be especially awesome at right now… Dealing with uncertainty. I’ll certainly put my hand up as an individual who wants to be in control. A dear friend even calls me “The Planner!” We want to know what’s coming and find it really unsettling when we don’t. And yet, actually we don’t ever really ... READ MORE

 Combating Chronic Disease Using Nutrition and a Healthy Lifestyle with Registered Dietitian Alison Tierney. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:12

In todays conversation we are delving deeper into how to combat chronic disease using a plant based diet. However, actually the delving does not have to be too deep. The evidence is mind blowing-y easy to find and yet as you’ll hear today dieticians like doctors are not yet being taught the power of plants to prevent, manage and even reverse ... READ MORE

 How To Fix Digestion, Eliminate Gas and Bloating and Enjoy AWESOME Health with Wade Lightheart. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:49

Wade Lightheart is Co-Founder and President at BiOptimizers, a nutritional supplement company with one mission, to: help humans shift from a sick unhealthy condition into a peak biologically optimized state.  Now incase you think a conversation about supplements might not be for you, please bare with me! Todays chat has nothing to do with popping a pill – or 20 – and ... READ MORE

 Stop Supermarket Sabotage in 5 Simple Steps. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:29

Let’s get straight to it and admit that you have food weakness’s. I do too. This will be an Eating Game Changer! It means giving up on the self-deceiving approach of expecting to one day miraculously wake up more disciplined, more motivated and less emotionally attached to food. I never woke up insanely disciplined and if you’ve struggled with your health, your ... READ MORE

 3 Hidden Factors To Effortless Weight Loss While Eating Delicious Vegan Meals. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:36

Around 8 weeks into my 3 months Covid lockdown in Noosa, mum suggested I jump on the scale. I knew I was feeling lean however I was shocked to see I was 4 kilo’s lighter than the fit and healthy weight I’d been when I hot tailed it out of Sydney. I’d certainly been working hard, however mostly sitting on ... READ MORE

 Mic The Vegan vs Animal Agriculture and Covid-19. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:07

I’ve been a huge fan of Mic The Vegan for years now. Via his super popular YouTube channel (Mic The Vegan), Mike debunks harmful myths about a vegan lifestyle to help propel us towards a happy, healthy vegan world! What I really appreciate is that Mike covers a variety of topics and he does it by trudging through the science, ... READ MORE

 Mum’s Back and We’re Spilling The Beans On Our Vegan and Non Vegan Coronavirus Lockdown. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:35

As mum and I record this we have a week left together in coronavirus lockdown here in stunning Noosa. It’s been almost 11 weeks since I first hurriedly packed a bag and hot-footed it out of my tiny flat in Sydney to stay with my parents – just before gyms, borders and life as we knew it closed. That might sound a little ... READ MORE

 Dr Michael Greger, How to Survive a Pandemic: Overcoming COVID-19 and Preventing the Next Deadly Outbreak. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

You may know my guest today as a result of his New York Times best selling books How Not To Die and How Not To Diet. Or perhaps you’re familiar with the amazing online resource Yet before Dr Michael Greger started and switched to working on chronic disease, he had a career as Public Health Director at the Humane Society US in Washington, DC specialising ... READ MORE

 Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and How To Become Gut Healthy Through A Plant Based, Fiber Rich Diet. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:45

Todays conversation with TheGutHealthMD Dr. Will Bulsiewicz is one I’ve been excited about for a long time. In his new book, Fiber Fueled, Dr. B will teach you how to train your gut to thrive on healthy foods even if you currently struggle with them. We’re chatting about delicious, abundant plant based diversity. Restriction free eating that is science backed, sustainable, and transforms your health ... READ MORE

 Artifishal, Director Josh Bones Murphy and The Devastating Reality Of Fish Farming. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:04

To my activist friends I want to share a consideration up front. I’m super aware that as animals rights activists we can often draw a clear line in the sand. We can get pretty black or white. I can get very black or white. Animal exploitation is bad. Unnecessary. Cruel, immoral and utterly unacceptable. That is, and always will be my line in the ... READ MORE

 The 6 Core Pillars Of Basic Health And The Biology Of Stress With TJ Loeffler. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:59

Todays conversation with Keynote Speaker and Life Coach TJ Loeffler is a little diversion away from my usual focus on animal rights and veganism however it’s absolutely aligned with creating a healthy body and mind. TJ is Founder & Lead Coach at Loeffler International where he and his team guide clients through personal awakening and professional transitions both via a signature 6 week boot camp and ... READ MORE


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